The AHCA will prove the Trojan Horse for the GOP

P/e's were mostly covered prior to the unaca. If you got insurance yourself (as opposed to through an employer) you were more likely to get turned down. It's isn't true that they weren't covered though. The unaca made it so those with p/e's didn't have to pay a higher premium, they got to pay the same as those without p/e's ... dem's moronic idea of 'fairness' or something. That's total bullshit, those with p/e's should pay more they are a higher risk to insure.
Ridiculous and downright cruel to punish someone for having the temerity to get a serious disease

Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?

Go quote where I said they should die or pay so much that they are financially ruined. you want someone with pancreatic cancer to pay $10 more a month, OR do you want (as insurers want) to pay $5,000 more a month.......or, simply take an aspirin?

Where's the quote?

You guys have zero problem with everyone who doesn't have a p/e to pay for themselves plus those w/ pe's, while pe's pay the same. Pay your fair share. Having a p/e costs more to insure therefore, they should pay more.

How about smokers? New drivers? Everyone pay the exact same for house insurance regardless of what you own?
"Trojan Horse" is an interesting political expression to use in a modern political sense. Does it mean there will be things hidden in the republican health care bill? You almost gotta laugh since almost nobody in the democrat party read or was able to comment about the health care bill they passed. Obamacare is dying and ruining families less than eight years after it was passed. "You will find out what's in the bill after it is passed"......Speaker Pelosi.

It doesn't matter, they are not repealing the unaca, doofus McConnell said as much.

It's swampcare that is just as much of a shit sandwich but the really shitty stuff won't hit until after Trump is out.

Hmmm, sounds familiar.

Gov't needs to get the hell out of it altogether.
There is no way to pay for covering pre-existing conditions without a mandate. The numbers just don't add up
P/e's were mostly covered prior to the unaca. If you got insurance yourself (as opposed to through an employer) you were more likely to get turned down. It's isn't true that they weren't covered though. The unaca made it so those with p/e's didn't have to pay a higher premium, they got to pay the same as those without p/e's ... dem's moronic idea of 'fairness' or something. That's total bullshit, those with p/e's should pay more they are a higher risk to insure.
Ridiculous and downright cruel to punish someone for having the temerity to get a serious disease

Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc.

The difference is house and car insurance are options--healthcare is not. If you can't afford other insurances, you simply don't buy the products that require insurance. My mother and her parents never paid car insurance in their lives. That's because none of them ever had a drivers license in their life.

if you can't afford car insurance, then you don't drive a car.
If you can't afford house insurance, you rent
If you can't afford health insurance, you die.
P/e's were mostly covered prior to the unaca. If you got insurance yourself (as opposed to through an employer) you were more likely to get turned down. It's isn't true that they weren't covered though. The unaca made it so those with p/e's didn't have to pay a higher premium, they got to pay the same as those without p/e's ... dem's moronic idea of 'fairness' or something. That's total bullshit, those with p/e's should pay more they are a higher risk to insure.
Ridiculous and downright cruel to punish someone for having the temerity to get a serious disease

Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc.

The difference is house and car insurance are options--healthcare is not. If you can't afford other insurances, you simply don't buy the products that require insurance. My mother and her parents never paid car insurance in their lives. That's because none of them ever had a drivers license in their life.

if you can't afford car insurance, then you don't drive a car.
If you can't afford house insurance, you rent
If you can't afford health insurance, you die.

If you don't have health insurance you can still get treated at the ER. If you have an illness (diabetes, cancer) you sure do need insurance. Insurance is more unaffordable now than it ever was prior to big gov't getting in on it. People on the individual market have had their premiums and deductibles increase over 450% in the past six years. Government is not the answer.
Ridiculous and downright cruel to punish someone for having the temerity to get a serious disease

Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc.

The difference is house and car insurance are options--healthcare is not. If you can't afford other insurances, you simply don't buy the products that require insurance. My mother and her parents never paid car insurance in their lives. That's because none of them ever had a drivers license in their life.

if you can't afford car insurance, then you don't drive a car.
If you can't afford house insurance, you rent
If you can't afford health insurance, you die.

If you don't have health insurance you can still get treated at the ER. If you have an illness (diabetes, cancer) you sure do need insurance. Insurance is more unaffordable now than it ever was prior to big gov't getting in on it. People on the individual market have had their premiums and deductibles increase over 450% in the past six years. Government is not the answer.

I don't disagree with you there. Commie Care is an utter failure except for lower income people that get their insurance for next to nothing.

I lost my company insurance once Commie Care went into full swing. When I contacted them about it, they gave me a quote that required 25% of my net pay; no dental, no prescriptions, a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. In other words, I would have had to give them a quarter of my net pay and not be insured for anything other than getting hit by a bus or major surgery.

So we have to eliminate Commie Care because it was designed to pander to Democrat voters at the expense of Republicans. We need a system that's fair to all including those with preexisting conditions. It has to be affordable and have reasonable coverage.
Ridiculous and downright cruel to punish someone for having the temerity to get a serious disease

Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for
Having someone pay more because they cost more to cover isn't punishment.

Try again.

Nice dodge of the whole 'p/es weren't covered prior to obama' bs.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.
Someone with cancer is already being punished. Ruining them financially to stay alive is downright cruelty

Who would you rather be...

The healthy person who has to pay more to cover those with pre-existing condition or the person with cancer who gets to pay the same rate as everyone else?

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican
Be the fucking idiot that you are........Those 20 plus millions who NOW have insurance because of Obama, will prove a bit of a problem for you morons once the ACA is repealed and replaced by tax cuts for the 2% of wealthy Americans.....

