The American Rocket Scientists You Never Knew.

let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

You can't burst anything. I refuse to empower you at all. I merely uncovered the contributions these Black women made to the space program. The revelation of their accomplishments is especially astounding considering the era in which they worked and lived. You too should celebrate these real American heroines who defied the odds and stereotypes that are still so much a part of our "social conditioning."
Fake history.
YOU wish.. Here is a video for you to heap your scorn upon:

"Langley has a post for black mathematicians." Hahahaha

Well, that was back in the day... but even so, the managers of Langley were confident enough in those Black women mathematicians to trust their calculations in plotting the earliest space flights, including those made by Sheppard AND Glenn!

I just checked on Wikipedia and it turns out you are the only person in America who believes that.
You have not posted anything that refutes the story of these women as being the truth.
  • Why isn’t Johnson mentioned in John Glenn’s John Glenn: A Memoir or Alan Shepard’s Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America’s Race to the Moon?
  • Why does Charles Murray not mention her in his seminal book on the Apollo program (co-authored with Katherine Murray), Apollo: Race to the Moon?
  • Why is Johnson not mentioned in Tom Wolfe’s epic The Right Stuff, documenting the sensational story of NASA’s first astronaut group, the all-white Mercury 7.
  • Why, especially oddly, is Johnson not mentioned in We Could Not Fail: The First African Americans in the Space Program.
  • Why was Johnson not mentioned in either Jet or Ebonymagazine, two black magazines that spent the 1960s and 1970s simultaneously lamenting the lack of blacks at NASA and celebrating any minor achievements of blacks in the space program.
(Finally, she appeared May 23, 2005 issue of Jet:

A physicist, space scientist, and mathematician, Katherine Johnson gained a minute in the national glare in 1970 when she was instrumental in formulating calculations that helped the crippled Apollo 13 return home safely.

U.S. Rep. Eddie B. Johnson Pushes Resolution To Support Black Women In Science & Technology

Curiously, the Jet article acknowledges “very little literature documents African American women and their place in science”).

  • Why, given her alleged role in the Apollo 13 drama, does Johnson not appear in Jim Lovell’s autobiographical Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13 (subsequently made into the Tom Hanks movie, Apollo 13).
  • Why does Gene Kranz, the Flight Director of NASA famously played by Ed Harris in Apollo 13, fail to mention Katherine Johnson in his autobiography Failure is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond?
  • 91Eo4Lq5HwL.jpg
    Why, perhaps most significantly, does Johnson not appear in Harlem Princess: The Story of Harry Delaney’s Daughter, the autobiography of Ruth Bates Harris? Harris, who took the job of Deputy Assistant Administrator for Equal opportunity for NASA in 1972, famously said, “I saw no minorities or women as astronauts. Could I help make a difference?” Harris waged a war to get more blacks involved with NASA, which was a paltry 5.6 percent non-white in 1973 versus a government agency average of 20 percent minority. [Societal Impact of Spaceflight, 2007, PDF]
  • Why does Johnson not appear in Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Memories, by the black actress Nichelle Nichols, who played the part of Lt. Uhura in the iconic TV series Star Trek? Nichols waged a personal crusade against the overwhelming white nature of NASA, giving a speech in 1977, “New Opportunities for the Humanization of Space,”lamenting how white the space agency was and how this was dehumanizing to nonwhites.
Many leading white liberals in the 1960s wanted to find a way to put a black into space. Edward R. Murrow wrote a letter to James E. Webb, then the Administrator of NASA reading thus:


September 21, 1961

Dear Jim,

Why don’t we put the first non-white man in space?

If your boys were to enroll and train a qualified Negro and then fly him in whatever vehicle is available, we could retell our whole space effort to the whole non-white world, which is most of it.

As ever,


Edward R. Murrow

Just last year, after Katherine Johnson was awarded the Medal Of Freedom by President Obama, she named “West Virginian of the Year” and these strange words were written about her:

Johnson’s achievements, despite their significance, went largely unnoticed.

“No one knows that John Glenn wouldn’t fly unless Katherine Johnson checked the math,” Megan Smith, the White House chief technology officer, said in October. “It’s an amazing story, and it’s totally unknown.”

Johnson was never mentioned in the New York Times or the Washington Post before this year. She is nowhere to be found in ‘This New Ocean,’ NASA’s comprehensive internal history of Project Mercury.

