The American Dream.... Why is it now in Canada?

Canada is socialist. And it's socialism which our country needs. Other top 1st world nations thrive on socialism. But the regressives ( republicans) in our country want to hold onto the capitalism lie.

Capitalism only works for the 1%. The rest of us 99% have been screwed by capitalism.
You may want to read posts #9 & #11 and hear what a Canadian thinks about that.

During the primaries I remember Bernie going on about one of the Scandinavian countries and what a successful socialist country it was. I then read an article quoting the prime minister or premier of the country saying "please tell Bernie to stop saying we are socialists, we are not, he's going to scare businesses away". She then went on to explain that their business regulatory system was much smaller than the US due to a restructuring in the 1990s. Plus they have lower corporate tax rates than the US.

So you may want to try and look around and find those 1st world nations thriving on socialism and let us know who they are.
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The American Dream.... Why is it now in Canada?


1. Canada has universal healthcare, freeing consumers to use their disposable income to purchase extra goods, spurring their economy and

2. Canada has laws limiting the amount of automation that can be done in manufacturing; the rest must be done by human employees (who use their paychecks to keep Canada's economy going.)

3. Canada has harsher laws on outsourcing labor (see economic reasons in items #1 & #2.)

In short, Canadian leaders passed elementary school mathematics.

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