The American Rocket Scientists You Never Knew.

let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:

Did you read the link I provided? take it up with THEM. I'd rather focus on the op. Aren't these women wonderful?

The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
Look, a Black woman is a rocket scientist in 1960: I wonder how long it took her to get that job?

let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:


Why her? Why not any of the other incredibly talented mathematicians working at NASA on the Apollo program (my uncle, for one)? No need to answer, since that seems to be something of an issue for you. I'll tell you why. Because she's a black female. In other words, for racist, sexist reasons.

What I find most contemptible about guys like you is the phony virtue you so publicly slather on--like holding up a big flashing sign: "Hey everybody! Look at me benevolently elevating the Negro!"--as if blacks are like the slow kids and you are the earnest and kindly teacher.

So, what race are you?
When John Glenn became the first American in space, I thought, WOW! It must have taken top mathematical geniuses to calculate all the variables necessary to get him up and back safely.

while Glenn was the hero who risked his life. The mathematicians who crunched the numbers necessary to bring success went unheralded.

At the time I envisioned NASA as the domain of brainy White males

in white smocks with clipboards in hand. Television brought images of the control room where rows of white faces sat in front of monitors and weird looking machinery. I marveled at the seeming wizardry and silently gave credit to those White men for being mathematical geniuses.

Fifty six years later I discovered just how wrong I was. The success of Glen's historic flight depended on a female mathematician who helped with the calculations. Does that shock you? In the1960s, that women could be so deeply involved in a man's domain was astounding in and of itself. But the story of this female mathematician took on an even more incredible turn when I earned she was ... OMG,! She is BLACK!

I was floored. After all these years this story is just now surfacing. The shock was just beginning to wear off when I discovered there was not just one, there were two other Black female mathematical geniuses working for NASA at that time.

A film is being made to finally give these fine Americans their just recognition and rewards. I am chartering a bus to take as many people with me as I can to join me when in viewing it on the big screen.
How three black women helped send John Glenn into orbit


Katherine Johnson at Nasa Langley Research Center in 1980. Photograph: Nasa

Thanks for posting this JQ, and happy holidays, my brother.

I remember hearing my father talking about her back around the time that she was working there.

As you may recall from previous conversations that we have had, my father was an educator and often told me:

"There are two histories in America...the one that you learn in school and the history that the school system chooses to not teach".
Like those history books that no longer include anything about the Wright Bros, first humans to fly, to make room for Guatemalan precinct captains? And why would you post an image of a white woman at the keyboard?

As usual , the authors of American history often embellishes the accomplishments of white males and neglects the achievements of other Americans. Sometimes those embellishments are reviewed by real historical scholars and put into proper perspective. For instance:

The Wright Brothers were NOT the first humans to fly. Have you forgotten the fact that manned hot air balloons debuted half a century before the Wright's
12 second powered flight. See how gullible you are? And even THAT powered flight "achievement" was precedented by Europeans.

The photograph you see is a picture of Katherine Johnson, an African American....look closer or read the ink I provided for validation. And for those who are too offended by this revelation to go to the are pictures of the other two Black female mathematical geniuses:


Mary Jackson at NASA Langley Research Centre in 1980. Photograph: Bob Nye/NASA

Dorothy Vaughan in her twenties. Photograph: Courtesy the Family of Dorothy Johnson Vaughan
It wasn't the fact that the Wright brothers flew, but it was the first powered flight without some type of gas. That was a pretty good achievement to trust in the factors that make flight. They are Thrust, Lift, Drag, and Gravity. A balloon requires helium or hydrogen or hot air, which the liberals have plenty of.
let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:


Why her? Why not any of the other incredibly talented mathematicians working at NASA on the Apollo program (my uncle, for one)? No need to answer, since that seems to be something of an issue for you. I'll tell you why. Because she's a black female. In other words, for racist, sexist reasons.

What I find most contemptible about guys like you is the phony virtue you so publicly slather on--like holding up a big flashing sign: "Hey everybody! Look at me benevolently elevating the Negro!"--as if blacks are like the slow kids and you are the earnest and kindly teacher.

So, what race are you?

Why her? Really? Because of the fact at that time America was not far removed from Jim Crow segregation and it was uncommon for ANY Black person, let alone a female to even be able to get hired at Nasa.

She must have been exceptionally talented to have been there at that time and be getting the recognition that she is now.

No disrespect to your "Uncle", but it just may be possible that she was better than him at what she did.
Last edited:
The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
You are creating an entire world of your own where the only thing capable of flight is an airplane. Webster be damned. Wikipedia be damned! :lol: you are so silly!

Typical PC LIB. You can't be bothered with facts or science, because your mind is made up. And then you accuse me of creating my own world when the facts and science and all other respected sources agree with me. Are you even bright enough to see the irony in your last post? Of course you're not. Get one of your friends who got past 7th grade to explain it to you.
The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
A webpage blog isn't science, gurl. YOU forgot to mention that some balloons that are used to carry people are navigable and use propellers for thrust. Wanna see one, dope?

BTW here is a little info you might want to look over:


Airships were originally called dirigible balloons, from the French "ballon dirigeable" or shortly "dirigeable" (meaning "steerable", from the French "diriger" - to direct, guide or steer) - the name that the inventor Henri Giffard gave to his machine that made its first flight on 24 September 1852.


Great, a steerable balloon. The facts still remain that it floats because it is lighter than air. It doesn't fly like a bird, plane, bee, or helicopter all of which are heavier than air.
The women are a extraordinary; you, not so much. You strike me as a feel good guy who is not really concerned with the truth, but rather being politically correct. That is why at least 2 of your post in this thread had significant factual errors.

