The abuse of Greta

God created us to be stewards of this planet. Current climate change is due to us, it is just not some natural thing.
This is what these heathen bastards don't understand.

You got a bunch of ignorant fools running around the thread talking about "before we were here" and "the earth is X billion years old" and other such total NONSENSE!

We were created by God about 6000 years ago.

And as you said, we are stewards of this earth.

To those of you who don't know what that means, it means it doesn't belong to us to do as we please, it belongs to Him, and we are to care for it and be accountable to Him for what we do w/it.


Thankfully we have IM2, the devout Christian, to tell us about the will of God. Without him people would be completely out of the map.
God created us to be stewards of this planet.

I'm pretty sure G-d is more responsible than that.

Besides, if that were true, he wouldn't have created life on this planet 3.5 Billion Years before he created us.
Thankfully we have IM2, the devout Christian, to tell us about the will of God. Without him people would be completely out of the map.
Nevermind IM2 .

Are you accountable to God for what you do on this earth, or no?
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God created us to be stewards of this planet. Current climate change is due to us, it is just not some natural thing.
This is what these heathen bastards don't understand.

You got a bunch of ignorant fools running around the thread talking about "before we were here" and "the earth is X billion years old" and other such total NONSENSE!

We were created by God about 6000 years ago.

And as you said, we are stewards of this earth.

To those of you who don't know what that means, it means it doesn't belong to us to do as we please, it belongs to Him, and we are to care for it and be accountable to Him for what we do w/it.


This artifact is 35,000-40,000 years old.


This one is 42,000 years old...


These jewelry beads are 100,000 years old...


This painting bowl is also 100,000 years old...


This stone tool is 1.75 million years old...


Artifacts have been found that date as far back as 3 million years.
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This artifact is 35,000-40,000 years old.


This one is 42,000 years old...


These jewelry beads are 100,000 years old...


This painting bowl is also 100,000 years old...


This stone tool is 1.75 million years old...


Artifacts have been found that date as far back as 3 million years.
Talk about junk science.

Talk about junk science.

There are no sacred truths in science, Marc. I'm sorry.

Anyway. This thread is getting boring.

I'd encourage all to research Agenda 2030. Because that's what this obnoxious little girl has been placed front and center to represent. The organizations pushing Agenda 2030 are the same organization handling her. She was obviously put up there to solicit the maximum prescribed response from a predictably uncouth audience. As usual, just another planned endeavor by tyrants in order to justify raising the arbitrary victim status card. Know what I mean? It's like, aaaaww, leave us alone and let us have our global socialism and our Agenda 2030, us tyrants are the victims here. lol. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. lolol.

I'd like to know if the American taxpayer flipped the bill for her to come address our Congress.
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So prove, I am racist. Prove that I disagreed with Obama on his ideas just based on his skin color. You make accusation with absolutely no proof. I disagree with Democrats in general, I believe in conservative economics, I disapprove of adding to the debt, Obama added to it and I disagreed with him, I also disagreed with both Bush and Obama on their idea of "to big to fail". I dis agree with Trump adding to the debt, he campaigned on shrinking the debt and has let us down. I disagreed with healthcare that Obama purposed as it shifted the burden to the middle class. I disagreed with John McCain on his campaign finance reform as I knew that it would lead to bi problems down the road and it did, it was the cause of the Citizens United decision. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries in the 2000's as I felt he was a real conservative.

So prove your stupid point or STFU about it because I'll continue to call you out on you lie.
That's like an oxymoron. When have Republicans ever balanced a budget?

Not to mention, every time they get in Office a reccession follows.

How can you claim to be a fan of "conservative economics?"

Republicans add to the debt, just like Democrats, the last President to lower the debt was Coolidge, he was a Conservative.
When you post pictures of her next to those of Nazis
YES you are calling her a Nazi

WTF is wrong with Conservatives? Why do you personally attack teens in Parkland and here?

Have you no sense of decency?
We just have one more year and change before we relegate them to the BACK of the bus.

Have patience my friend, patience.

We'll put them in their place soon enough.

