The American Dream.... Why is it now in Canada?

You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada
The United States is called the "land of opportunity." But economists say the American dream is actually much easier to achieve in Canada.
When U.S. President Donald Trump announced his election bid, he claimed "the American dream is dead," The Washington Post reported.
On the latest episode of the "Freakonomics" podcast, economist Raj Chetty explained that Trump's claim might be true — but that opportunity might have simply moved north.
I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada
The United States is called the "land of opportunity." But economists say the American dream is actually much easier to achieve in Canada.
When U.S. President Donald Trump announced his election bid, he claimed "the American dream is dead," The Washington Post reported.
On the latest episode of the "Freakonomics" podcast, economist Raj Chetty explained that Trump's claim might be true — but that opportunity might have simply moved north.
I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.
Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.
I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

As I've said quite a few times, I'm fed up with petty childish partisan nonsense.
Now that Trump has become president, I no longer have to put up with a petulant childish partisan president, who FORCED upon US a healthcare system that they knew was broke.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.

I don't understand what your point is. First you attack Obama for being Partisan, while you are probably partisan yourself. Then you talk about childish, as if Trump isn't the most childish president in living memory. Then you're talking about something being forced on people, while Trump signs in anti-abortion laws, and putting pipelines over people's ancestral homes.

The healthcare system is expensive, but the right don't have a problem with it being the most expensive system in the world, but then Obama makes it slightly more expensive, but massively more inclusive, and they suddenly have a problem with the cost of it.

Yeah, go figure. People who decide what they want, and then will use any argument that they think fits, without considering how it conflicts massively with what they want for something else.
Okay lets see what you are talking about and my answers which you will ignore.
Obama forced upon the US his signature Obamacare, which even Jonathan Gruber said Opinion | Thanks to Jonathan Gruber for revealing Obamacare deception
As of this weekend, there are now seven Gruber videos, in which he mocks the “stupidity” of American voters and boasts of the Obama administration’s ability to take advantage of it. In a new video that surfaced Friday, Gruber explains that the Obama administration passed the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value employer health plans “by mislabeling it, calling it a tax on insurance plans rather than a tax on people, when we know it’s a tax on people who hold these insurance plans.” Americans would not support a tax on individuals, so “We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on the higher prices . . . it ends up being the same thing.” The ruse, Gruber says, was “a very clever . . . basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”
Dumbasses like you didn't see the ruse, and We the People had to pay for it.
Obama who inherited a recession caused by Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank who did not try to reign in the recklessness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who were authorizing loans to people who couldn't afford it, even after 4 years of sorry ass economic stimulus(over 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money) he as the petulant, spoiled brat that he is, still blamed George Bush, but that is typical of the liberal playbook.
Trump isn't taking away anyone's "rights" to an abortion, just that We the People aren't going to pay for it anymore. If a slut liberal woman wants to spread her legs and get pregnant, then she should have to pay for that abortion if she wants one. Such stupid people like you who have your head shoved way up Uranus.
Did you know that those Native American's are not the original people who lived there? That there were many Indian wars between the tribes and those conquered were either killed or enslaved? Maybe instead of listening to the liberal propaganda machines, actually study US history and you can "LEARN" who the real enemies of the US citizens really are. Democrats are the biggest crooks and will continue to steal from you, to make themselves FILTHY rich.
The ACA wasn't socialism...You were wrong..
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada
The United States is called the "land of opportunity." But economists say the American dream is actually much easier to achieve in Canada.
When U.S. President Donald Trump announced his election bid, he claimed "the American dream is dead," The Washington Post reported.
On the latest episode of the "Freakonomics" podcast, economist Raj Chetty explained that Trump's claim might be true — but that opportunity might have simply moved north.
I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

No shit Trump won, and I helped....But what you said can't be backed, so you troll..
I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

As I've said quite a few times, I'm fed up with petty childish partisan nonsense.
Now that Trump has become president, I no longer have to put up with a petulant childish partisan president, who FORCED upon US a healthcare system that they knew was broke.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.

I don't understand what your point is. First you attack Obama for being Partisan, while you are probably partisan yourself. Then you talk about childish, as if Trump isn't the most childish president in living memory. Then you're talking about something being forced on people, while Trump signs in anti-abortion laws, and putting pipelines over people's ancestral homes.

The healthcare system is expensive, but the right don't have a problem with it being the most expensive system in the world, but then Obama makes it slightly more expensive, but massively more inclusive, and they suddenly have a problem with the cost of it.

