The Air Force Gets it Right on Same-sex Marriage

The Air Force allowed the man to follow his religious RIGHTS and found someone who agreed to sign the appreciation. No one was harmed and everyone is happy. You don't like that?

Was this certificate signed by someone who had authority to sign it and was the spouse appropriately honored? I found nothing in this article to suggest that this took place and the airman's spouse was not slighted.

Also, people need to spell out WHICH Christian sect/denomination this Bohannon follows. Otherwise it sounds like all Christians feel the same about this issue, which is a lie.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
The Air Force allowed the man to follow his religious RIGHTS and found someone who agreed to sign the appreciation. No one was harmed and everyone is happy. You don't like that?

Was this certificate signed by someone who had authority to sign it and was the spouse appropriately honored? I found nothing in this article to suggest that this took place and the airman's spouse was not slighted.

Also, people need to spell out WHICH Christian sect/denomination this Bohannon follows. Otherwise it sounds like all Christians feel the same about this issue, which is a lie.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.
The Airforce is controlled by a Christian element

What that officer did had no relation to his support or opposition to same sex marriage. Honoring someone for service has nothing to do with a marriage
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).
Was this certificate signed by someone who had authority to sign it and was the spouse appropriately honored? I found nothing in this article to suggest that this took place and the airman's spouse was not slighted.

Also, people need to spell out WHICH Christian sect/denomination this Bohannon follows. Otherwise it sounds like all Christians feel the same about this issue, which is a lie.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
What is it about the First Amendment "free exercise thereof" that you don't understand?
Was this certificate signed by someone who had authority to sign it and was the spouse appropriately honored? I found nothing in this article to suggest that this took place and the airman's spouse was not slighted.

Also, people need to spell out WHICH Christian sect/denomination this Bohannon follows. Otherwise it sounds like all Christians feel the same about this issue, which is a lie.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.
The Airforce is controlled by a Christian element

What that officer did had no relation to his support or opposition to same sex marriage. Honoring someone for service has nothing to do with a marriage
Looks to me the Constitution contains a "Christian element", huh.
Was this certificate signed by someone who had authority to sign it and was the spouse appropriately honored? I found nothing in this article to suggest that this took place and the airman's spouse was not slighted.

Also, people need to spell out WHICH Christian sect/denomination this Bohannon follows. Otherwise it sounds like all Christians feel the same about this issue, which is a lie.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.
The Airforce is controlled by a Christian element

What that officer did had no relation to his support or opposition to same sex marriage. Honoring someone for service has nothing to do with a marriage

There have been problems with the command at the Air Force Academy and its relationship with the Focus on the Family cult down the road for a long time now.

Air Force Academy employs Focus alum and 'conversion therapy' champion

Family Escalates Fight Against Air Force Academy for Allowing On-Campus Proselytizing

Cadets For Christ: Women, Evangelicals, and the Air Force Academy | HuffPost

The last two links deal with the sad case of a Catholic cadet, a woman, who was seduced by a protestant cult group into giving up her dream of becoming a pilot and instead enrolling as a "sheep" to marry a cult member known as a "shepherd." The commanders of the academy gave full access to this group, which was intend on robbing this poor woman of her future.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.
The Airforce is controlled by a Christian element

What that officer did had no relation to his support or opposition to same sex marriage. Honoring someone for service has nothing to do with a marriage
Looks to me the Constitution contains a "Christian element", huh.
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).
Not for him to say
This is the way to handle these cases. If someone won't participate due to religious convictions, find someone who will. Live and let live.
Air Force clears colonel who refused to endorse same-sex spouse
This one colonel is the entire Air Force? When I was an ensign, our CO refused to sign some spouse paperwork on a couple that declared themselves to be common law married in Texas, backdated, so they could get married BAQ backdated. No big deal there.
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).

It is only considered "immoral sexual conduct" by some people in some religious groups. Apparently this airman was not a member of this particular group. This Bohannon needs to decide whether he wants to continue his military career or become some sort of civilian clergy.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
What is it about the First Amendment "free exercise thereof" that you don't understand?