Talk about junk science.

There are no sacred truths in science, Marc. I'm sorry.

Anyway. This thread is getting boring.

I'd encourage all to research Agenda 2030. Because that's what this obnoxious little girl has been placed front and center to represent. The organizations pushing Agenda 2030 are the same organization handling her. She was obviously put up there to solicit the maximum prescribed response from a predictably uncouth audience. As usual, just another planned endeavor by tyrants in order to justify raising the arbitrary victim status card. Know what I mean? It's like, aaaaww, leave us alone and let us have our global socalism and our Agenda 2030, us tyrants are the victims here. lol. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. lolol.

I'd like to know if the American taxpayer flipped the bill for her to come address our Congress.
No, more than likely Al Gore or Rentzhog and his "We Don't Have Time" start up.


The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex [ACT I]
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex [ACT I]

". . . Rentzhog is a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders, where he is part of the European Climate Policy Task Force. He received his training in March 2017 by former US Vice President Al Gore in Denver, USA, and again in June 2018, in Berlin.

Founded in 2006, Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project is a partner of We Don’t Have Time.. . . . "
^^ This is precisely why the powers behind her use a child.... because children can't be criticized. As others have said, it's akin to using a human shield. Beyond low.

Here is a novel idea for you, attack her ideas and not her. If you do not agree with what she is saying, provide a counter argument. You attacking her does nothing to her message.

Replace the guy in the white coat with Greta, we are talking about the same damn thing. Now stop.
When you post pictures of her next to those of Nazis
YES you are calling her a Nazi

WTF is wrong with Conservatives? Why do you personally attack teens in Parkland and here?

Have you no sense of decency?
We just have one more year and change before we relegate them to the BACK of the bus.

Have patience my friend, patience.

We'll put them in their place soon enough.

Is that how you feel like you are being treated now?


D'Souza is an idiot.

God created us to be stewards of this planet.

I'm pretty sure G-d is more responsible than that.

Besides, if that were true, he wouldn't have created life on this planet 3.5 Billion Years before he created us.

The bible says that is our responsibility.
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God created us to be stewards of this planet. Current climate change is due to us, it is just not some natural thing.
This is what these heathen bastards don't understand.

You got a bunch of ignorant fools running around the thread talking about "before we were here" and "the earth is X billion years old" and other such total NONSENSE!

We were created by God about 6000 years ago.

And as you said, we are stewards of this earth.

To those of you who don't know what that means, it means it doesn't belong to us to do as we please, it belongs to Him, and we are to care for it and be accountable to Him for what we do w/it.


Thankfully we have IM2, the devout Christian, to tell us about the will of God. Without him people would be completely out of the map.

I'm repeating what I read in the bible. People like you have been wrong about everything for the last 400 years and what we see today is what God told us was going to come before his return. And it is all due to our refusal to follow his rule of law.

Last, Jesus made it plain what happens when you mistreat children who are doing his will. Not children wearing hats supporting the ideas of an evil man.
Can you quote where I attacked her? I posted a few funny memes today, is that an attack in your view? I actually defended her last night, when someone posted a vile sexual comment about her. Most of the memes people have been posting are making the point that she's a puppet. And those memes are for the gullible sheep who are falling for the alarmism scam.

He likely doesn't know that you're a Ron Paul small l libertarian if he's asking you to make a counter-argument against a stage prop fronting for the ideas of organizations and powerful Individuals who are pushing for global socialism. Because that's likely the very last thing I'd ask a small l Ron Paul libertarian to do. Especially one who knows a thing or three about activism at higher levels. It's like asking for an intellectual beatdown of monumental proportions in front of all of ones friends. Oh, Lawdy Mercy. Heh heh.

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When you post pictures of her next to those of Nazis
YES you are calling her a Nazi

WTF is wrong with Conservatives? Why do you personally attack teens in Parkland and here?

Have you no sense of decency?
We just have one more year and change before we relegate them to the BACK of the bus.

Have patience my friend, patience.

We'll put them in their place soon enough.

Is that how you feel like you are being treated now?

Turn black and find out.

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