Yeah, go figure. People who decide what they want, and then will use any argument that they think fits, without considering how it conflicts massively with what they want for something else.
Okay lets see what you are talking about and my answers which you will ignore.
Obama forced upon the US his signature Obamacare, which even Jonathan Gruber said Opinion | Thanks to Jonathan Gruber for revealing Obamacare deception
As of this weekend, there are now seven Gruber videos, in which he mocks the “stupidity” of American voters and boasts of the Obama administration’s ability to take advantage of it. In a new video that surfaced Friday, Gruber explains that the Obama administration passed the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value employer health plans “by mislabeling it, calling it a tax on insurance plans rather than a tax on people, when we know it’s a tax on people who hold these insurance plans.” Americans would not support a tax on individuals, so “We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on the higher prices . . . it ends up being the same thing.” The ruse, Gruber says, was “a very clever . . . basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”
Dumbasses like you didn't see the ruse, and We the People had to pay for it.
Obama who inherited a recession caused by Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank who did not try to reign in the recklessness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who were authorizing loans to people who couldn't afford it, even after 4 years of sorry ass economic stimulus(over 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money) he as the petulant, spoiled brat that he is, still blamed George Bush, but that is typical of the liberal playbook.
Trump isn't taking away anyone's "rights" to an abortion, just that We the People aren't going to pay for it anymore. If a slut liberal woman wants to spread her legs and get pregnant, then she should have to pay for that abortion if she wants one. Such stupid people like you who have your head shoved way up Uranus.
Did you know that those Native American's are not the original people who lived there? That there were many Indian wars between the tribes and those conquered were either killed or enslaved? Maybe instead of listening to the liberal propaganda machines, actually study US history and you can "LEARN" who the real enemies of the US citizens really are. Democrats are the biggest crooks and will continue to steal from you, to make themselves FILTHY rich.
The ACA wasn't socialism...You were wrong..
and Hitler's Nazis werent socialism either, right?
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada
The United States is called the "land of opportunity." But economists say the American dream is actually much easier to achieve in Canada.
When U.S. President Donald Trump announced his election bid, he claimed "the American dream is dead," The Washington Post reported.
On the latest episode of the "Freakonomics" podcast, economist Raj Chetty explained that Trump's claim might be true — but that opportunity might have simply moved north.
I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

On the ignore list. Bye.
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

On the ignore list. Bye.

There is a God, thank you for ignoring me. Told you all that when a liberal has his head way up their asses, they will never LEARN the truth.
Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.
I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410
Only because you are to stupid to answer...
I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

On the ignore list. Bye.
There is a God, thank you for ignoring me. Told you all that when a liberal has his head way up their asses, they will never LEARN the truth.
Cowards always run and hide...Yet the ACA is not a state socialist operation..
I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410
Only because you are to stupid to answer...
I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

On the ignore list. Bye.
There is a God, thank you for ignoring me. Told you all that when a liberal has his head way up their asses, they will never LEARN the truth.
Cowards always run and hide...Yet the ACA is not a state socialist operation..
Not any more, as it is being dismantled as we speak. Why should anyone get FREE healthcare , which wasn't FREE, just like anyone get a FREE cellphone, when they aren't really FREE? Because socialism is all about redistribution of wealth , to take from those who work, and give it to chumps who don't work.

Why is it that Social Security is always going bankrupt, but Welfare never is?

Because those that worked and contributed to SS have something to get in return.
Those that don't work and not contributed to Welfare have nothing to lose. What do you have with 100,000 liberals at the bottom of the ocean? A good start....:rofl:
Canada is socialist. And it's socialism which our country needs. Other top 1st world nations thrive on socialism. But the regressives ( republicans) in our country want to hold onto the capitalism lie.

Capitalism only works for the 1%. The rest of us 99% have been screwed by capitalism.
Canada is socialist. And it's socialism which our country needs. Other top 1st world nations thrive on socialism. But the regressives ( republicans) in our country want to hold onto the capitalism lie.

Capitalism only works for the 1%. The rest of us 99% have been screwed by capitalism.
So what you are saying since Capitalism only works for the 1%, do you own a car, a house, a cell phone, eat 3 times a day, or do you have a government providing you all, that FREE stuff? Just asking, and please be truthful.
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada
The United States is called the "land of opportunity." But economists say the American dream is actually much easier to achieve in Canada.
When U.S. President Donald Trump announced his election bid, he claimed "the American dream is dead," The Washington Post reported.
On the latest episode of the "Freakonomics" podcast, economist Raj Chetty explained that Trump's claim might be true — but that opportunity might have simply moved north.
I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

The 'ignore' option works like a charm. ;)
You're Twice As Likely To Achieve The American Dream In Canada I guess when the 1st bi-racial president who promised Hope and Change and the Fundamentally Transform America, he did such a bang up job, that the American Dream, became a diverse, socialist nightmare. Thank God, after 8 years of such failed Socialist Policies, that soon the American Dream will return and many will profit from it, and unfortunately, the liberals will too, as they get to be dragged along, kicking and screaming, how much they hate capitalism, yet get the rewards from it.

Socialist policies? What socialist policies?

And failed? Er... Bush failed.

I will respond with the picture below, as what ever I say, you will ignore as typical of your type.

View attachment 108410

Only because you are to stupid to answer...

I don't need to answer Trolls like you , as you are irrelevant, since Trump won.

