The abuse of Greta

As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.

Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

The only thing worse than an angry rant is one that being delivered through a child proxy in order to give it a less angry appearance.

16 yr olds can be informed and knowledgeable, if often untempered by experience and wisdom. To automatically discount it as “regurgitation of what she has been told to say” says more about an implicit bias on the part of her attackers than about her level knowledge.
Bullshit. 16 year olds are more knowledgeable than 40 year-olds with PHDs and law degrees?

Do you really expect anyone to swallow that proposition?

Don't forget that her mental handicap gives her super-powers in this area. Not so inconceivable now, is it?
Yeah that’s going to be a great world to live in.
Personally, I can't wait.

Republicans can't be reasoned with, they need to be beaten back into the darkness from whence they came from.

The only thing they seem to understand is a proverbial foot up their ass, followed by a foot on their necks.

That's going to be happening here in due time.

I'm patiently waiting for it to unfold.

You mad marc, you wanna beat somebody. Whenever you figure out whats happening with the poles, cmes, increase in earthquakes, perturbations in planets, atmospheric changes occurring in planets, you'll let us know................right? Because right now, you dont know.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.
Oh bullsnot
Oh wipe your nose.
Still talking orders from kids are you?
I don’t take orders from you.
Yeah that’s going to be a great world to live in.
Personally, I can't wait.

Republicans can't be reasoned with, they need to be beaten back into the darkness from whence they came from.

The only thing they seem to understand is a proverbial foot up their ass, followed by a foot on their necks.

That's going to be happening here in due time.

I'm patiently waiting for it to unfold.

Cant be reasoned with? This coming from the left that cant figure out grown men in little girls bathrooms is wrong?

Cant be reasoned with? This coming from the left that cant figure out grown men wearing dresses competing in little girls sport events is wrong?

Cant be reasoned with? This coming from the left that cant figure out abortion is murder?

Cant be reasoned with? This coming from the left that cant figure out AGW is pure junk science, the earth is 4.5 billion and we only have around 30 years worth of acurate (still suspect) temperature data from satellite's ?

Cant be reasoned with? This coming from the left that cant figure out we have immigration laws in this country and we cant allow everyone that sneaks in?

No it's the left that cant be reasoned with, its always their way or the highway, they act like spoiled children when they cant understand the word NO .

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As an adult, you are free to criticize or correct what she is saying

But rather than do that, why do conservatives resort to bullying a child over her looks, her parents and her mental issues

As a conservative, do those actions make you proud?

Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.

Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

The only thing worse than an angry rant is one that being delivered through a child proxy in order to give it a less angry appearance.

16 yr olds can be informed and knowledgeable, if often untempered by experience and wisdom. To automatically discount it as “regurgitation of what she has been told to say” says more about an implicit bias on the part of her attackers than about her level knowledge.
Bullshit. 16 year olds are more knowledgeable than 40 year-olds with PHDs and law degrees?

Do you really expect anyone to swallow that proposition?
Do you ever bother to read what you comment on or does your mouth run before your brain engages?
So prove, I am racist. Prove that I disagreed with Obama on his ideas just based on his skin color. You make accusation with absolutely no proof. I disagree with Democrats in general, I believe in conservative economics, I disapprove of adding to the debt, Obama added to it and I disagreed with him, I also disagreed with both Bush and Obama on their idea of "to big to fail". I dis agree with Trump adding to the debt, he campaigned on shrinking the debt and has let us down. I disagreed with healthcare that Obama purposed as it shifted the burden to the middle class. I disagreed with John McCain on his campaign finance reform as I knew that it would lead to bi problems down the road and it did, it was the cause of the Citizens United decision. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries in the 2000's as I felt he was a real conservative.

So prove your stupid point or STFU about it because I'll continue to call you out on you lie.
That's like an oxymoron. When have Republicans ever balanced a budget?

Not to mention, every time they get in Office a reccession follows.

How can you claim to be a fan of "conservative economics?"

Recessions, are you kidding me. Clinton had a recession going when he left office. O ran up 8 trillion in debt.
Climate change has been occurring since before man existed and will continue on.
Gotta link?

You can't be serious. Maybe you are. Lol.
Leftists put a disabled dude to the fighting ring. Gets knocked down....

The leftists are outraged.

Class act. Don't want children to be knocked down? Don't put them in the ring.
Who knocked her down?

