The American Rocket Scientists You Never Knew.

And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.
First, the term "bell curve" was well known long before Hernstein and Murray's seminal work. It is already hugely influential and growing in stature every year. Pointing and sputtering isn't the same thing as debunking. I wasn't talking about the book anyway.

Second, people like me were citizens back when we had a country before George Soros spread his poison. We were the overwhelming majority. As that majority, we white Americans fought a brutal war to end slavery--the only time in history I know of in which members of a race fought each other to end an injustice against another race. Did I mention the war was brutal? As in horrifically? Then that majority took a completely alien race of illiterate slaves and in a few generations made them fully equal citizens with themselves, a population that has mushroomed from 10 million in 1965 to over 40 million today. The wealthiest African-descended population on the planet, with the longest lifespan, the most highly educated, the lowest infant mortality, and the list goes on.

The overwhelmingly white majority--the rulers whom you so despise--implemented laws against discriminating against the black population, ensured their vote, educated their children, and spent trillions of dollars to raise their standard of living and rebuild their cities--all, given the historically unprecedented goal, with almost no bloodshed. Then, within the lifetimes of people who were alive during that brutal brutal war, we elected--we white people elected--a black president.

So fuck you and your "signs of Black progress", which you "support" with other people's money, you sniveling weakling. Fuck you and your incessant chirping about Jim Crow and minority rights. Fuck you and your sitcom morality. You and the millions of other mediocrities in this country have turned us into a Kenya-style racial spoils democracy. It's all racial now. Diversity is our strength. The citizen is dead. See how you like his replacement.

My, my, my, you certainly have gotten emotional But you have validated post # 77. I am amazed that a person like you who is decidedly prejudiced against Blacks would attempt to identify with Whites who were instrumental in ending slavery and helping to implement universal civil rights for everyone. Your lunacy is propelled to the forefront with this outlandish drivel:

cnelsen said:
As that majority, we white Americans fought a brutal war to end slavery--the only time in history I know of in which members of a race fought each other to end an injustice against another race.

You can't seem comprehend that one set of White people in the civil war was fighting to preserve slavery... do see that don't you? But you didn't stop there, did you? You had to use that 'big "We" word tiime and time again. When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Last edited:
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.

Well, there is no such "law", and based on sheer population size if there WAS such a law there would be a substantial number of white people that would be impacted as by it well. Your type of Draconian rationalizing to even make such a statement is both ignorant and so far out there that all one can do is wonder how you became this way.

And yes, Ms. Johnson did come up before Affirmative Action. She hired by Nasa in 1953, and she was hired on her merit, and was a successful in her area of expertise based on her ability. There was no "Jewish Conspiracy" at work to undermine white guys....LMAO.
It is obvious that Nasa may have been ahead of their time as far as their hiring policies. Maybe there were some progressive thinkers doing the hiring? Of course that simple possibility defies your logic, and that is not surprising.

Indeed there are "some" whites who in fact do not embrace the type of ignorance that you are putting on display in this thread. There are also in fact some who believe that race is not a determinant in what type of employee one will be if they are in a position to be held equally accountable in the workplace. And there are "some" blacks who excel without it being at the "expense" of some white "victim"

Bottom line, this started out as a great thread, and no amount of denial can change that.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.
First, the term "bell curve" was well known long before Hernstein and Murray's seminal work. It is already hugely influential and growing in stature every year. Pointing and sputtering isn't the same thing as debunking. I wasn't talking about the book anyway.

Second, people like me were citizens back when we had a country before George Soros spread his poison. We were the overwhelming majority. As that majority, we white Americans fought a brutal war to end slavery--the only time in history I know of in which members of a race fought each other to end an injustice against another race. Did I mention the war was brutal? As in horrifically? Then that majority took a completely alien race of illiterate slaves and in a few generations made them fully equal citizens with themselves, a population that has mushroomed from 10 million in 1965 to over 40 million today. The wealthiest African-descended population on the planet, with the longest lifespan, the most highly educated, the lowest infant mortality, and the list goes on.

