The Amazing Disappearing Airplanes

I have no theory. Apparently you are a believer of the Official Conspiracy Theory though, which makes you a conspiracy theorist.

I am simply looking at the evidence and I find it does not support the OCT. Do you see any crashed airplanes? I've looked and I don't see any airplane parts. No wings or tail. No fuselage with Windows. No engines or landing gear. Nothing that could be described as an airplane part. This is no minor detail, 100 tons of aircraft can't just disappear. And it's not only the missing airplanes but a number of things.

Read my thread "who's a dupe". In it I list a number of things which just couldn't have happened or for which there is no evidence to support. Take a look at the list and try to refute any of them.

Let me know what you think.
And still no one can point to an identifiable airplane part.

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