The abuse of Greta

Coyote said:
Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
Yes, As A Matter Of Fact
The Left DID Go On About Baron, Didn't They ??

Is Baron Being Used To Push A Political Agenda
Is Baron Being Used To Push Anything By Anyone ??
...Except Being Mocked By Leftists

Great Equivalence
Glad You Brought That Out
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Coyote said:
I didn’t realize that made it ok to attack a child’s appearance, disability, or intelligence.
You Just Listed Why It's Evil To Exploit This Child
But You Don't Seem To Mind She's Being Exploited ??
^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.
Actually...what this is showing is not that a child can not be criticized, but that there are those who are incapable of criticizing her ideas and instead resort to attacks on her appearance, disability, and intelligence.

What ideas has she promoted?

The world is going to end? It isn't.

That we have stolen her dreams and her childhood? We haven't.

That people are suffering and dying? Since the world began, but not because of climate change.. All ADULTS know and understand this.

Entire ecosystems are collapsing? They aren't.

That we are in the middle of a 'mass extinction?', we aren't.

If, and this is huge if, we are in the midsts of all that, then it will take money (Much more than is currently on hand today if we confiscated all money), and a sustainable means of generating the money to keep her from losing her childhood. Yet she claims that we can do all this without money or 'eternal economic growth'.

These statements are taken from her. Do you see any ideas? What data has she provided to back up her outburst?

She wishes to cut our output by more than half because SHE is afraid.

What will she be willing to do to achieve this?

No heat in winter.
No cooling in summer.
Walk to school and work.
Cook food with ONLY the wood she can gather from her immediate location, or better yet, eat everything raw.
Will she abandon her computer, her iPads/tablets, and her phone?

Did she walk back home from the UN?

Has she apologized for the clothing she is wearing?


She rudely spouted talking points given to her by someone else.

All of what I just typed is NOT an attack on her, but an acknowledgment that she hasn't made an argument to refute.

Emotional accusations are not arguments.
hadit said:
She wasn't attacking the girl. She simply noted that the girl is being used as a shield to deflect criticism from her ideas. That is accurate, and is in no way an attack.
Pretty Obvious
But The Leftist Mind Translates And Interprets What It Sees And Hears
And Now It's Latched On To The Narrative The Girl Is The Target
So It Puts You On The Defensive

See How That Works ??
jc456 said:
Why did they put her out in public then? What was their purpose to do that?
Yes, I Would Like To Know How She Was Selected
And Who It Was That Got Her Ball Rolling
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

She's the one who came over and started taunting, "how dare you" in some evil twisted way, lashing out saying she won't forgive anyone. Hey, she opened herself up for ridicule.

Hmm sounds a lot like the Catholic kid that smirked and taunted a Native American. I guess according to your standards of behavior that justifies adults shredding his character.

He was just a private individual carrying on his business.

If Democrats get to make fun of regular people, Americans sure as hell make fun of their political actors.
^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.
Actually...what this is showing is not that a child can not be criticized, but that there are those who are incapable of criticizing her ideas and instead resort to attacks on her appearance, disability, and intelligence.


Well, first of all, they aren't her ideas. She's just a face. Her brain isn't even fully developed yet. And as buttercup mentioned, a very strategically planted face.

To conform to her terms of controversy is to default to her narrative (actually's terms of controversy and narrative since they're the ones handling her, its organizers and funders being Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates as well as George Soros and others)
----------------------------------- yep , what is she , she is 16 years old and many times I hear the claim that these your younger boneheads don't even have a fully formed brain till 26 years of age . Anyway , to those that matter like President TRUMP , well I don't think that he is buying into 'greta' .
Norman said:
He was just a private individual carrying on his business.

If Democrats get to make fun of regular people, Americans sure as hell make fun of their political actors.
No Matter How Many Pics You Post
Or Even The Full Length Video With The Fake Israelites
They'll Still Call A Turn The Other Cheek Smile A Smirk
And Say He Got In The Injun's Face
When The Drumming Phoney Had To Cross The Street
And HE Picked Out The Boy To Smell His Breath
So While Leftists Were Using Children As Tools
To Save The World With Marches The Children Didn't Organize
With Slogans The Children Didn't Write

Conservatives Were The One's Cleaning Up The Environment
Not Everyone Was A Trumper
So It's The Right Trying To Bring People Together

#ThePersistence on Twitter
Your cowardly desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by made up bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

you are such an internet tough guy, attacking a 16 year old!


Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

View attachment 280851

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

Oh, got it. YOu want to make the thread about me again.

Is that your way of admitting you lost?

No, I was addressing the point you made in your post.
"Only in MAGA land would people compare the Covington Catholic boys to Greta Thunberg. The latter campaigns to save the planet, while the former do tomahawk chops and wear MAGA hats and hire PR firms to save their own asses. Your side's activists suck, truly..."

by Time Wise
One is backed by a religious school, parents and teachres, the other by multi-million dollar corporations. :45:
From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.

people with her conditions are often mistaken for being rude as they lack some of the innate social skills most people have.

Perhaps a little charity on your part would be appropriate...the term 'be the adult in the room" comes to mind.

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
Why do you consider a 16 year old girl who is passionate about the environment to be your enemy?

Why can’t you just disagree on the issue?

I am expressing my disagreement, and golf is attacking me for expressing it.

This is the vile trick people like you have sunk to. Pick a spokesperson from a group that was traditionally to be protected or respected, and use them to make your attacks for you,

and when those you attack, fight back, act shocked that they would attack a child, or a gold star family, or what have you.

That type of fucking shit, RW? That is not the type of shit you do to someone whom you just have a political disagreement with.

That is the type of shit you do to someone you want to see destroyed.

YOUR ACTIONS show that you and yours are my enemy.

Did she present her arguments in a respectful and civil manner?
Does that somehow condone adults calling a child a Nazi, a retard and attacking her parents?

Who is held to a higher standard of behavior?

Why did you not answer the question?

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple fucking question?

And why should I answer your fucking questions, when you refuse to answer mine?

OK...I will answer your question
But let’s establish the conditions

You spell out what she said that was disrespectful. Please detail anything that is a personal attack or name calling

I will do the same with what Conservatives are saying about her

Then we can compare notes

I asked if she presented her arguments in a respectful and civil manner.

Your response is to demand that I "spell out what she said that was disrespectful"?

You don't even understand the concept of a real question.

Possibly because it has been so long since you actually asked one.

Seriously. something is seriously fucking wrong with you.
You failed a simple request

You claim she is disrespectful and I asked what specifically do you mean?
You are confident in attacking little girls, but are unable to justify why

I did not claim it. I asked you a question. You are insane. Or insanely dishonest.
Does that somehow condone adults calling a child a Nazi, a retard and attacking her parents?

Who is held to a higher standard of behavior?

Why did you not answer the question?

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple fucking question?

And why should I answer your fucking questions, when you refuse to answer mine?

OK...I will answer your question
But let’s establish the conditions

You spell out what she said that was disrespectful. Please detail anything that is a personal attack or name calling

I will do the same with what Conservatives are saying about her

Then we can compare notes

I asked if she presented her arguments in a respectful and civil manner.

Your response is to demand that I "spell out what she said that was disrespectful"?

You don't even understand the concept of a real question.

Possibly because it has been so long since you actually asked one.

Seriously. something is seriously fucking wrong with you.
You failed a simple request

You claim she is disrespectful and I asked what specifically do you mean?
You are confident in attacking little girls, but are unable to justify why

Given that a source of pride in Trump supporters is the disrespectful attitude of their leader towards others, why do they then care if Greta is “disrespectful”?

Civility is something you earn by being civil to others.

Those that Trump has been "disrespectful" to, have been disrespectful to US, for decades.

And I am not the one making an issue of "Disrespectful. Rightwinger is the one that brought it up. I am responding to his point(s) on it.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

THanks for admitting that your goal is an One Party State.

Actually, if I was American I'd want a multi-party state.

Your "deplorable" comment showed that you are an asshole.
From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.
Is 45 a model of civility?

Is that why you and your deranged ilk celebrate him so?

Civility is something earned by being civil to others. The vast majority of the people that Trump has been rude to, have been rude to US for decades.

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