The overwhelmingly white majority--the rulers whom you so despise--implemented laws against discriminating against the black population, ensured their vote, educated their children, and spent trillions of dollars to raise their standard of living and rebuild their cities--all, given the historically unprecedented goal, with almost no bloodshed. Then, within the lifetimes of people who were alive during that brutal brutal war, we elected--we white people elected--a black president.

So fuck you and your "signs of Black progress", which you "support" with other people's money, you sniveling weakling. Fuck you and your incessant chirping about Jim Crow and minority rights. Fuck you and your sitcom morality. You and the millions of other mediocrities in this country have turned us into a Kenya-style racial spoils democracy. It's all racial now. Diversity is our strength. The citizen is dead. See how you like his replacement.

My, my, my, you certainly have gotten emotional But you have validated post # 77. I am amazed that a person like you who is decidedly prejudiced against Blacks would attempt to identify with Whites who were instrumental in ending slavery and helping to implement universal civil rights for everyone. Your lunacy is propelled to the forefront with this outlandish drivel:

cnelsen said:
As that majority, we white Americans fought a brutal war to end slavery--the only time in history I know of in which members of a race fought each other to end an injustice against another race.

You can't seem comprehend that one set of White people in the civil war was fighting to preserve slavery... do see that don't you? But you didn't stop there, did you? You had to use that 'big "We" word tiime and time again. When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really

Yeah, that "WE" shit was hilarious.
Anyone who seriously thinks space travel is impossible without blacks is deluded. It is farcical political correctness to imagine that we'd never have reached orbit or the moon without them. Whites are capable of space exploration, as are Asians. Blacks are not even capable of basic metallurgy.
When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Yes, we white people. Unlike you, I am not afraid or ashamed to say who my people are. Explain how I validated post 77, if you can. So, I'm decidedly prejudiced against black people, am I? Why, because I don't chirp along with you about Jim Crow? Look: any eager halfwit can listen to NPR and memorize the key phrases. It doesn't make you complex or nuanced, as you no doubt imagine it does. It only makes you shallow, common, and one-dimensional.

And ill-informed.

I'm going to give you the benefit of knowledge I went out and researched myself. You won't get this knowledge from watching members of the herd shout NPR slogans back and forth at each other all day on TV. Accept this as my gift to you because in a few minutes you will begin to see the world more clearly--assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity.

In late 2007, I began hearing the first notes of what would become the dominant motif of the 2008 presidential campaign: Barack Obama, the first (half) black candidate to run for the office who didn't run on a platform of hating the majority, was a transformative messiah figure running against the mass of down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites. As the race wore on, if you were white and didn't support Obama, everyone just knew it was because you hated blacks--you know, like you alleged above--because for someone whose world view consists of NPR slogans, racial correctness was the one and only issue in the race. Remember those enormous crowds of swooning white college students? No down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites, they!

I knew it was all bullshit, so, before the Iowa caucuses, when blacks were still polling a plurality in favor of Hillary Clinton, I went on the FEC campaign contributions website and downloaded the data and ran the numbers for the ten whitest states in the country. From memory, they were North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, and Vermont. Two of those states are solidly Democratic, one is a swing state, the rest are solidly Republican. Easily, more than half of them would be considered rural.

I added up all the campaign contributions to date for all the candidates from both parties for all ten states. In the three states with favorite sons running, Romney, McCain, and, I think, Huckabee (Clinton?), the favorite sons were leading the other candidates in contributions from their home states. Of the remaining seven of the whitest, ruralest, Republicanest states in the Union, the candidate who had received the most contributions was the junior senator with an exceedingly thin portfolio, the community organizer from a non-neighboring state, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember, this is before the Iowa caucuses. I'm sure the data is still available. But when blacks were still polling for Hillary Clinton, those rural racist downscale uneducated whites were already sending money (remember all those small donations?!) to the black man from Chicago.

Those are the same whites people like you attack so viciously for supporting Donald Trump.

Again, assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity, that information should blow the foundation out from under everything you think you know about American politics.
Anyone who seriously thinks space travel is impossible without blacks is deluded.

