The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

I did like my doctors.

I did keep my doctors.

Obamacare didn't take my doctors from me. It didn't do anything but make my existing employer provided insurance much better.

Now, conservatives are not only taking my doctors from me, you're taking my insurance and access to health care from me.

Thus causing me to die an unnecessary early death.

Aren't you proud of yourselves?

It didn't really effect Group at all, Group was mostly in compliance already. The ACA crushed the individual market.
Stop with the estrogen fueld hyperbole, you have NO idea as to what will or won't happen.
What happens when they get sick? They should die in the street?

That depends. The appropriate support begging list would be (in order):

Private Charities

Then, assuming nobody can or will help - Death.

For me personally; my plan if I ever cannot support myself is - 230 grains of .45 ACP+P up under the chin with a slight rearward cant.
Soo...Trump Is now an excuse for Obama’s stupidity?

Good luck with that one.

Go back under your bed........and learn better reading comprehension.
Nat, you have always been a logical person.

Is Obama the cause of a Bush stupidity? Is Bush the cause of a Clinton stupidity?

How far back should we take this?

Near as I can tell there is NOTHING logical about him. All partisan, nothing more.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

I did like my doctors.

I did keep my doctors.

Obamacare didn't take my doctors from me. It didn't do anything but make my existing employer provided insurance much better.

Now, conservatives are not only taking my doctors from me, you're taking my insurance and access to health care from me.

Thus causing me to die an unnecessary early death.

Aren't you proud of yourselves?

It didn't really effect Group at all, Group was mostly in compliance already. The ACA crushed the individual market.
Stop with the estrogen fueld hyperbole, you have NO idea as to what will or won't happen.

What was the Indy market before ? Everyone forgets that rates have been rising for decades. And cheap plan was really garbage .
you do know subsidies help drive prices up....

No..I don't know that.

I do know that taking out the individual mandate increased premiums

And now the GOP wants to use the fact that they did that to kill the whole thing
If you don't know that then you should...Your economic illiteracy is definitely part of the problem.
High risk pool, just like high risk drivers.

No free lunch, comrade.

That was in response to the loss of the pre-existing condition mandate

Follow along kiddies.

The GOP Congress stripped the individual mandate out of Obamacare...and now a law suit is being pushed claiming that without the individual mandate that Obamacare is now unconstitutional.

The Trump Admin has said they will refuse to defend against this lawsuit.

If these sleezeballs win this lawsuit the ACA goes away...along with the the pre-existing conditions mandate they "swore" to protect.

Wonderful folks Republicans huh?

Life's tough.
Shit happens.
Wear a fucking helmet.

These Republicans are great huh?

Yea sign ME up....Christ...why does anyone vote Republican...
I'm not a republican....Seems there're a whole shit-ton of things that are completely over your head.
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Whatever party successfully passes universal healthcare by deriving funds from taxing tobacco,sugar products and booze will be the party that dominates American politics. It will save our country from going bankrupt with the dozen or so hodgepodge systems currently in place or proposed; all of which are tailored to benefit BigPharma & BigHealth Insurance at the expense of the US Treasury (you know, We the Taxpayers who are dying as a result of this pandering)..

We already have universal healthcare, its the get a job and pay for your own damn health insurance act.
I HAVE a job which doesn't offer health insurance.

Then get a real job, I don't work overtime so I can pay for YOUR health insurance. I also don't work overtime to pay your electric bill, your breakfast, or any of YOUR other bills.
Providing for the general welfare is a general power, and we should be be promoting the general welfare over the general warfare at every opportunity.
Whatever party successfully passes universal healthcare by deriving funds from taxing tobacco,sugar products and booze will be the party that dominates American politics. It will save our country from going bankrupt with the dozen or so hodgepodge systems currently in place or proposed; all of which are tailored to benefit BigPharma & BigHealth Insurance at the expense of the US Treasury (you know, We the Taxpayers who are dying as a result of this pandering)..