Yes, YOU will own the royal screw up......LOL

Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

It's one thing to "count on" your fellow citizens taking care of you and another to "regulate" your fellow citizens taking care of you. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

It's one thing to "count on" your fellow citizens taking care of you and another to "regulate" your fellow citizens taking care of you.

I never saw anyone regulating you need to take care of another person

As a society, we collect taxes
As a society, we decide how that revenue will be spent
Where did I say 'ruin them financially'? Project much?

They should pay more because they cost more to insure. Just like new drivers pay more than experienced drivers, bigger house requires more insurance, etc. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy. you are willing for them to not have to pay what the market demands but are offended they would pay the same rate as you

Someone with cancer or MS or severe heart disease already has enough problems in their life without being saddled with additional insurance costs

You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy.

Car insurance is not health insurance.....your profound "analogy" is laughable

Never has been. You voluntarily drive a car. To drive it on public streets you need to be covered for liability.

You do not voluntarily "live". Pre-existing conditions generally have nothing to do with something you have control over.
So you love the free market as a solution to health insurance. A free market that punishes women, older people and those with bad genes and prices them out of the insurance market
You guys always belly ache about people paying their fair share. If you cost more to insure you should pay more. That's fair. Everyone else paying for you, in addition to paying for themselves, is not.

Let's let new drivers pay the same rate as 25+ years, clean record drivers. That's fair, right?


Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy.

Car insurance is not health insurance.....your profound "analogy" is laughable

Never has been. You voluntarily drive a car. To drive it on public streets you need to be covered for liability.

You do not voluntarily "live". Pre-existing conditions generally have nothing to do with something you have control over.
So you love the free market as a solution to health insurance. A free market that punishes women, older people and those with bad genes and prices them out of the insurance market

The analogy isn't one of voluntary vs involuntary.

The analogy is one of risk

Should someone who is a high risk driver pay the same as someone who is not?

Yes or no?
Its not "fair" that someone is suffering through cancer or MS. Slapping oppressive insurance costs on them so that everyone else can save a few bucks is offensive

Being sick is not something to be punished for

Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy.

Car insurance is not health insurance.....your profound "analogy" is laughable

Never has been. You voluntarily drive a car. To drive it on public streets you need to be covered for liability.

You do not voluntarily "live". Pre-existing conditions generally have nothing to do with something you have control over.
So you love the free market as a solution to health insurance. A free market that punishes women, older people and those with bad genes and prices them out of the insurance market

The analogy isn't one of voluntary vs involuntary.

The analogy is one of risk

Should someone who is a high risk driver pay the same as someone who is not?

Yes or no?

For driving...YES
In order to live....NO
Life isn't fair. Boo hoo.

Again, for the stupid, if you are a higher risk to insure YOU PAY MORE. People w/out p/e's should not have to pay for themselves AND make up the difference from those with p/e's paying less just so that those with p/e's get to pay the same. How the hell is that fair? Oh that's right, it isn't.

You keep dodging new drivers vs experienced drivers. How about smokers, should the pay more?

Paying more isn't being punished it's paying your fair share. Stop being so obtuse.

No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy.

Car insurance is not health insurance.....your profound "analogy" is laughable

Never has been. You voluntarily drive a car. To drive it on public streets you need to be covered for liability.

You do not voluntarily "live". Pre-existing conditions generally have nothing to do with something you have control over.
So you love the free market as a solution to health insurance. A free market that punishes women, older people and those with bad genes and prices them out of the insurance market

The analogy isn't one of voluntary vs involuntary.

The analogy is one of risk

Should someone who is a high risk driver pay the same as someone who is not?

Yes or no?

For driving...YES
In order to live....NO

And the reason for the new driver to pay more is what? They pay more because they are a higher risk for having an accident.

Insurance is based on risk. Not feelings, not 'fairness'.

If I have no p/e's and cost $300/month to insure and you have a p/e and cost $900/month to insure (again, because your p/e makes you a higher risk that's why the cost is higher), how is it fair that we both pay $450?
No, life is not fair. If you live in a country like Somalia or Haiti and you draw the short die
If you live in a modern, wealthy society and you get cancer, you can count on your fellow citizens to take care of you.......unless those citizens are Republican

Since you continually dodge my questions I'll take it as a yes, you have zero problem with everyone paying the same for all kinds of insurance.

Good for you for digging in on your idiocy.

Car insurance is not health insurance.....your profound "analogy" is laughable

Never has been. You voluntarily drive a car. To drive it on public streets you need to be covered for liability.

You do not voluntarily "live". Pre-existing conditions generally have nothing to do with something you have control over.
So you love the free market as a solution to health insurance. A free market that punishes women, older people and those with bad genes and prices them out of the insurance market

The analogy isn't one of voluntary vs involuntary.

The analogy is one of risk

Should someone who is a high risk driver pay the same as someone who is not?

Yes or no?

For driving...YES
In order to live....NO

And the reason for the new driver to pay more is what? They pay more because they are a higher risk for having an accident.

Insurance is based on risk. Not feelings, not 'fairness'.

If I have no p/e's and cost $300/month to insure and you have a p/e and cost $900/month to insure (again, because your p/e makes you a higher risk that's why the cost is higher), how is it fair that we both pay $450?

Again....apples and oranges

When we talk about saving peoples lives, we are talking fairness

If left up to the accountants and actuaries at insurance companies, only the most healthy among us would be worth the "risk"
Why would an insurance company, trying to make a profit, insure a kid born with severe birth defects? Why would they insure women?(they have a tendency of getting pregnant) Why would they insure old people?

People at high "risk" have enough issues in their life. They do not need to make decisions on buying insurance or losing your house to pay for insurance.

Most other nations in the world would laugh at what you are proposing. It just confirms how callous and selfish Americans can be

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