The 'ignore' option works like a charm. ;)

Yes, that way you can live in a world of delusions and myths..
Canada is socialist. And it's socialism which our country needs. Other top 1st world nations thrive on socialism. But the regressives ( republicans) in our country want to hold onto the capitalism lie.

Capitalism only works for the 1%. The rest of us 99% have been screwed by capitalism.
So what you are saying since Capitalism only works for the 1%, do you own a car, a house, a cell phone, eat 3 times a day, or do you have a government providing you all, that FREE stuff? Just asking, and please be truthful.

Yes I own all of those things and I've worked for each one ( I am a teacher).

Socialism doesn't mean a bunch of free stuff. But giving citizens things like healthcare and education is giving each citizen a chance. When you don't provide your citizens with those basics, you are not giving them a fair chance.

A college student shouldn't have to worry about debt after college. A family shouldn't have to sell their house due to hospital bills.
This is absurd. Propaganda if ever there were such a thing. I DARE Americans to line up and leave for Canada. I double dare you! This is especially true if you are motivated, ambitious and intelligent. Go forward to Canada and we will compare your trajectory to your relative comparable. You will be looking to move back to America the first plane out. How bad is it here? We had refugees from Syria who we accepted and they left after a year because of lack of opportunity. They went back to a war zone in the Middle East rather than stay in Canada! I don't make this up.

I'm a guy who graduated university with an award for graduating top 4% of class. Was in my MBA program scoring 85th percentile on my GMAT. Have successful corporate sales experiences, including a nomination for a prestigious award. I am currently unemployed while my wife work with a 1% raise TOTAL over the last 4 years. Didn't take vacations, have endless amount of energy and passion for work.

I was born poor and will die poor, because that's the Canadian system. We don't have a constitution or guarantees of Pursuit of Happiness, we stab allies in the back and present a false facade to the world. Canada is a caste system that rewards government and historic loyalists at the expense of liberty, due process and free markets. Canada's job creation is borrowing and spending for their pals. In effect, it's theft from future generations. I know people in high school who snuck by with C's, they are making $100k+ in government with massive pensions.

Almost every successful student I met in High school and university made it by going to America, those who earn a good wage in Canada are all government employees. I volunteered at such a government place a few years ago, there was a guy making $150k a year to push paper and he was asleep at work. Another took 140 days off in the year for various colds, flues, headaches etc. Not any underlying, life threatening illness, just her constantly taking advantage of her government position.

Here's an offer to anyone who wants to do some sort of exchange program. Citizens like myself would gladly trade places with you for the chance at opportunity that does not exist in Canada. I would start working inside sales making cold calls and work my way up. Our systems are night and day, don't let anyone tell you differently. Consider our history.

Just look at Silicon Valley and how many Canadians are there, you think that's because they are foregoing great potential in Canada? LOL If Trump throws them back to Ontario they will go from making $120k U.S to $45k Canadian with higher expenses. Many working in our government are state agents or children of state agents. You can piece that together yourself.

So you're a total loser, and you blame Canada.
Bluntly stated, if you were all of that and a bag of peanuts, you'd be working. Even at the age of 64, I was able to find work in my field.

I don't know a single person right now who wants to work and can't find a job. Everywhere I go, I see "help wanted" signs. I live in a village with hardly any jobs at all, and everyone but the drug addicts and welfare types are working.

Oh, and the Syrian refugees who want to go home - they're government sponsored refugees who got dumped in a fleabag motel in Toronto with no support workers, who can't speak English, and who aren't claiming lack of opportunity at all:

"We were told that when we arrived to the hotel that we would only be staying for three to four days maximum. However, things have been changed and we've been here for 10 to 11 days, and we've been told it could be even longer. The problem is that we have kids and we would rather be outside in a settled house than sitting at a hotel," Abu-Rukti said.

"We feel like our kids are just stuck here. We go into one room, we eat, and then we return to other room and just go to bed. Our kids don't have anywhere to play, nowhere to go out. We feel like we're just trapped in a prison."

Please note that the CBC who published this story, also made arrangements for the refugees to get the assistance promised them.

When conservatives fail, it's always someone else's fault. The government is the chief whipping boy. Or illegal immigrants. Or Obamacare. It's never that you chose poorly. Or that you're not as talented as you think you are. Anyone who is good in sales and doesn't have a job in today's job market, is either lying, or has other issues making them unemployable.

I have a friend with a long, successful career in marketing, who found himself out of a job 2 years ago, and discovered that marketing is a young man/woman's game and he could not get hired. So he started working as a freelance consultant, taking on projects, or helping new start-ups who needed his expertise, but couldn't afford to hire a full-time person. He created his own job, and now has as many clients as he needs to have the lifestyle he wants.

When I retired, I started a small home-based business which is doing quite nicely, thank you very much.

You would be born and die poorer in the United Stated too, blaming off-shoring, and illegal immigrants, with no health care, no pension, and be voting for Trump because the powers that be screwed you over.

Ask the guys from Roots about leaving the US and coming to Canada to succeed.

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