Agreed! No one has said or implied that! Why did you even think that?

It is farcical political correctness to imagine that we'd never have reached orbit or the moon without them.

My purpose was to draw attention to the fact that being black and brilliant isn't as anomalous as some White bigots make it. That NASA brass would trust the calculations of these Black ladies , when just 5 years earlier the Warren court ended legal segregation, is astounding.
During that era these Black women ,and in particular Kathrine Johnson, were the best of the best. A host of astronauts who lifted off and returned safely owe their safe return to scientists on the ground including these Black women. I am not trying to give all of the credit to them, but it should be noted that these Black female scientists played an integral part in a gigantic team effort.

Whites are capable of space exploration, as are Asians. Blacks are not even capable of basic metallurgy.

There is a black presence in every industry and they are represented in every skill level.
The evidence of Metallurgy in Africa is dated as far back as 2900 years ago. If you include KMT in the equation it goes back even further.
When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Yes, we white people. Unlike you, I am not afraid or ashamed to say who my people are. Explain how I validated post 77, if you can. So, I'm decidedly prejudiced against black people, am I? Why, because I don't chirp along with you about Jim Crow? Look: any eager halfwit can listen to NPR and memorize the key phrases. It doesn't make you complex or nuanced, as you no doubt imagine it does. It only makes you shallow, common, and one-dimensional.

And ill-informed.

I'm going to give you the benefit of knowledge I went out and researched myself. You won't get this knowledge from watching members of the herd shout NPR slogans back and forth at each other all day on TV. Accept this as my gift to you because in a few minutes you will begin to see the world more clearly--assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity.

In late 2007, I began hearing the first notes of what would become the dominant motif of the 2008 presidential campaign: Barack Obama, the first (half) black candidate to run for the office who didn't run on a platform of hating the majority, was a transformative messiah figure running against the mass of down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites. As the race wore on, if you were white and didn't support Obama, everyone just knew it was because you hated blacks--you know, like you alleged above--because for someone whose world view consists of NPR slogans, racial correctness was the one and only issue in the race. Remember those enormous crowds of swooning white college students? No down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites, they!

I knew it was all bullshit, so, before the Iowa caucuses, when blacks were still polling a plurality in favor of Hillary Clinton, I went on the FEC campaign contributions website and downloaded the data and ran the numbers for the ten whitest states in the country. From memory, they were North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, and Vermont. Two of those states are solidly Democratic, one is a swing state, the rest are solidly Republican. Easily, more than half of them would be considered rural.

I added up all the campaign contributions to date for all the candidates from both parties for all ten states. In the three states with favorite sons running, Romney, McCain, and, I think, Huckabee (Clinton?), the favorite sons were leading the other candidates in contributions from their home states. Of the remaining seven of the whitest, ruralest, Republicanest states in the Union, the candidate who had received the most contributions was the junior senator with an exceedingly thin portfolio, the community organizer from a non-neighboring state, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember, this is before the Iowa caucuses. I'm sure the data is still available. But when blacks were still polling for Hillary Clinton, those rural racist downscale uneducated whites were already sending money (remember all those small donations?!) to the black man from Chicago.

Those are the same whites people like you attack so viciously for supporting Donald Trump.

Again, assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity, that information should blow the foundation out from under everything you think you know about American politics.
Most of your post is nothing but hot air: a vastitude of frothing, ill conceived hatred. I shall address the points I think can be weaved into the op. Your attempt to derail this thread will fail because i won't fall into the trap you are trying to set. Let me remind you that this thread is not about Obama, the election or me. It is about scientific contributions Blacks have made in the service of this nation. You have let the social construct of "Whiteness"' cloud your sense of humanity. If you don't want to participate in the jubilance we feel by the Kathrine Johnson story
for god sakes move on. We don't need your condemnation or your deflecting into off topic nonsense. BTW who are you trying to impress?
When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Yes, we white people. Unlike you, I am not afraid or ashamed to say who my people are. Explain how I validated post 77, if you can. So, I'm decidedly prejudiced against black people, am I? Why, because I don't chirp along with you about Jim Crow? Look: any eager halfwit can listen to NPR and memorize the key phrases. It doesn't make you complex or nuanced, as you no doubt imagine it does. It only makes you shallow, common, and one-dimensional.

