The AHCA will prove the Trojan Horse for the GOP

Obamacare was written by private HC insurers, big pharma and rich hospital associations.

Actually it was mostly written by the conservative Heritage Foundation...and yes, with the help of insurers, etc.....(except, of course, about compelling insurance for pre-exisiting conditions...for insurers, those people should quickly die.)
Wrong. It was written by Democrat constituency groups, like insurance companies, big pharma and rich hospital associations.
Image "wasting" money on healthcare for those who struggle to afford it?

We could buy two new carriers for that
I don't consider money I get to keep rather than turning it over to bureaucrats to spend to be "wasted."
You, my friend, belong to a society

As a member of a society, you receive many more benefits than you pay for as an individual

Wrong, asshole. No one owns me. That idea is positively servile. Furthermore, I pay taxes to the government, not society.
Read your constitution sometime, my friend

Forming strong societies is what enabled humans to control the planet

The constitution says the government doesn't own me, and neither does "society." Again, society and government are two separate things.
It establishes you as one of....We the People

Isn't that wonderful?
I don't consider money I get to keep rather than turning it over to bureaucrats to spend to be "wasted."
You, my friend, belong to a society

As a member of a society, you receive many more benefits than you pay for as an individual

Wrong, asshole. No one owns me. That idea is positively servile. Furthermore, I pay taxes to the government, not society.
Read your constitution sometime, my friend

Forming strong societies is what enabled humans to control the planet

The constitution says the government doesn't own me, and neither does "society." Again, society and government are two separate things.
It establishes you as one of....We the People

Isn't that wonderful?
That's propaganda. It establishes no such thing. The Constitution is merely a legal document. It's not absolute truth.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate

Right wing morons would rather believe hannity than the Hyde Amendment....
You, my friend, belong to a society

As a member of a society, you receive many more benefits than you pay for as an individual

Is that how it works? Gee, you'd think if that was such a great plan, we would have banks like that; you know, you deposit $100.00 and withdraw $150.00. You would make investments in such a bank, wouldn't you?
You mean like Democrat politicians did for Commie Care? Tell us, how many Democrats are using Commie Care today, or when it was first passed?
What the hell is Commie care?

Is that a system where everyone has healthcare?

No, it's a program designed to get some Democrat voters healthcare insurance at the cost to likely Republican voters. It's primary goal however was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Image "wasting" money on healthcare for those who struggle to afford it?

We could buy two new carriers for that

Some people will struggle to get healthcare insurance no matter what we do, but DumBama shifted the burden from his voters to his opponents voters. It had nothing to do with getting people healthcare, it had to do with politics only. Let me give you an example:

Part of Commie Care was that all plans had to provide birth control and abortion coverage. Do you really believe that's not vote buying? Do you really believe that abortions and birth control are such a serious problem in the US it required government to force the requirement? Of course not. It's silly. But women tend to vote Democrat. So in spite of it needlessly increasing premiums for everybody else, it bought votes for DumBama and the Democrat party.

Now if you don't believe me, ask yourself why they didn't mandate that insurance programs cover life sustaining drugs such as the ones I take? The answer? Because it doesn't buy many votes, that's why.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate


Women's health services like contraception and abortions are covered under ObamaCare, however due to Hyde Amendment rules you'll need to pick the plan that costs $1 more a month to get these services.

Technically buried somewhere in the documentation of the plan is the part about abortion and contraception, however you'll be hard-pressed to find this without digging. So make sure when you have the choice between two very similar plans you pick the one that costs $1 more if you want these services and the one that costs $1 less if you don't.

When i doubt ask your insurer.

Also keep in mind this is covered under the plans cost sharing and networks, it's not necessarily free or without out-of-pocket cost.

Does ObamaCare Cover Abortions and Contraception? - Obamacare Facts

So you say birth control is very important to society, more important than providing life sustaining medication for people, but it's certainly not vote buying.

You know, if you ever have a use for a bridge, I have one for sale in your area.
Obamacare was written by private HC insurers, big pharma and rich hospital associations.

Actually it was mostly written by the conservative Heritage Foundation...and yes, with the help of insurers, etc.....(except, of course, about compelling insurance for pre-exisiting conditions...for insurers, those people should quickly die.)

Obamacare, yes had input from insurers and hospital associations and pharma, this new bill I doubt had very little input from insurers or hospital associations, it hurts them.

If the Heritage Foundation is run by the Koch brothers they did not have input and in fact told Pence yesterday they could not back it.
You, my friend, belong to a society

As a member of a society, you receive many more benefits than you pay for as an individual

Is that how it works? Gee, you'd think if that was such a great plan, we would have banks like that; you know, you deposit $100.00 and withdraw $150.00. You would make investments in such a bank, wouldn't you?

Another...."I do it all on my own" moron
What the hell is Commie care?

Is that a system where everyone has healthcare?

No, it's a program designed to get some Democrat voters healthcare insurance at the cost to likely Republican voters. It's primary goal however was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Image "wasting" money on healthcare for those who struggle to afford it?

