Progressive Propaganda: The Race Edition

Facts matter. It’s important to correct the left’s disinformation campaign.
The left's hyper obsession over skin color is really disturbing...
The deeply racist left doing what they do best: singularly focused on the color of everyone’s skin rather than the content of their character:
The reporter was referencing the "Representation and Inclusion Standards for Oscars Eligibility," which require that a film meet two out of four "standards."

To satisfy the first standard, filmmakers must meet one of the following criteria:

  • One of the lead actors or "significant supporting actors" must be non-white;
  • 30% of all secondary actors must be women, non-white, not-straight, or disabled; and
  • The "main storyline(s), theme or narrative of the film is centered on" one of these same groups.
The left continues to lower the bar - which is why catastrophic failure ensues everywhere they go.

Any normal, rational, logical person would simply want the best person for the job. Not the left! They just want someone black, someone gay, someone gender confuse, and someone of another nationality - even if they aren’t capable of doing the job or are vastly inferior to other options.
The left’s faux “fight” for “equality” is nothing but a grift…
Not all Democrats are racists. But all racists are Democrats…


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