The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
ACA was unconstitutional from its inception. Violation of Commerce Clause.

No accoroding to the Supreme Court .
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
ACA was unconstitutional from its inception. Violation of Commerce Clause.

No accoroding to the Supreme Court .
Roberts was wrong in his opinion. Let the Court rule on it post removal of the penalty that forced people to buy a product. Roberts said it was a “tax” and referenced the Necessary and Proper Clause. That is moot now.
Well that’s a good plan. How about we just let the diseased people sicken all of us .

I live behind a fence on a private street. I work in a secure facility. I’ve reduced what was already a fairly minimal contact with the general public in the last two months. I’m not terribly concerned about people like that.

If nothing else I’m armed most of the time and I have no problem shooting people who I believe are a threat to me, in one way or another.
Well that’s a good plan. How about we just let the diseased people sicken all of us .

I live behind a fence on a private street. I work in a secure facility. I’ve reduced what was already a fairly minimal contact with the general public in the last two months. I’m not terribly concerned about people like that.

If nothing else I’m armed most of the time and I have no problem shooting people who I believe are a threat to me, in one way or another.

Wow . A true hero . Do you grow and prepare your own food too?
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
A Texas judge has responded to a suit filed by 20 AGs from republican states by ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional without the individual mandate a republican congress removed.

For ten years republicans have not been able to agree on a replacement for Obamacare even when they controlled both houses and the presidency. Now they are going to have to deal with the problem with a democratic House and an election coming up. At stake is the lost of coverage for 20 million people. Also 130 million people with preexisting conditions are put in jeopardy.

Republicans boasting that they have repealed Obamacare to millions of people who lost their insurance is not likely to win votes.

You sir are incorrect, the individual mandate is alive and well, what went away was the associated tax. (penalty) So don't be spreading misinformation, there's already enough of that out there.


Word . It can come back at any time . Bam! Suddenly you owe back taxes !
High risk pool, just like high risk drivers.

No free lunch, comrade.

That was in response to the loss of the pre-existing condition mandate

Follow along kiddies.

The GOP Congress stripped the individual mandate out of Obamacare...and now a law suit is being pushed claiming that without the individual mandate that Obamacare is now unconstitutional.

The Trump Admin has said they will refuse to defend against this lawsuit.

If these sleezeballs win this lawsuit the ACA goes away...along with the the pre-existing conditions mandate they "swore" to protect.

Wonderful folks Republicans huh?

Life's tough.
Shit happens.
Wear a fucking helmet.

These Republicans are great huh?

Yea sign ME up....Christ...why does anyone vote Republican...

Only to irritate liberals...dumbass.
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
A Texas judge has responded to a suit filed by 20 AGs from republican states by ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional without the individual mandate a republican congress removed.

For ten years republicans have not been able to agree on a replacement for Obamacare even when they controlled both houses and the presidency. Now they are going to have to deal with the problem with a democratic House and an election coming up. At stake is the lost of coverage for 20 million people. Also 130 million people with preexisting conditions are put in jeopardy.

Republicans boasting that they have repealed Obamacare to millions of people who lost their insurance is not likely to win votes.

You sir are incorrect, the individual mandate is alive and well, what went away was the associated tax. (penalty) So don't be spreading misinformation, there's already enough of that out there.


Word . It can come back at any time . Bam! Suddenly you owe back taxes !
Wow...your so elated over taxes and an overbearing federal government stealing money from the people. The Mafia, like Obama, uses fear to get its way.
No private insurance company can cover all pre-existing conditions. A knee operation, sure, a brain operation, no. We spend $3T a year on healthcare....the same number it would cost taxpayers to fund single-payer but with single-payer you get the inevitable death panels. Who gets the new at 71 or the 20 year old who ruined his liver with narcotics? the kid, that's who...and he'll owe his life to the commies and they'll make sure he never forgets it, while I kick either kick the bucket or cut somebody else's liver out and kidnap and hide the doc's family until he promises to put my victim's liver inside me....hopefully where it belongs.

The trick is to make all hospitals community-funded, require medical school residents to work pro bono at county clinics that service the indigent. And put these clinics in decent settings, not just skid row where regular folks won't go.

End the regions that give certain insurance companies monopolies....I believe that may already be done by Trump so I can buy insurance from a company in Florida while living in Arizona. Trump also just cut the cost of prescription drugs. Trump can solve healthcare like everything else he touches if the Rats would get the fuck out of his way and help when asked.
In the same way that conservatives have mocked democrats over the possibility that taxes would have to be raised on this country's ultra-rich as "political suicide," the eradication of the ACA is the beginning of a death knell for every republican who would vote to declare this law as null and void.

Sure, it is "good" rhetoric to run a conservative campaign on repealing the ACA but the reality of ACTUALLY tearing it down should scare the crap out of these hypocritical demagogues.

Repealing the law may evoke the cheers of ignorant and poorly educated voters, but the REPLACEMENT of this life-saving law has these conservative politicians fearing for their miserable political existence.

