The African Mali Empire used SLAVERY to grow their wealth and power.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Ruh Roh! Say it isn't so! It appears the much admired Mali Empire of 13th and 14th centuries rose to power by defeating a few of it's weaker neighboring countries and enslaving their people. They were able to take control of valuable gold mines and trade routes and exploited a massive pool of free labor from their enslaved populattion. Tsk Tsk even centuries ago, it appears Black people's worst enemy is.....other Black people. Read it for yourself.

Ruh Roh! Say it isn't so! It appears the much admired Mali Empire of 13th and 14th centuries rose to power by defeating a few of it's weaker neighboring countries and enslaving their people. They were able to take control of valuable gold mines and trade routes and exploited a massive pool of free labor from their enslaved populattion. Tsk Tsk even centuries ago, it appears Black people's worst enemy is.....other Black people. Read it for yourself.

Slavery made the US prosperous as well.
Slavery made the US prosperous as well.
Slavery was universally common throughout human history. It's only been in the last few centuries that we've had a large revolt against it, and industrialization drove a good part of that, when machines became cheaper and more reliable than humans.
Slavery was universally common throughout human history. It's only been in the last few centuries that we've had a large revolt against it, and industrialization drove a good part of that, when machines became cheaper and more reliable than humans.
I agree.
Ruh Roh! Say it isn't so! It appears the much admired Mali Empire of 13th and 14th centuries rose to power by defeating a few of it's weaker neighboring countries and enslaving their people. They were able to take control of valuable gold mines and trade routes and exploited a massive pool of free labor from their enslaved populattion. Tsk Tsk even centuries ago, it appears Black people's worst enemy is.....other Black people. Read it for yourself.

Surely you realize that pointing to another child sex trafficker and claiming "he does it too!!!" does nothing to absolve you of guilt for also being a child sex trafficker if that's activity you engage in.

Do you believe that if someone kidnaps a child for sexual exploitation and then gives that child to you, that just because you're not the person who did the kidnapping that you are free to use or abuse that child in whatever way you see fit?

The U.S., both before and after it's founding CHOSE to engage in chattel slavery which is very different than the type of slavery practiced in other parts of the world, including Africa and the middle east. How many other places "bred" their slaves in order to increase their holdings and enrich themselves financially at the expense of the lives of other human beings?
Surely you realize that pointing to another child sex trafficker and claiming "he does it too!!!" does nothing to absolve you of guilt for also being a child sex trafficker if that's activity you engage in.

Do you believe that if someone kidnaps a child for sexual exploitation and then gives that child to you, that just because you're not the person who did the kidnapping that you are free to use or abuse that child in whatever way you see fit?

The U.S., both before and after it's founding CHOSE to engage in chattel slavery which is very different than the type of slavery practiced in other parts of the world, including Africa and the middle east. How many other places "bred" their slaves in order to increase their holdings and enrich themselves financially at the expense of the lives of other human beings?
Yeah... "Chattle slavery" was totally the Worstest slavery ever. So much worse than the Arab slave trade, which was larger in scope, and endured for a far longer time.

"The Arab slave trade was characterized by appalling violence, castration, and rape. The men were systematically castrated to prevent them from reproducing and becoming a stock. This inhumane practice resulted in a high death rate: six out of 10 people who were mutilated died from their wounds in castration centers. The Arab slave trade also targeted African women and girls, who were captured and deported for use as sex slaves."

Yeah... "Chattle slavery" was totally the Worstest slavery ever. So much worse than the Arab slave trade, which was larger in scope, and endured for a far longer time.

"The Arab slave trade was characterized by appalling violence, castration, and rape. The men were systematically castrated to prevent them from reproducing and becoming a stock. This inhumane practice resulted in a high death rate: six out of 10 people who were mutilated died from their wounds in castration centers. The Arab slave trade also targeted African women and girls, who were captured and deported for use as sex slaves."

Look at your author. Slavery in Islam was a different kettle of fish. Allah smiles when a slave is freed. Children born to the master had legitimate claims. Look at prince Bandar or the emir of al hasa.
Ruh Roh! Say it isn't so! It appears the much admired Mali Empire of 13th and 14th centuries rose to power by defeating a few of it's weaker neighboring countries and enslaving their people. They were able to take control of valuable gold mines and trade routes and exploited a massive pool of free labor from their enslaved populattion. Tsk Tsk even centuries ago, it appears Black people's worst enemy is.....other Black people. Read it for yourself.

Whitey made them do it! Black Africans are all innocent lil hobbits misled by Evul White Supremacists N Stuff.
Look at your author. Slavery in Islam was a different kettle of fish. Allah smiles when a slave is freed. Children born to the master had legitimate claims. Look at prince Bandar or the emir of al hasa.

lol Arab traders would only buy male Black slaves who had been castrated, the full frontal kind, which resulted in more deaths than liivng slaves; no problem when there were so many and so cheap. then they killed them when the were too old to work, whcih is why there is no large black population in teh ME, or Slav population for that matter. Your whitewashing of Muslim savagery is merely amusing.
Yeah... "Chattle slavery" was totally the Worstest slavery ever. So much worse than the Arab slave trade, which was larger in scope, and endured for a far longer time.

"The Arab slave trade was characterized by appalling violence, castration, and rape. The men were systematically castrated to prevent them from reproducing and becoming a stock. This inhumane practice resulted in a high death rate: six out of 10 people who were mutilated died from their wounds in castration centers. The Arab slave trade also targeted African women and girls, who were captured and deported for use as sex slaves."

These con artists don't care about real history and how lucky they were to be sold to Americans. They think they can get free Bling for life and that is all they focus on, some silly narrative they think will sell.
Slavery has always been an economic engine. Funny that you blame blacks when it was universal.

But we're supposed to believe humans came out of Africa n stuff. that means slavery was spread by Africans first. They should be paying white people reparations for rescuing them from themselves.
lol Arab traders would only buy male Black slaves who had been castrated, the full frontal kind, which resulted in more deaths than liivng slaves; no problem when there were so many and so cheap. then they killed them when the were too old to work, whcih is why there is no large black population in teh ME, or Slav population for that matter. Your whitewashing of Muslim savagery is merely amusing.
Nonsense. . You are remarkably ignorant . The Arabs couldn't feed a lot of slaves.
For the males, they cut off off their balls, and the head of their cocks, and started them marching the 3 month journey across the desert. If they made it, they made it. If they didn't, they were left to rot in the sun.
For the males, they cut off off their balls, and the head of their cocks, and started them marching the 3 month journey across the desert. If they made it, they made it. If they didn't, they were left to rot in the sun.
You have quite an imagination.

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