Before 2015, the Charleston Gazette and Daily Mail wrote about her exactly once. The story appeared in the Gazette in 1977 to note that she had been honored by the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum in Philadelphia. It did not mention NASA. It was five sentences long.

“We’re in a country that sometimes we have revisionist history, and if you go look at history books, lots of times there aren’t African-Americans in there,” said Leland Melvin, a former space shuttle astronaut. “It’s so easy to just have an omission and play up the people and things that you want to make prominent.”

During the Mercury and Apollo missions, that meant playing up the stereotype of the first seven astronauts.

“Back then, you were a test pilot with a crew cut,” Melvin said. “The original seven, Life Magazine with the wives and the Corvettes — there wasn’t room for anyone else in that dialogue.”

[West Virginian of the Year: Katherine G. Johnson, Charleston Gazette Mail, by David Gutman, December 26, 2015. Link in original].

Let’s be honest: the only “revisionist” history going on right now is the push to have Americans in 2016 believe a black woman was key to NASA’s putting a man on the moon.

Minority Occupied America may not put men on the moon. But it can hype Politically Correct myths,

Here is just ONE "why" for you....."Why" would Nasa itself honor the achievements of Ms. Johnson?

Is that an anti white Jew conspiracy as well?
Like those history books that no longer include anything about the Wright Bros, first humans to fly, to make room for Guatemalan precinct captains? And why would you post an image of a white woman at the keyboard?

As usual , the authors of American history often embellishes the accomplishments of white males and neglects the achievements of other Americans. Sometimes those embellishments are reviewed by real historical scholars and put into proper perspective. For instance:

The Wright Brothers were NOT the first humans to fly. Have you forgotten the fact that manned hot air balloons debuted half a century before the Wright's
12 second powered flight. See how gullible you are? And even THAT powered flight "achievement" was precedented by Europeans.

The photograph you see is a picture of Katherine Johnson, an African American....look closer or read the ink I provided for validation. And for those who are too offended by this revelation to go to the are pictures of the other two Black female mathematical geniuses:


Mary Jackson at NASA Langley Research Centre in 1980. Photograph: Bob Nye/NASA

Dorothy Vaughan in her twenties. Photograph: Courtesy the Family of Dorothy Johnson Vaughan

A hot air balloon is not flight. It's floatation caused by a lighter mass floating on a denser medium. It's displacement and follows Archimedes principle.
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and it acts in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the displaced fluid. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics. It was formulated by Archimedes of Syracuse.[1]

Flight is defined by aerodynamic principles of lift, drag, thrust and weight.

Now who is revising history here?
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.
let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
As usual , the authors of American history often embellishes the accomplishments of white males and neglects the achievements of other Americans. Sometimes those embellishments are reviewed by real historical scholars and put into proper perspective. For instance:

The Wright Brothers were NOT the first humans to fly. Have you forgotten the fact that manned hot air balloons debuted half a century before the Wright's
12 second powered flight. See how gullible you are? And even THAT powered flight "achievement" was precedented by Europeans.

The photograph you see is a picture of Katherine Johnson, an African American....look closer or read the ink I provided for validation. And for those who are too offended by this revelation to go to the are pictures of the other two Black female mathematical geniuses:


Mary Jackson at NASA Langley Research Centre in 1980. Photograph: Bob Nye/NASA

Dorothy Vaughan in her twenties. Photograph: Courtesy the Family of Dorothy Johnson Vaughan

A hot air balloon is not flight. It's floatation caused by a lighter mass floating on a denser medium. It's displacement and follows Archimedes principle.
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and it acts in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the displaced fluid. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics. It was formulated by Archimedes of Syracuse.[1]

Flight is defined by aerodynamic principles of lift, drag, thrust and weight.

Now who is revising history here?
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!
You can't burst anything. I refuse to empower you at all. I merely uncovered the contributions these Black women made to the space program. The revelation of their accomplishments is especially astounding considering the era in which they worked and lived. You too should celebrate these real American heroines who defied the odds and stereotypes that are still so much a part of our "social conditioning."
Fake history.
YOU wish.. Here is a video for you to heap your scorn upon:

"Langley has a post for black mathematicians." Hahahaha

Well, that was back in the day... but even so, the managers of Langley were confident enough in those Black women mathematicians to trust their calculations in plotting the earliest space flights, including those made by Sheppard AND Glenn!