And ill-informed.

I'm going to give you the benefit of knowledge I went out and researched myself. You won't get this knowledge from watching members of the herd shout NPR slogans back and forth at each other all day on TV. Accept this as my gift to you because in a few minutes you will begin to see the world more clearly--assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity.

In late 2007, I began hearing the first notes of what would become the dominant motif of the 2008 presidential campaign: Barack Obama, the first (half) black candidate to run for the office who didn't run on a platform of hating the majority, was a transformative messiah figure running against the mass of down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites. As the race wore on, if you were white and didn't support Obama, everyone just knew it was because you hated blacks--you know, like you alleged above--because for someone whose world view consists of NPR slogans, racial correctness was the one and only issue in the race. Remember those enormous crowds of swooning white college students? No down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites, they!

I knew it was all bullshit, so, before the Iowa caucuses, when blacks were still polling a plurality in favor of Hillary Clinton, I went on the FEC campaign contributions website and downloaded the data and ran the numbers for the ten whitest states in the country. From memory, they were North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, and Vermont. Two of those states are solidly Democratic, one is a swing state, the rest are solidly Republican. Easily, more than half of them would be considered rural.

I added up all the campaign contributions to date for all the candidates from both parties for all ten states. In the three states with favorite sons running, Romney, McCain, and, I think, Huckabee (Clinton?), the favorite sons were leading the other candidates in contributions from their home states. Of the remaining seven of the whitest, ruralest, Republicanest states in the Union, the candidate who had received the most contributions was the junior senator with an exceedingly thin portfolio, the community organizer from a non-neighboring state, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember, this is before the Iowa caucuses. I'm sure the data is still available. But when blacks were still polling for Hillary Clinton, those rural racist downscale uneducated whites were already sending money (remember all those small donations?!) to the black man from Chicago.

Those are the same whites people like you attack so viciously for supporting Donald Trump.

Again, assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity, that information should blow the foundation out from under everything you think you know about American politics.
Most of your post is nothing but hot air: a vastitude of frothing, ill conceived hatred. I shall address the points I think can be weaved into the op. Your attempt to derail this thread will fail because i won't fall into the trap you are trying to set. Let me remind you that this thread is not about Obama, the election or me. It is about scientific contributions Blacks have made in the service of this nation. You have let the social construct of "Whiteness"' cloud your sense of humanity. If you don't want to participate in the jubilance we feel by the Kathrine Johnson story
for god sakes move on. We don't need your condemnation or your deflecting into off topic nonsense. BTW who are you trying to impress?
LOL, ya got nuthin'. Just as I thought. So that's two markers for Jewish: 1) refusal to state your race and 2) insincere stupidity, i.e., guile. So run along. There must be Negroes waiting for their pats on the head.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.
When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Yes, we white people. Unlike you, I am not afraid or ashamed to say who my people are. Explain how I validated post 77, if you can. So, I'm decidedly prejudiced against black people, am I? Why, because I don't chirp along with you about Jim Crow? Look: any eager halfwit can listen to NPR and memorize the key phrases. It doesn't make you complex or nuanced, as you no doubt imagine it does. It only makes you shallow, common, and one-dimensional.

And ill-informed.

I'm going to give you the benefit of knowledge I went out and researched myself. You won't get this knowledge from watching members of the herd shout NPR slogans back and forth at each other all day on TV. Accept this as my gift to you because in a few minutes you will begin to see the world more clearly--assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity.

In late 2007, I began hearing the first notes of what would become the dominant motif of the 2008 presidential campaign: Barack Obama, the first (half) black candidate to run for the office who didn't run on a platform of hating the majority, was a transformative messiah figure running against the mass of down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites. As the race wore on, if you were white and didn't support Obama, everyone just knew it was because you hated blacks--you know, like you alleged above--because for someone whose world view consists of NPR slogans, racial correctness was the one and only issue in the race. Remember those enormous crowds of swooning white college students? No down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites, they!