We already have universal healthcare, its the get a job and pay for your own damn health insurance act.
I HAVE a job which doesn't offer health insurance. If it weren't for subsidies, I don't know anyone who could pay for their own.
This is going to piss a lot of people off next year when ACA completely crashes, and they will know who to blame
you do know subsidies help drive prices up....

Subsidies means someone else works overtime to pay their bills. I can't abide moochers.

You broke it, you bought it
Now explain to voters you don’t know what to do next
Republicans didn't break jack shit...The entire bureaucratic Rube Goldberg was built to fail.

ACA was designed to go broke and FORCE government to increase taxes to pay for it. This was always a TAX INCREASE SCAM from the get go.

Tax increases are not popular, they can't muster the votes. So the Dem's idea was pass this behemoth now, then later when its virtually impossible to get rid of pretend that government has no choice but to raise taxes to pay for it.
The Dem's old 'government has to pay its bills' crap, you know after they spend and spend like there's no tomorrow on borrowed money.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

I did like my doctors.

I did keep my doctors.

Obamacare didn't take my doctors from me. It didn't do anything but make my existing employer provided insurance much better.

Now, conservatives are not only taking my doctors from me, you're taking my insurance and access to health care from me.

Thus causing me to die an unnecessary early death.

Aren't you proud of yourselves?

It didn't really effect Group at all, Group was mostly in compliance already. The ACA crushed the individual market.
Stop with the estrogen fueld hyperbole, you have NO idea as to what will or won't happen.

What was the Indy market before ? Everyone forgets that rates have been rising for decades. And cheap plan was really garbage .

Not like this. You can't make a company insure a person with Cancer for 700 bucks to pay out 100's of thousands. The numbers don't work.
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
A Texas judge has responded to a suit filed by 20 AGs from republican states by ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional without the individual mandate a republican congress removed.

For ten years republicans have not been able to agree on a replacement for Obamacare even when they controlled both houses and the presidency. Now they are going to have to deal with the problem with a democratic House and an election coming up. At stake is the lost of coverage for 20 million people. Also 130 million people with preexisting conditions are put in jeopardy.

Republicans boasting that they have repealed Obamacare to millions of people who lost their insurance is not likely to win votes.

You sir are incorrect, the individual mandate is alive and well, what went away was the associated tax. (penalty) So don't be spreading misinformation, there's already enough of that out there.

NO insurance company could just drop you because you got sick.

When the ACA goes away that can....

Before obamacare yes I knew of insurance companies that would drop you if you got sick and that was called underwriting at time of claim. If the new sickness or disease by any remote chance be tied to a pre x they would not pay claims and drop you. Believe me there were a few that could and would do that back then. Why do you think some of the companies now do not operate in all counties or states? But normally the application was underwritten before approval and you would receive an exclusion for certain things or completely denied. But there are and were state laws and it depends if is a state is letting an insurance company operate in the respective state, domestic or foreign.

There was always a two year look back, it could have been eliminated with some simple up front due diligence by Acme Insurance Company.

Yes, there was and some companies did their due diligence and let you know up front if you were going to have an exclusion, rate up or be declined. One company in Florida would decline you if you had any kind of cancer in the last 10 years regardless if you had been cancer free. Then they lightened up on breast cancer if there had been cancer free 2 years and off all medications for that particular cancer.

Now on to one I can specifically relate to is GR denying a claim and cancelling the policy on a lady who had been cancer free for 5 years and on no meds, had another problem went to doctor and GR said she had lied on application which she had not and the question was have you ever been declined for insurance, she answered yes by another company a couple years after going into remission. Well anyway it happened and you know it doc.
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....

That one judge took insurance from over 20 million Americans with that ruling.

I will be one of them as of January 1 2020.

The employer provided insurance I've had since 1988, will end on that day. I got divorced. I am able to stay on that insurance for 3 years. It runs out that day.

I've paid into that private employer provided insurance since 1988. Literally tens of thousands of dollars over all those decades.

I didn't do anything but get divorced. That's all. But because of that I will lose the insurance I've had since 1988.