We could buy two new carriers for that

Some people will struggle to get healthcare insurance no matter what we do, but DumBama shifted the burden from his voters to his opponents voters. It had nothing to do with getting people healthcare, it had to do with politics only. Let me give you an example:

Part of Commie Care was that all plans had to provide birth control and abortion coverage. Do you really believe that's not vote buying? Do you really believe that abortions and birth control are such a serious problem in the US it required government to force the requirement? Of course not. It's silly. But women tend to vote Democrat. So in spite of it needlessly increasing premiums for everybody else, it bought votes for DumBama and the Democrat party.

Now if you don't believe me, ask yourself why they didn't mandate that insurance programs cover life sustaining drugs such as the ones I take? The answer? Because it doesn't buy many votes, that's why.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate


Women's health services like contraception and abortions are covered under ObamaCare, however due to Hyde Amendment rules you'll need to pick the plan that costs $1 more a month to get these services.

Technically buried somewhere in the documentation of the plan is the part about abortion and contraception, however you'll be hard-pressed to find this without digging. So make sure when you have the choice between two very similar plans you pick the one that costs $1 more if you want these services and the one that costs $1 less if you don't.

When i doubt ask your insurer.

Also keep in mind this is covered under the plans cost sharing and networks, it's not necessarily free or without out-of-pocket cost.

Does ObamaCare Cover Abortions and Contraception? - Obamacare Facts

So you say birth control is very important to society, more important than providing life sustaining medication for people, but it's certainly not vote buying.

You know, if you ever have a use for a bridge, I have one for sale in your area.
Complete nonsense generated for the gullible

No, Obamacare does not cover abortion...EVER
No, it's a program designed to get some Democrat voters healthcare insurance at the cost to likely Republican voters. It's primary goal however was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Image "wasting" money on healthcare for those who struggle to afford it?

We could buy two new carriers for that

Some people will struggle to get healthcare insurance no matter what we do, but DumBama shifted the burden from his voters to his opponents voters. It had nothing to do with getting people healthcare, it had to do with politics only. Let me give you an example:

Part of Commie Care was that all plans had to provide birth control and abortion coverage. Do you really believe that's not vote buying? Do you really believe that abortions and birth control are such a serious problem in the US it required government to force the requirement? Of course not. It's silly. But women tend to vote Democrat. So in spite of it needlessly increasing premiums for everybody else, it bought votes for DumBama and the Democrat party.

Now if you don't believe me, ask yourself why they didn't mandate that insurance programs cover life sustaining drugs such as the ones I take? The answer? Because it doesn't buy many votes, that's why.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate


Women's health services like contraception and abortions are covered under ObamaCare, however due to Hyde Amendment rules you'll need to pick the plan that costs $1 more a month to get these services.

Technically buried somewhere in the documentation of the plan is the part about abortion and contraception, however you'll be hard-pressed to find this without digging. So make sure when you have the choice between two very similar plans you pick the one that costs $1 more if you want these services and the one that costs $1 less if you don't.

When i doubt ask your insurer.

Also keep in mind this is covered under the plans cost sharing and networks, it's not necessarily free or without out-of-pocket cost.

Does ObamaCare Cover Abortions and Contraception? - Obamacare Facts

So you say birth control is very important to society, more important than providing life sustaining medication for people, but it's certainly not vote buying.

You know, if you ever have a use for a bridge, I have one for sale in your area.
Complete nonsense generated for the gullible

No, Obamacare does not cover abortion...EVER

My goodness. It's from the ObamaCare facts site, and you still won't admit you were wrong.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate

Right wing morons would rather believe hannity than the Hyde Amendment....
Most rightwing morons attempt to propagate lies, such as the lie that the ACA ‘pays’ for abortions.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate

Right wing morons would rather believe hannity than the Hyde Amendment....
Most rightwing morons attempt to propagate lies, such as the lie that the ACA ‘pays’ for abortions.

Another one that looks right at a post with a link and still lives in denial.
Gee, you'd think if that was such a great plan, we would have banks like that; you know, you deposit $100.00 and withdraw $150.00. You would make investments in such a bank, wouldn't you?

An example truly "worthy" of your intellect......LOL

(I bet your drive through red stoplights; after all, fuck those folks going the other way...)
this new bill I doubt had very little input from insurers or hospital associations, it hurts them.

Oh, you can rest assured that the big money earners bribed congressional republicans enough to do their bidding.......Take a look at the TAX CUTS given to the 2%ers...screw those kids without insurance; after all, we are a country of Christian evangelicals, correct?
this new bill I doubt had very little input from insurers or hospital associations, it hurts them.

Oh, you can rest assured that the big money earners bribed congressional republicans enough to do their bidding.......Take a look at the TAX CUTS given to the 2%ers...screw those kids without insurance; after all, we are a country of Christian evangelicals, correct?