I knew it was all bullshit, so, before the Iowa caucuses, when blacks were still polling a plurality in favor of Hillary Clinton, I went on the FEC campaign contributions website and downloaded the data and ran the numbers for the ten whitest states in the country. From memory, they were North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, and Vermont. Two of those states are solidly Democratic, one is a swing state, the rest are solidly Republican. Easily, more than half of them would be considered rural.

I added up all the campaign contributions to date for all the candidates from both parties for all ten states. In the three states with favorite sons running, Romney, McCain, and, I think, Huckabee (Clinton?), the favorite sons were leading the other candidates in contributions from their home states. Of the remaining seven of the whitest, ruralest, Republicanest states in the Union, the candidate who had received the most contributions was the junior senator with an exceedingly thin portfolio, the community organizer from a non-neighboring state, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember, this is before the Iowa caucuses. I'm sure the data is still available. But when blacks were still polling for Hillary Clinton, those rural racist downscale uneducated whites were already sending money (remember all those small donations?!) to the black man from Chicago.

Those are the same whites people like you attack so viciously for supporting Donald Trump.

Again, assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity, that information should blow the foundation out from under everything you think you know about American politics.
Most of your post is nothing but hot air: a vastitude of frothing, ill conceived hatred. I shall address the points I think can be weaved into the op. Your attempt to derail this thread will fail because i won't fall into the trap you are trying to set. Let me remind you that this thread is not about Obama, the election or me. It is about scientific contributions Blacks have made in the service of this nation. You have let the social construct of "Whiteness"' cloud your sense of humanity. If you don't want to participate in the jubilance we feel by the Kathrine Johnson story
for god sakes move on. We don't need your condemnation or your deflecting into off topic nonsense. BTW who are you trying to impress?
LOL, ya got nuthin'. Just as I thought. So that's two markers for Jewish: 1) refusal to state your race and 2) insincere stupidity, i.e., guile. So run along. There must be Negroes waiting for their pats on the head.

I have nothing to add to your off topic venting. You are certainly right in observing my disregard in that aspect of our exchange. But you have nothing to add to this thread. That is the bigger sin. heh heh heh.
Last edited:
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.
There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.
Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.

Here is an article that speaks to NASA and it's hiring practices in the 60's. There were also some black engineers as well.

How NASA Joined the Civil Rights Revolution | History | Air & Space Magazine
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.

Here is an article that speaks to NASA and it's hiring practices in the 60's. There were also some black engineers as well.

How NASA Joined the Civil Rights Revolution | History | Air & Space Magazine
Thanks Kat, I found this excerpt particularly interesting:

Your link: said:
NASA’s Cooperative Education Program
When he was young, Morgan Watson says, he didn’t have a green thumb, but had what he calls “a greasy thumb”: He liked taking things apart and putting them back together. “I worked in a hardware store,” he says, “and the white store owner saw my report card one day and saw that I had good grades in math and science, chemistry, and so forth, and he said, ‘You know, you would probably make a good engineer.’ ” Watson didn’t know what an engineer did, “so I went to the library and started reading about [them].”

Watson eventually entered the new engineering school at the all-black Southern University–Baton Rouge. By the time Charlie Smoot arrived, the university faculty considered Watson and six other young men the most promising engineering students at the school.

The seven were given exams, though Smoot reports that none of the white students who found jobs at NASA through the Co-Op program were required to take them. Once the agency was convinced the students were eligible, they were hired.

Interesting indeed!
I did. Was there any push back against the hiring of these women, or was it considered unremarkable?

Because if it happened without pushback, that completely undermines your claim.

You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.

Here is an article that speaks to NASA and it's hiring practices in the 60's. There were also some black engineers as well.