Because I had the audacity to fight for my life with everything I had and beat breast cancer I'm now preexisting condition.

With a swipe of a pen that judge made it illegal to have preexisting conditions clauses protections by federal and state level. So if any state writes any law to protect those with preexisting conditions, it will be struck down by the courts so no one can ever have protections for preexisting conditions again.

I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Not at any price because I had the audacity to fight and beat breast cancer. No insurance company will sell it to me. If something isn't done to provide insurance to people like me, I will never even be able to get a mammogram to find out if that cancer has returned to kill me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past. Even though they had full mastectomies, the cancer returned and killed them. That judge just sentenced me to an unnecessary early death.

Everyone will be preexisting condition at some point in their life. It won't be their own fault. They just got sick. Or they were like me just standing on the shoreline at the beach when monster 15 ft waves fell on me nearly killing me, putting me in a coma the doctors didn't think I would wake from. I did wake from it but was left with stenosis, sclerosis, degenerative disk disease in my spine with nerve damage in my hands and arms. I've been declared legally disabled by 2 judges and social security. I don't qualify for any disability support. I qualify medically but not financially. A person can't have more than 2 thousand dollars in money and assets to qualify for disability. I also don't qualify financially for medicaid. The same type financial qualifications apply and they go back 5 years so if you've had any assets above the cap in the last 5 years you can't get medicaid. No one knows when they're going to be in an accident that will make them disabled. They can be like me and a perfectly health 40 something year old and in the blink of an eye, I became disabled and preexisting condition. A car accident can make you preexisting condition. I had 3 surgeries because of that accident. One of those surgeries found the cancer. Imagine you're in a surgeon's office for a follow up to your surgery when he looks you in the eye and tells you that a very deadly form of cancer was found during that surgery. That happened to me. It can happen to anyone. Even one of you conservatives.

You conservatives need to seriously think about reality.

That judge also made it illegal to have capitalism private insurance coverage regulations. That judge basically outlawed any government regulated private insurance so now the insurance companies set the rules and we all know what that will do. Watch your premiums skyrocket for any reason the insurance company wants. Watch your coverage be cut at the same time.

That judge just made single payer the only option left for health care reform.

So all the people who are cheering this are going to be facing single payer health care reform soon since conservatives took a capitalism private insurance based health care out of most people's hands. When that happens employers will switch their employees over to that single payer plan because it will be cheaper.

Conservatives shouldn't be cheering this. It's going to cause millions of Americans to die needless early deaths but I know that doesn't bother conservatives. This will, now you're going to get single payer with your tax dollars paying for it.

You conservatives only have yourselves to blame.

Don't get ahead of yourself has to work it's way through the courts.

Remember Trump years ago called for single payer and of course if any form is past he will blame the dems even if he signs it. I wouldn't get to excited about this for awhile.
What happens when they get sick? They should die in the street?

That depends. The appropriate support begging list would be (in order):

Private Charities

Then, assuming nobody can or will help - Death.

For me personally; my plan if I ever cannot support myself is - 230 grains of .45 ACP+P up under the chin with a slight rearward cant.

Well that’s a good plan. How about we just let the diseased people sicken all of us .
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
ACA was unconstitutional from its inception. Violation of Commerce Clause.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

I did like my doctors.

I did keep my doctors.

Obamacare didn't take my doctors from me. It didn't do anything but make my existing employer provided insurance much better.

Now, conservatives are not only taking my doctors from me, you're taking my insurance and access to health care from me.

Thus causing me to die an unnecessary early death.

Aren't you proud of yourselves?

It didn't really effect Group at all, Group was mostly in compliance already. The ACA crushed the individual market.
Stop with the estrogen fueld hyperbole, you have NO idea as to what will or won't happen.

What was the Indy market before ? Everyone forgets that rates have been rising for decades. And cheap plan was really garbage .

Not like this. You can't make a company insure a person with Cancer for 700 bucks to pay out 100's of thousands. The numbers don't work.

Right . So just let people die in the street . Poor , elderly , those who chose to have horrible diseases like cancers .

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