The ACLU gets stuffed, as well they should

Go about your lives, Lucy and bed wetter, and let others do the same.

You are not in charge of anyone's morals.

And yet you propose that your morals supersede others.

Says the hypocrite. Act like Lucy and bed wetter or Howey or whomever, I will call you out as well.

You are not special, marty. Maybe spec ed, but that is a different issue for you.
Go about your lives, Lucy and bed wetter, and let others do the same.

You are not in charge of anyone's morals.

"You are not in charge of anyone's morals."

Those who advocate the killing of unborn babies have such impeachable morals right? 60 MILLION aborted babies in America alone, well that's just not enough, the pro-Abortion "Moralists" demand more infant blood for the "cause" of Civil Rights or something.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:


The thin skins of some Atheists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

Walk if off, dicks.
The thin skins of some Religionists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

I don't see religious people forcing atheist to tithe, or go to church, or "keep their secular humanism indoors".

Your side has taken over the oppressiveness of religions we saw decades ago, congrats.
Go about your lives, Lucy and bed wetter, and let others do the same.

You are not in charge of anyone's morals.

And yet you propose that your morals supersede others.

Says the hypocrite. Act like Lucy and bed wetter or Howey or whomever, I will call you out as well.

You are not special, marty. Maybe spec ed, but that is a different issue for you.

My IQ vs. Your IQ, and day of the week dippy.
Go about your lives, Lucy and bed wetter, and let others do the same.

You are not in charge of anyone's morals.

"You are not in charge of anyone's morals."

Those who advocate the killing of unborn babies have such impeachable morals right? 60 MILLION aborted babies in America alone, well that's just not enough, the pro-Abortion "Moralists" demand more infant blood for the "cause" of Civil Rights or something.
You have an opinion. It does not have any power over others' lives. Your ranting and bed wetting wailing is only your problem.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:


The thin skins of some Atheists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

Walk if off, dicks.
The thin skins of some Religionists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

The thin skins of the LGTB crowd isn't a civil rights issue either.
Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?

I rated this post informative. It informed me that this person thinks that you have to perform oral sex in public in order to be straight or gay

It does nothing of the sort. I'm straight, I DON'T feel the need to publicly announce to everyone that I meet that I'm straight.


I know, you already said in order to be gay or straight in public means you have to commit sex acts in public. No announcement needed.
If you had any brains you would know she didn't say that. But you are just sticking to your lack of intelligence. idiot.

Yeah but since you have the brains then tell us what she WAS saying and why public oral sex is part of it. (You guys love the "DIDNT say game" but have a real problem explaining what you ARE saying)

Go ahead...Give it a try brainiac
The right's unwarranted hostility toward an organization seeking to defend the civil rights of all Americans comes as no surprise.

The Anti Civil Liberties Union launched a frontal assault on the 1st amendment. While crushing the 1st is the holy grail for the democratic party and the ACLU, the attack was premature and repelled by those who cling to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
That is what the weird far right does, twist the words of others into meanings not meant.

Go about your business and allow others to do the same.

Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:


The thin skins of some Atheists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

Walk if off, dicks.
The thin skins of some Religionists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

I don't see religious people forcing atheist to tithe, or go to church, or "keep their secular humanism indoors".

Your side has taken over the oppressiveness of religions we saw decades ago, congrats.
You have religionists in everyone's lives all the time. You are on the Board and watch all the wackos. You, as a libertarian, should be telling everyone "hands off."

Sassy bed wetter and Lucyare doing exactly that, telling epople to keep their humanism indoors.

I think libertarianism is the spawn of diseased thinking, but I would never tell you to stop thinking or stop talking. Just to get help..
Jake you know, if you're thinking of buying some panties and waving a Rainbow flag, you can say, don't be shy darling :tongue:


The thin skins of some Atheists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

Walk if off, dicks.
The thin skins of some Religionists is not a civil rights or a separation of Church and State issue.

I don't see religious people forcing atheist to tithe, or go to church, or "keep their secular humanism indoors".

Your side has taken over the oppressiveness of religions we saw decades ago, congrats.
You have religionists in everyone's lives all the time. You are on the Board and watch all the wackos. You, as a libertarian, should be telling everyone "hands off."

Again, where are they forcing you to tithe, or go to church, or worship?

You don't have a right to not hear things you don't like in public spaces. Hands off does not equal "shut up".

Grow a spine.
"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?

I rated this post informative. It informed me that this person thinks that you have to perform oral sex in public in order to be straight or gay

It does nothing of the sort. I'm straight, I DON'T feel the need to publicly announce to everyone that I meet that I'm straight.


I know, you already said in order to be gay or straight in public means you have to commit sex acts in public. No announcement needed.
If you had any brains you would know she didn't say that. But you are just sticking to your lack of intelligence. idiot.

This is what the Leftists do, twist peoples' words into something they didn't say.

So what were you saying and why is public Oral sex part of someone sexuality?
Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?
Please don't give the perverts any more ideas. Next queers will demand they can screw each other in public, and if you don't like it. You will be a homophobe.
They already do that there are city parks that are so full of the left overs from gay men fucking that kids can't go there anymore
bed wetters like RGS and jknow and marty and sassy and lucy are hysterical.

You folks want to hit out and but not be hit in return. You are like mudwhistle and pole sitter whining that this used to be a nice conservative site, whatever that meant.

Expect to be dealt with as you deal with others.
Lucy, you are a bed wetter with Sassy. I approved of the judge's decision. Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public. Who gives a bed wetting if you don't like it.

"Anyone has right to be hetero or homo in public."

So a blow-job in the middle of a grocery store would be considered appropriate to you?
Please don't give the perverts any more ideas. Next queers will demand they can screw each other in public, and if you don't like it. You will be a homophobe.
They already do that there are city parks that are so full of the left overs from gay men fucking that kids can't go there anymore
bed wetters like RGS and jknow and marty and sassy and lucy are hysterical.

You folks want to hit out and but not be hit in return. You are like mudwhistle and pole sitter whining that this used to be a nice conservative site, whatever that meant.

Expect to be dealt with as you deal with others.

Nope, you bring government into it, like the mewely little progressive twat you are.
The bed wetters had the government in it up to their asses, and marty whines that their opponents took legal action.

What a wimp.
Mind your business, bed wetters, and go about your lives.

Says the hypocrite marty always minding everyone else's.

I'm not the one supporting government action over someone else's hurt feelings.

You are worse than a bully, you are a bully by proxy. Bullies at least have the balls to intimidate people themselves. You get government to do it for you, and then pat yourself on the back for being so progressive and understanding.
marty shows he can't think.

All the bed wetters have to do, like you, is mind your business.

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