I understand that the civil rights of one's fist end at the tip of the other person's nose.

I also understand that to allow the "free exercise" of First Amendment rights will decimate military discipline. Now that this precedent has been established, anyone in the USAF can refuse anything based on their beliefs and may feel free to voice any opinion and exercise any and all of their First Amendment rights. It's a free-for-all! Whoopie!

You must like chaos a lot.
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).

Its the law, if he does not like it maybe he should move.
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).

It is only considered "immoral sexual conduct" by some people in some religious groups. Apparently this airman was not a member of this particular group. This Bohannon needs to decide whether he wants to continue his military career or become some sort of civilian clergy.
"Free exercise thereof" doesn't cease when you put on a uniform. This is why we have a Constitution, to keep leftist fascists on a leash.
All that matters is this Christian believes the Biblical definition of marriage, which is his Constitutional right.

No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
What is it about the First Amendment "free exercise thereof" that you don't understand?

Nothing, no one is making the Col engage in homosexual acts. His judgement will be his ruin.
Nothing, no one is making the Col engage in homosexual acts. His judgement will be his ruin.
You're right, no one is forcing the Colonel to engage in homosexual acts, he joined the Army on his own! :biggrin:
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).

It is only considered "immoral sexual conduct" by some people in some religious groups. Apparently this airman was not a member of this particular group. This Bohannon needs to decide whether he wants to continue his military career or become some sort of civilian clergy.
"Free exercise thereof" doesn't cease when you put on a uniform. This is why we have a Constitution, to keep leftist fascists on a leash.

I think that word does not mean what you think it means
No. That is definitely NOT all that matters. What matters EQUALLY is whether or not this airman and his husband received the honors due at this event.

The problem with you "Christian" types is that you think that you are the only ones who count and deserve special rules.

That said, to which sect/denomination does this guy belong? Not all Christians are into this sort of thing, and use of the generic term "Christian" makes it appear to the public that all adherents of the Christian faith would endorse this sort of behavior.

What I find most disturbing is that this guy was a commander and then general. Should we now worry that people placed in high-level vital military jobs will subordinate the conduct of their official duties to the dictates of whatever religion they happen to be? The idea that every service member has a Constitutional right to refuse to do something s/he doesn't want to do opens up a whole new can of worms.

And I remember the days that conscientious objects were jailed or forced to flee to Canadia, and this was back in the days when people were involuntarily conscripted. No one mollycoddled them.

This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
What is it about the First Amendment "free exercise thereof" that you don't understand?

Nothing, no one is making the Col engage in homosexual acts. His judgement will be his ruin.
Nope. The Air Force solved the problem. Case closed.
He didn't discriminate against his subordinate BECAUSE OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. That is a dastardly lie. He discriminated because of his subordinate's open and notorious endorsement and practice of immoral sexual conduct (by being married to someone of the same gender).

It is only considered "immoral sexual conduct" by some people in some religious groups. Apparently this airman was not a member of this particular group. This Bohannon needs to decide whether he wants to continue his military career or become some sort of civilian clergy.
"Free exercise thereof" doesn't cease when you put on a uniform. This is why we have a Constitution, to keep leftist fascists on a leash.

I think that word does not mean what you think it means
What word?
This is a reason we can’t have these religious accommodation laws

It goes beyond participation in a wedding
Beyond refusal to provide anything that can be used in that wedding

Now, we have an Airforce official refusing to acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of a person just because they are in a same sex marriage
Well, that's one narrow minded way of looking at it. The Air Force chose to not to punish the American citizen who is a Christian. No one got their rights trampled on. No one was forced to do something they didn't believe in. Once again a few posters here proved my point. It's not about rights. It's about forcing the Christian to submit. Go to hell.

you mean due to judgement of others?
What is it about the First Amendment "free exercise thereof" that you don't understand?

Nothing, no one is making the Col engage in homosexual acts. His judgement will be his ruin.
Nope. The Air Force solved the problem. Case closed.
Evidently not

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