How NASA Joined the Civil Rights Revolution | History | Air & Space Magazine
Thanks Kat, I found this excerpt particularly interesting:

Your link: said:
NASA’s Cooperative Education Program
When he was young, Morgan Watson says, he didn’t have a green thumb, but had what he calls “a greasy thumb”: He liked taking things apart and putting them back together. “I worked in a hardware store,” he says, “and the white store owner saw my report card one day and saw that I had good grades in math and science, chemistry, and so forth, and he said, ‘You know, you would probably make a good engineer.’ ” Watson didn’t know what an engineer did, “so I went to the library and started reading about [them].”

Watson eventually entered the new engineering school at the all-black Southern University–Baton Rouge. By the time Charlie Smoot arrived, the university faculty considered Watson and six other young men the most promising engineering students at the school.

The seven were given exams, though Smoot reports that none of the white students who found jobs at NASA through the Co-Op program were required to take them. Once the agency was convinced the students were eligible, they were hired.

Interesting indeed!

Indeed. A friend emailed me that article earlier this year when the movie was in the making and called that out as well.
You can find out by reading the book , "hidden Figures." A cheaper venue would be to go see the movie.

So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.

Here is an article that speaks to NASA and it's hiring practices in the 60's. There were also some black engineers as well.

How NASA Joined the Civil Rights Revolution | History | Air & Space Magazine
Thanks Kat, I found this excerpt particularly interesting:

Your link: said:
NASA’s Cooperative Education Program
When he was young, Morgan Watson says, he didn’t have a green thumb, but had what he calls “a greasy thumb”: He liked taking things apart and putting them back together. “I worked in a hardware store,” he says, “and the white store owner saw my report card one day and saw that I had good grades in math and science, chemistry, and so forth, and he said, ‘You know, you would probably make a good engineer.’ ” Watson didn’t know what an engineer did, “so I went to the library and started reading about [them].”

Watson eventually entered the new engineering school at the all-black Southern University–Baton Rouge. By the time Charlie Smoot arrived, the university faculty considered Watson and six other young men the most promising engineering students at the school.

The seven were given exams, though Smoot reports that none of the white students who found jobs at NASA through the Co-Op program were required to take them. Once the agency was convinced the students were eligible, they were hired.

Interesting indeed!

Indeed. A friend emailed me that article earlier this year when the movie was in the making and called that out as well.

If true, that revelation undermines the canard of "qualifications" being ranked by a test score.
For Whites, there was no test score. So what was the qualifier that prompted their selection to a job with such critical skill requirements?
So, none that you know of, got it.

So, in a time period that you lefties like to pretend the US was pure racist Evul, white men hired black female scientists to do critically important work, and no one said boo about it.

Stop generalizing and be more specific as to what kind of men we are talking about here.
You are one kind and those who hired those Black women are another. What other option could fair minded men ( unlike you) do when the women's test scores were better than most. And even after they were hired they were segregated and paid less. Some of that "evul" you are talking about lingered, didn't it? PSSSt... that "evul" came further out of the closet with the election of Donald Trump.

Who didn't say, "boo" about WHAT? The media is not controlled by Blacks...the media feeds off images of the black boogey man. Stories about Black excellence aren't newsworthy because such revelations detract from the myth. And good news about Blacks damn sure isn't going to get a place in school history books.

Here is an article that speaks to NASA and it's hiring practices in the 60's. There were also some black engineers as well.

How NASA Joined the Civil Rights Revolution | History | Air & Space Magazine
Thanks Kat, I found this excerpt particularly interesting:

Your link: said:
NASA’s Cooperative Education Program
When he was young, Morgan Watson says, he didn’t have a green thumb, but had what he calls “a greasy thumb”: He liked taking things apart and putting them back together. “I worked in a hardware store,” he says, “and the white store owner saw my report card one day and saw that I had good grades in math and science, chemistry, and so forth, and he said, ‘You know, you would probably make a good engineer.’ ” Watson didn’t know what an engineer did, “so I went to the library and started reading about [them].”

Watson eventually entered the new engineering school at the all-black Southern University–Baton Rouge. By the time Charlie Smoot arrived, the university faculty considered Watson and six other young men the most promising engineering students at the school.

The seven were given exams, though Smoot reports that none of the white students who found jobs at NASA through the Co-Op program were required to take them. Once the agency was convinced the students were eligible, they were hired.