I can't be sure of anything, except hospitals will lose billions in reimbursements and health insurers in premiums if there is no mandate. Then there are the insurers who deal only in Medicaid. Even though the insurers paid a tax on each policy put through the exchange I am pretty confident that savings will not offset loss in premiums. But again I am not an actuary.
Image "wasting" money on healthcare for those who struggle to afford it?

We could buy two new carriers for that

Some people will struggle to get healthcare insurance no matter what we do, but DumBama shifted the burden from his voters to his opponents voters. It had nothing to do with getting people healthcare, it had to do with politics only. Let me give you an example:

Part of Commie Care was that all plans had to provide birth control and abortion coverage. Do you really believe that's not vote buying? Do you really believe that abortions and birth control are such a serious problem in the US it required government to force the requirement? Of course not. It's silly. But women tend to vote Democrat. So in spite of it needlessly increasing premiums for everybody else, it bought votes for DumBama and the Democrat party.

Now if you don't believe me, ask yourself why they didn't mandate that insurance programs cover life sustaining drugs such as the ones I take? The answer? Because it doesn't buy many votes, that's why.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate


Women's health services like contraception and abortions are covered under ObamaCare, however due to Hyde Amendment rules you'll need to pick the plan that costs $1 more a month to get these services.

Technically buried somewhere in the documentation of the plan is the part about abortion and contraception, however you'll be hard-pressed to find this without digging. So make sure when you have the choice between two very similar plans you pick the one that costs $1 more if you want these services and the one that costs $1 less if you don't.

When i doubt ask your insurer.

Also keep in mind this is covered under the plans cost sharing and networks, it's not necessarily free or without out-of-pocket cost.

Does ObamaCare Cover Abortions and Contraception? - Obamacare Facts

So you say birth control is very important to society, more important than providing life sustaining medication for people, but it's certainly not vote buying.

You know, if you ever have a use for a bridge, I have one for sale in your area.
Complete nonsense generated for the gullible

No, Obamacare does not cover abortion...EVER

My goodness. It's from the ObamaCare facts site, and you still won't admit you were wrong.
"Alternative facts" compliments of a rightwing blog
this new bill I doubt had very little input from insurers or hospital associations, it hurts them.

Oh, you can rest assured that the big money earners bribed congressional republicans enough to do their bidding.......Take a look at the TAX CUTS given to the 2%ers...screw those kids without insurance; after all, we are a country of Christian evangelicals, correct?

I can't be sure of anything, except hospitals will lose billions in reimbursements and health insurers in premiums if there is no mandate. Then there are the insurers who deal only in Medicaid. Even though the insurers paid a tax on each policy put through the exchange I am pretty confident that savings will not offset loss in premiums. But again I am not an actuary.
There is no way to pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate. The numbers just don't add up
Some people will struggle to get healthcare insurance no matter what we do, but DumBama shifted the burden from his voters to his opponents voters. It had nothing to do with getting people healthcare, it had to do with politics only. Let me give you an example:

Part of Commie Care was that all plans had to provide birth control and abortion coverage. Do you really believe that's not vote buying? Do you really believe that abortions and birth control are such a serious problem in the US it required government to force the requirement? Of course not. It's silly. But women tend to vote Democrat. So in spite of it needlessly increasing premiums for everybody else, it bought votes for DumBama and the Democrat party.

Now if you don't believe me, ask yourself why they didn't mandate that insurance programs cover life sustaining drugs such as the ones I take? The answer? Because it doesn't buy many votes, that's why.
Wrong again

Abortion coverage has been banned for decades. Birth control is very important to our society and helps keep down those abortions you hate


Women's health services like contraception and abortions are covered under ObamaCare, however due to Hyde Amendment rules you'll need to pick the plan that costs $1 more a month to get these services.

Technically buried somewhere in the documentation of the plan is the part about abortion and contraception, however you'll be hard-pressed to find this without digging. So make sure when you have the choice between two very similar plans you pick the one that costs $1 more if you want these services and the one that costs $1 less if you don't.

When i doubt ask your insurer.

Also keep in mind this is covered under the plans cost sharing and networks, it's not necessarily free or without out-of-pocket cost.

Does ObamaCare Cover Abortions and Contraception? - Obamacare Facts

So you say birth control is very important to society, more important than providing life sustaining medication for people, but it's certainly not vote buying.

You know, if you ever have a use for a bridge, I have one for sale in your area.
Complete nonsense generated for the gullible

No, Obamacare does not cover abortion...EVER

My goodness. It's from the ObamaCare facts site, and you still won't admit you were wrong.
"Alternative facts" compliments of a rightwing blog

Right wing blog??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Well there are dozens of other articles on it and even video's of DumBama saying it himself when he was trying to sell it to the people. Which one would you like????
Gee, you'd think if that was such a great plan, we would have banks like that; you know, you deposit $100.00 and withdraw $150.00. You would make investments in such a bank, wouldn't you?

An example truly "worthy" of your intellect......LOL

(I bet your drive through red stoplights; after all, fuck those folks going the other way...)

That's it? That's all you got? No wonder your side keeps losing power and elections. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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