Let's see here, thus far we have...
  1. Self-professed conservatives shatting themselves the nation over.
  2. One radical far rightwing pundit got his ass fired for his nuttery.
  3. And the biggest media outlet, FOXNEWS, the communications arm of the GOP issued an apology to her.
Who's REALLY knocking the snot out of who here?

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Leftists put a disabled dude to the fighting ring. Gets knocked down....

The leftists are outraged.

Class act. Don't want children to be knocked down? Don't put them in the ring.
Who knocked her down?

Let's see here...

Thus far we have self-professed conservatives shatting themselves the nation over.
One radical far rightwing pundit got his ass fired for his nuttery.
And the biggest media outlet, FOXNEWS, the communication arm of the GOP issued an apology to her.

Who's knocking the snot out of who?


The Americans are kicking the butts of the far left political actors. That is who...

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

She's the one who came over and started taunting, "how dare you" in some evil twisted way, lashing out saying she won't forgive anyone. Hey, she opened herself up for ridicule.

Hmm sounds a lot like the Catholic kid that smirked and taunted a Native American. I guess according to your standards of behavior that justifies adults shredding his character.
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

She's the one who came over and started taunting, "how dare you" in some evil twisted way, lashing out saying she won't forgive anyone. Hey, she opened herself up for ridicule.

Hmm sounds a lot like the Catholic kid that smirked and taunted a Native American. I guess according to your standards of behavior that justifies adults shredding his character.

No, had she been polite, then there would be no need for opposition to throw barbs. Just saying that whenever one taunts and starts with their snarky behavior, theyd better be ready.
Do you realize what you just typed? She is your Charlie Manson leader.

Now that you mention Charles Mason... in my opinion....Gretard has the look of one of Mason followers, I can't recall her name at the moment.

Did you feel the same when people were calling Barron Trump autistic?

I did not realize that Barron Trump was an actor pushing for a political cause. Can we have a link?

Perhaps you share some genes on top of the (as retarded) political beliefs.

Don't want get kids to get called... don't nominate one as an actor for your cause. Don't want to be called a retard? Don't nominate a retard. This even a retard should understand, but not a democrat of course.
Oh sorry. I didn’t realize that made it ok to attack a child’s appearance, disability, or intelligence. Looks like I overestimated common decency on the part of some folks here.

"I didn't realize". Yes, you do not realize because you have a lot in common with the girl.

Now you perhaps understand why using children as political pawns is not such a smart idea, like the rest of us do.
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

She's the one who came over and started taunting, "how dare you" in some evil twisted way, lashing out saying she won't forgive anyone. Hey, she opened herself up for ridicule.

Hmm sounds a lot like the Catholic kid that smirked and taunted a Native American. I guess according to your standards of behavior that justifies adults shredding his character.

And yet that's what adults did. After you start living in the world of what is rather than what should be perhaps people will start taking you more seriously.

In this case, she was put up as a political actor. That makes her fair game. 16 year olds who steal or do any other stupid shit also get to live with the consequences of their actions, why should she be an exception?
Passionate rants, it doesn't matter whether they are about saving the planet or killing all the Jews aren't about discussion or debate. They are about shouting down debate and discussion.

You can't have a debate with an evangelist.

Meh. She is 16.

Which is precisely why she shouldn't be taken seriously. She is only regurgitating what she's been told to say.

The only thing worse than an angry rant is one that being delivered through a child proxy in order to give it a less angry appearance.

16 yr olds can be informed and knowledgeable, if often untempered by experience and wisdom. To automatically discount it as “regurgitation of what she has been told to say” says more about an implicit bias on the part of her attackers than about her level knowledge.
Bullshit. 16 year olds are more knowledgeable than 40 year-olds with PHDs and law degrees?

Do you really expect anyone to swallow that proposition?
Do you ever bother to read what you comment on or does your mouth run before your brain engages?
Yes I do read what I comment on. What do you imagine I missed?
God created us to be stewards of this planet. Current climate change is due to us, it is just not some natural thing.
This is what these heathen bastards can't seem to understand or get through their thick skulls.

You got a bunch of ignorant fools running around the thread talking about "before we were here" and "the earth is X billion years old" and other such total NONSENSE!

We were created by God about 6000 years ago.

And as you said, we are stewards of this earth.

To those of you who don't know what that means, it means it doesn't belong to us to do as we please, it belongs to Him, and we are to care for it and be accountable to Him for what we do w/it.

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