I am actually "glad" that a conservative district judge has ruled the ACA "unconstitutional" because such a ruling is taking the argument from just moronic rhetoric the reality of having to stake one's sorry ass on the line as these same moronic voters FINALLY realize that their health care insurance will either be revoked, or their premiums will be raised high enough to cause a stroke.....
A Texas judge has responded to a suit filed by 20 AGs from republican states by ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional without the individual mandate a republican congress removed.

For ten years republicans have not been able to agree on a replacement for Obamacare even when they controlled both houses and the presidency. Now they are going to have to deal with the problem with a democratic House and an election coming up. At stake is the lost of coverage for 20 million people. Also 130 million people with preexisting conditions are put in jeopardy.

Republicans boasting that they have repealed Obamacare to millions of people who lost their insurance is not likely to win votes.

You sir are incorrect, the individual mandate is alive and well, what went away was the associated tax. (penalty) So don't be spreading misinformation, there's already enough of that out there.


Word . It can come back at any time . Bam! Suddenly you owe back taxes !

LMAO, can you say ex post facto law? I'm not subject to that unconstitutional shit anyway. Ponder that commie.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
Yet you seem completely oblivious to the fact that it is The State, to whom you are looking for a solution, that is the biggest problem in the first place.

Everything form Medicare, Medicaid, state run monopolies and must-issue mandates, ad nausem, have all acted to cause massive distortions in the natural marketplace, all of which have driven up costs....And your "solution" is basically to call for more leeches and another blood letting.

I don't look to the state for anything beyond not making it legal for an insurance company to deny me a policy or making the policy so expensive I can't afford it.

I don't want or need the state to give me insurance.

Now because of that judge, I'm going to have to either die a needless early death or leave America.

Since we all know the republicans aren't going to pass any reform that will allow people like me to either have or afford insurance, I have very few options left to me other than stay here and die a needless early death.

Before the ACA 45 thousand Americans died each year because they were denied insurance thus denied health care.

That's going to return plus that figure will increase and I will be one of the people in that figure.

If it can happen to me. It can happen to you too.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

I did like my doctors.

I did keep my doctors.

Obamacare didn't take my doctors from me. It didn't do anything but make my existing employer provided insurance much better.

Now, conservatives are not only taking my doctors from me, you're taking my insurance and access to health care from me.

Thus causing me to die an unnecessary early death.

Aren't you proud of yourselves?

It didn't really effect Group at all, Group was mostly in compliance already. The ACA crushed the individual market.
Stop with the estrogen fueld hyperbole, you have NO idea as to what will or won't happen.

What was the Indy market before ? Everyone forgets that rates have been rising for decades. And cheap plan was really garbage .

Not like this. You can't make a company insure a person with Cancer for 700 bucks to pay out 100's of thousands. The numbers don't work.

Right . So just let people die in the street . Poor , elderly , those who chose to have horrible diseases like cancers .

How very effeminate of you.
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Leach, Obama's fascist care is an overpriced insurance con. It provides no care at all. The quality of actual care has declined radically since fascist care was illegally imposed.
I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
Yet you seem completely oblivious to the fact that it is The State, to whom you are looking for a solution, that is the biggest problem in the first place.

Everything form Medicare, Medicaid, state run monopolies and must-issue mandates, ad nausem, have all acted to cause massive distortions in the natural marketplace, all of which have driven up costs....And your "solution" is basically to call for more leeches and another blood letting.

I don't look to the state for anything beyond not making it legal for an insurance company to deny me a policy or making the policy so expensive I can't afford it.

I don't want or need the state to give me insurance.

Now because of that judge, I'm going to have to either die a needless early death or leave America.

Since we all know the republicans aren't going to pass any reform that will allow people like me to either have or afford insurance, I have very few options left to me other than stay here and die a needless early death.

Before the ACA 45 thousand Americans died each year because they were denied insurance thus denied health care.

That's going to return plus that figure will increase and I will be one of the people in that figure.

If it can happen to me. It can happen to you too.

Then just end it. We're sick of hearing about it.
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Leach, Obama's fascist care is an overpriced insurance con. It provides no care at all. The quality of actual care has declined radically since fascist care was illegally imposed.
Pure bullshit. You'll say anything to attack healthcare
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Leach, Obama's fascist care is an overpriced insurance con. It provides no care at all. The quality of actual care has declined radically since fascist care was illegally imposed.
Pure bullshit. You'll say anything to attack healthcare

Again stupid, the ACA isn't healthcare.

Learn what the fuck it is you are talking about.
Oh they are dead set on taking away our healthcare...even though they campaigned on NOT doing so just a few months ago.

Leach, Obama's fascist care is an overpriced insurance con. It provides no care at all. The quality of actual care has declined radically since fascist care was illegally imposed.
Pure bullshit. You'll say anything to attack healthcare

The quality has not declined at all but the affordability has.

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