the american india


Jan 6, 2011
is the indian culture being replaced with the american culture?
the indian youth is no longer proud of their cultures features.
they have changed their national clothes, way of thinking, male and female relationships and their conservative movies with the americanized ones.
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Happens all the time when one country is dominant. In this case the western culture of the importance of material things and their enjoyment are over riding the Indian culture. It is not only happening here but over all the world, even in Iran. And this is part of what the war on terrrorism is about. moslems seeing their culture torn apart by western ideas and values and the conservatives rising up and trying to combat that assimulation.

But as the Borg say "Resistance is futile!"
I only read claims.
What does that mean 'American clothes' worn by Indian youth?
the indian movies are no longer conservative. they contain immoral and nude scenes more than any other movies of another country.
the new indian generation wants to live a free life that is not restricted by family honor, values and old rusty traditions.
I'm so the OP about American INDIANS? I've never heard of American
is the indian culture being replaced with the american culture?
the indian youth is no longer proud of their cultures features.
they have changed their national clothes, way of thinking, male and female relationships and their conservative movies with the americanized ones.

It's like a


Where do I begin...

Americana means never having to wear your Sari?
TIC - One has to recognize Indian society is not American society, it is a blend of among other things Buddhism, Hinduism, and sheer size. Massive poverty and crowding, and a relationship with other life much different than our attitude towards living things. Oddly the caste system would align with the conservatives in America, but that is an enormous simplification. Our conservatives are not born into their caste, they are brainwashed into it. Anyone have a serious reply I'm all out. ;)

"When India turns out more engineers than we have students, and they earn a third, or less than an American, it is pretty difficult saying education alone will solve the jobs issue. There has to be work. FDR created work through infrastructure rebuilding and public projects, Obama needs to do the same."

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Only one thing confuses me about them thar injuns.
Is the red dot a start button or a stop button ???


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