The abuse of Greta

So, no citation.

You will find what you need if you read the bible.
The News Is Very Protective of Teenagers, Unless They’re Wearing MAGA Hats.

They didn’t care about Nick Sandmann, and they don’t care about Greta Thunberg. They don’t care about anybody as an individual. We’re all just pawns to them. If we can’t or won’t do what they demand, they have no use for us.

No wonder they’re always so angry.

And for those print journalists, the newspaper industry is ever-downsizing, and the looming fear of unemployment adds additional fuel to those eco-apocalyptic fantasies.
From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.
Is 45 a model of civility?

Is that why you and your deranged ilk celebrate him so?
I for one tend to not listen to people that do not respect others. To me she was disrespectful to the U.N. other than that, I wish her well and I hope she has a good trip back home.
So, I take it, you never listen to Trump then? Based on your stated standard that is.
This kid is the new gimmick brought to you by globalist democrats.
Who all are a part of this globalist democrats" you speak of?

I've never heard that term before.

Quite frankly, sounds like it was made up by our local rabid rightwingers.

Do expound.
"Only in MAGA land would people compare the Covington Catholic boys to Greta Thunberg. The latter campaigns to save the planet, while the former do tomahawk chops and wear MAGA hats and hire PR firms to save their own asses. Your side's activists suck, truly..."

by Time Wise

You will find what you need if you read the bible.

I have, in the original...


It's not in there.
"Only in MAGA land would people compare the Covington Catholic boys to Greta Thunberg. The latter campaigns to save the planet, while the former do tomahawk chops and wear MAGA hats and hire PR firms to save their own asses. Your side's activists suck, truly..."

by Time Wise
What happened to little aoc ?
Go threaten a little girl and her families lives for doing home spun comedy and then get back to us ..silenced with threats of violence for just kidding around on you tube

Greta, the catlick boy , Hogg,

All exploited and abused by the sicko misfit left for whatever agenda of the day they're crying about
Did you feel the same when the Catholic school kid was almost attacked and killed by the African American men in D.C. while calling him every vile racial and homophobic name in the book. There was a couple months of insults going on in forums for that. All for wearing a damn hat that was a political slogan. The purveyors of real hate have ridden that one good. None of them care.

I feel the same about any kid attacked, whether they they are passionate about a political slogan or passionate about the environment. How about you? Are you partisanly selective?

So relieved that Coyote is here with her superior morals! Where can we see the tirades about abuse of Barron Trump, whose sin was being related to Donald J. Trump? I don't recall seeing any posts. The morals seem to be quite selective regarding when they assert themselves.

Where this rule come out of anyway? People have been making kids since day one, for any reason. It was irresponsible as fuck for leftists to choose the retarded girl as their idol.

You don’t recall seeing any posts because you are either too fucking lazy or too incompetent to actually look for them. A number of folks on here that are disgusted with the level of attacks on Greta were also disgusted with the baseless attacks on Barron. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

She's the one who came over and started taunting, "how dare you" in some evil twisted way, lashing out saying she won't forgive anyone. Hey, she opened herself up for ridicule.

Hmm sounds a lot like the Catholic kid that smirked and taunted a Native American. I guess according to your standards of behavior that justifies adults shredding his character.
More crap you believe that never happened. Is there any left wing bullshit you won’t fall for?
When teenagers aren't busy telling us how to live, they are gluing their lips.

Oh look, just when I thought the trends were over, another one rolls on by and knocks us off our feet. Cool, cool, cool. This time around, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Turns out these teenagers are apparently gluing their upper lip to make them fuller.

Yes, you read that right, gluing their lips. So dumb, that I don’t even have the energy to make a stupid joke about it. Because that’s exactly what it is…stupid. Apparently, women are now using glue as their new “superpower beauty tool” to pucker up their top lip, to look like Kylie Jenner.
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

As I'm sure has been widely discussed on this long thread, she is not well. At all.

Shame on her parents
22lcidw said:
Al of that eco green food has blocked her bowels and given her nasty facial contortions.
It's True
Everyone Knows Vegan Is A Nutrient Deficient Diet
That's Why She Is Under Developed And Looks 10

Get A Load Of THIS:
Vegan parents of malnourished baby avoid jail
An Australian couple who put their baby daughter on a strict vegan diet that left her severely malnourished
have avoided serving a jail sentence...
The girl, now three, was so malnourished she looked like a three-month-old at 19 months.

If Her Body Is That Under Developed Because Of Her Diet
Think Her Diet Has Anything To Do With Her Mental Conditions ??
Well...That And Her Parent's World View
Her Sister Seems To Have A Bunch Of Problems Too
22lcidw said:
Al of that eco green food has blocked her bowels and given her nasty facial contortions.
It's True
Everyone Knows Vegan Is A Nutrient Deficient Diet
That's Why She Is Under Developed And Looks 10

Get A Load Of THIS:
Vegan parents of malnourished baby avoid jail
An Australian couple who put their baby daughter on a strict vegan diet that left her severely malnourished
have avoided serving a jail sentence...
The girl, now three, was so malnourished she looked like a three-month-old at 19 months.

If Her Body Is That Under Developed Because Of Her Diet
Think Her Diet Has Anything To Do With Her Mental Conditions ??
Well...That And Her Parent's World View
Her Sister Seems To Have A Bunch Of Problems Too

Could be a chicken/egg type situation. She had severe OCD/eating disorders when she was younger and refused to eat for long stretches of time. You're right in that I don't know why that would be inhibiting her growth now though...she does look very small for a 16 yo
SweetSue92 said:
You're right in that I don't know why that would be inhibiting her growth now though...she does look very small for a 16 yo
She Was Nutrient Deficient Through The Most Developmental Part Of Her Life ??
Nutrient Deficiency Wouldn't Affect The Development Of Her Brain Too ??
rightwinger said:
Do you condone the way Conservatives are attacking this child?
Do You Condone The Way Her Parents Shoved Her Out There ??
The Prince Of Monaco Let Her Sail On His Yacht Because Greta Asked ??

I Wanna Sail His Yacht Too !!

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