I just checked on Wikipedia and it turns out you are the only person in America who believes that.

Look at the video and stop making thing up.
A hot air balloon is not flight. It's floatation caused by a lighter mass floating on a denser medium. It's displacement and follows Archimedes principle.
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and it acts in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the displaced fluid. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics. It was formulated by Archimedes of Syracuse.[1]

Flight is defined by aerodynamic principles of lift, drag, thrust and weight.

Now who is revising history here?
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
A hot air balloon is not flight. It's floatation caused by a lighter mass floating on a denser medium. It's displacement and follows Archimedes principle.
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and it acts in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the displaced fluid. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics. It was formulated by Archimedes of Syracuse.[1]

Flight is defined by aerodynamic principles of lift, drag, thrust and weight.

Now who is revising history here?
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
You are creating an entire world of your own where the only thing capable of flight is an airplane. Webster be damned. Wikipedia be damned! :lol: you are so silly!
let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.

GO FLY A KITE!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:
let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

When John Glenn became the first American in space, I thought, WOW! It must have taken top mathematical geniuses to calculate all the variables necessary to get him up and back safely.

while Glenn was the hero who risked his life. The mathematicians who crunched the numbers necessary to bring success went unheralded.

At the time I envisioned NASA as the domain of brainy White males

in white smocks with clipboards in hand. Television brought images of the control room where rows of white faces sat in front of monitors and weird looking machinery. I marveled at the seeming wizardry and silently gave credit to those White men for being mathematical geniuses.

Fifty six years later I discovered just how wrong I was. The success of Glen's historic flight depended on a female mathematician who helped with the calculations. Does that shock you? In the1960s, that women could be so deeply involved in a man's domain was astounding in and of itself. But the story of this female mathematician took on an even more incredible turn when I earned she was ... OMG,! She is BLACK!

I was floored. After all these years this story is just now surfacing. The shock was just beginning to wear off when I discovered there was not just one, there were two other Black female mathematical geniuses working for NASA at that time.

A film is being made to finally give these fine Americans their just recognition and rewards. I am chartering a bus to take as many people with me as I can to join me when in viewing it on the big screen.
How three black women helped send John Glenn into orbit


Katherine Johnson at Nasa Langley Research Center in 1980. Photograph: Nasa
Except Glenn was not the first American in space, he was the first to orbit the earth.
Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
A webpage blog isn't science, gurl. YOU forgot to mention that some balloons that are used to carry people are navigable and use propellers for thrust. Wanna see one, dope?

BTW here is a little info you might want to look over:


Airships were originally called dirigible balloons, from the French "ballon dirigeable" or shortly "dirigeable" (meaning "steerable", from the French "diriger" - to direct, guide or steer) - the name that the inventor Henri Giffard gave to his machine that made its first flight on 24 September 1852.

When John Glenn became the first American in space, I thought, WOW! It must have taken top mathematical geniuses to calculate all the variables necessary to get him up and back safely.

while Glenn was the hero who risked his life. The mathematicians who crunched the numbers necessary to bring success went unheralded.

At the time I envisioned NASA as the domain of brainy White males

in white smocks with clipboards in hand. Television brought images of the control room where rows of white faces sat in front of monitors and weird looking machinery. I marveled at the seeming wizardry and silently gave credit to those White men for being mathematical geniuses.

Fifty six years later I discovered just how wrong I was. The success of Glen's historic flight depended on a female mathematician who helped with the calculations. Does that shock you? In the1960s, that women could be so deeply involved in a man's domain was astounding in and of itself. But the story of this female mathematician took on an even more incredible turn when I earned she was ... OMG,! She is BLACK!

I was floored. After all these years this story is just now surfacing. The shock was just beginning to wear off when I discovered there was not just one, there were two other Black female mathematical geniuses working for NASA at that time.

A film is being made to finally give these fine Americans their just recognition and rewards. I am chartering a bus to take as many people with me as I can to join me when in viewing it on the big screen.
How three black women helped send John Glenn into orbit


Katherine Johnson at Nasa Langley Research Center in 1980. Photograph: Nasa
Except Glenn was not the first American in space, he was the first to orbit the earth.

See post #40!

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