Interesting indeed!

Indeed. A friend emailed me that article earlier this year when the movie was in the making and called that out as well.

If true, that revelation undermines the canard of "qualifications" being ranked by a test score.
For Whites, there was no test score. So what was the qualifier that prompted their selection to a job with such critical skill requirements?

So, the focus is not that the most advanced and elite engineering program in the history of mankind, was hiring blacks, but that the white people in charge were hiring the blacks WRONG.

It's good that your focus is to celebrate these people and not to tear down America....
When You used "WE" to socially identify with those White people who voted for Obama...I lost it... I laughed o hard I had to go get a drink of water...:lol: You are a riot...really
Yes, we white people. Unlike you, I am not afraid or ashamed to say who my people are. Explain how I validated post 77, if you can. So, I'm decidedly prejudiced against black people, am I? Why, because I don't chirp along with you about Jim Crow? Look: any eager halfwit can listen to NPR and memorize the key phrases. It doesn't make you complex or nuanced, as you no doubt imagine it does. It only makes you shallow, common, and one-dimensional.

And ill-informed.

I'm going to give you the benefit of knowledge I went out and researched myself. You won't get this knowledge from watching members of the herd shout NPR slogans back and forth at each other all day on TV. Accept this as my gift to you because in a few minutes you will begin to see the world more clearly--assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity.

In late 2007, I began hearing the first notes of what would become the dominant motif of the 2008 presidential campaign: Barack Obama, the first (half) black candidate to run for the office who didn't run on a platform of hating the majority, was a transformative messiah figure running against the mass of down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites. As the race wore on, if you were white and didn't support Obama, everyone just knew it was because you hated blacks--you know, like you alleged above--because for someone whose world view consists of NPR slogans, racial correctness was the one and only issue in the race. Remember those enormous crowds of swooning white college students? No down-scale, uneducated, rural, racist whites, they!

I knew it was all bullshit, so, before the Iowa caucuses, when blacks were still polling a plurality in favor of Hillary Clinton, I went on the FEC campaign contributions website and downloaded the data and ran the numbers for the ten whitest states in the country. From memory, they were North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, and Vermont. Two of those states are solidly Democratic, one is a swing state, the rest are solidly Republican. Easily, more than half of them would be considered rural.

I added up all the campaign contributions to date for all the candidates from both parties for all ten states. In the three states with favorite sons running, Romney, McCain, and, I think, Huckabee (Clinton?), the favorite sons were leading the other candidates in contributions from their home states. Of the remaining seven of the whitest, ruralest, Republicanest states in the Union, the candidate who had received the most contributions was the junior senator with an exceedingly thin portfolio, the community organizer from a non-neighboring state, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember, this is before the Iowa caucuses. I'm sure the data is still available. But when blacks were still polling for Hillary Clinton, those rural racist downscale uneducated whites were already sending money (remember all those small donations?!) to the black man from Chicago.

Those are the same whites people like you attack so viciously for supporting Donald Trump.

Again, assuming you've been sincere in your stupidity, that information should blow the foundation out from under everything you think you know about American politics.
Most of your post is nothing but hot air: a vastitude of frothing, ill conceived hatred. I shall address the points I think can be weaved into the op. Your attempt to derail this thread will fail because i won't fall into the trap you are trying to set. Let me remind you that this thread is not about Obama, the election or me. It is about scientific contributions Blacks have made in the service of this nation. You have let the social construct of "Whiteness"' cloud your sense of humanity. If you don't want to participate in the jubilance we feel by the Kathrine Johnson story
for god sakes move on. We don't need your condemnation or your deflecting into off topic nonsense. BTW who are you trying to impress?
LOL, ya got nuthin'. Just as I thought. So that's two markers for Jewish: 1) refusal to state your race and 2) insincere stupidity, i.e., guile. So run along. There must be Negroes waiting for their pats on the head.

I have nothing to add to your off topic venting. You are certainly right in observing my disregard in that aspect of our exchange. But you have nothing to add to this thread. That is the bigger sin. heh heh heh.

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