If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
Look, a Black woman is a rocket scientist in 1960: I wonder how long it took her to get that job?


And if she were here she'd slap the shit out of your ignorant ass for believing that floating and flying are the same thing.
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:


Why her? Why not any of the other incredibly talented mathematicians working at NASA on the Apollo program (my uncle, for one)? No need to answer, since that seems to be something of an issue for you. I'll tell you why. Because she's a black female. In other words, for racist, sexist reasons.

What I find most contemptible about guys like you is the phony virtue you so publicly slather on--like holding up a big flashing sign: "Hey everybody! Look at me benevolently elevating the Negro!"--as if blacks are like the slow kids and you are the earnest and kindly teacher.

So, what race are you?

Why her? Really? Because of the fact at that time America was not far removed from Jim Crow segregation and it was uncommon for ANY Black person, let alone a female to even be able to get hired at Nasa.

She must have been exceptionally talented to have been there at that time and be getting the recognition that she is now.

No disrespect to your "Uncle", but it just may be possible that she was better than him at what she did.

Then she would have been hired on her own merits, not her skin color. Sorry, but this another episode of We Wuz Kangs. Maybe that kind of paternalism is ok with you, but it would stick in my craw, I think.

And here's why it matters.

DeTocqueville wrote that Americans would grow to love equality to the point we would give up anything before we gave up equality--including liberty (evidence of which we see all around us). This presents some problems, because humans, in fact, are not "equal". (The founders meant "equality before the law", but who pays attention to them, anymore?) Today, when we talk about equality we are talking about sameness. Everyone has to be the same--in wealth, in Oscar nominations, in math--or there is something "wrong". But since humans are not the same, we end up pounding square pegs into round holes with increasing determination and damage.

Blacks don't do math. So what? You excel in other areas. In fact, you are kicking our asses. Do you know that?

No need for the quotes around "uncle".
let it be used as a tool for improving race relations
This is what is so repellent about you goodwhites. Not only do you think fake history will improve something, but that by virtue-signaling your benevolence toward blacks and telling young blacks that the reason they ain't kangz is cuz them crackers is keeping them down, you are somehow (more virtue-signaling) improving race relations. Blacks who hate whites hate you most of all.

I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:


Why her? Why not any of the other incredibly talented mathematicians working at NASA on the Apollo program (my uncle, for one)? No need to answer, since that seems to be something of an issue for you. I'll tell you why. Because she's a black female. In other words, for racist, sexist reasons.

What I find most contemptible about guys like you is the phony virtue you so publicly slather on--like holding up a big flashing sign: "Hey everybody! Look at me benevolently elevating the Negro!"--as if blacks are like the slow kids and you are the earnest and kindly teacher.

So, what race are you?

Why her? Because her story fills a gap in American history that hasn't been brought to the public's attention. Her story alters the stereotypical concept of Blacks being incapable of taking on mathematical challenges of that magnitude. In a country that marginalizes the Black experience as much as this one does, not only domestically, but world wide, it is great news to see Blacks defying that perspective. But to see, not one but three ,black women, using exceptional brain power to make a living in 1960 is almost mind boggling. The social conditioning that has shaped public opinion of Blacks in general for so long has been assaulted by this long overdue revelation. Children who see the pictures and read this remarkable story will carry it with them forever. There is nothing negative here... so, the impact of this glorious divulgence may be another stepping stone leading towards better racial relations. The only people who want to be dismissive of this great story are those who harbor insidious racial hatred.
If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
A webpage blog isn't science, gurl. YOU forgot to mention that some balloons that are used to carry people are navigable and use propellers for thrust. Wanna see one, dope?

BTW here is a little info you might want to look over:


Airships were originally called dirigible balloons, from the French "ballon dirigeable" or shortly "dirigeable" (meaning "steerable", from the French "diriger" - to direct, guide or steer) - the name that the inventor Henri Giffard gave to his machine that made its first flight on 24 September 1852.


Great, a steerable balloon. The facts still remain that it floats because it is lighter than air. It doesn't fly like a bird, plane, bee, or helicopter all of which are heavier than air.
Did you miss the part where these airships use propellers for THRUST? You certainly are not smart enough to work at NASA. When you read something you don't want to know your mind seems to blank it out.

Your elementary knowledge of science totters on the brink of stupidity. You somehow surmise that an airship is lighter than air. Do you know how much the goodyear blimp weighs? Apparently you haven't a clue. It weighs over 6 tons... But wait... How then, does such a huge mass rise to conquer the skies? You fill the "ballon" with helium.
Mind you, the 6 tons doesn't disappear but a weight redistribution occurs. The blimp, inflated with a prodigious amount of helium , becomes buoyant.
If I weren't concerned with the truth I would never have admitted that I made a factual error. I did concede that Sheppard, not Glen, was the first American launched into space. I did not concede that your denial of balloon flight as "flight" is accurate. My link and myriad other sources refer to air travel by balloon as flight. A powerful blow can cause a person to fly across a room. Your nitpicking to create a straw-man by alleging incompetence through error fails and you are on the brink of falling into your own trap.
The facts recently uncovered concerning Katherine Johnson and the contributions she and two other Black females made to NASA and our country are still valid. Nothing that You or I say here can change that!

I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
Look, a Black woman is a rocket scientist in 1960: I wonder how long it took her to get that job?


And if she were here she'd slap the shit out of your ignorant ass for believing that floating and flying are the same thing.

Look, stupid earthling, when you attach a powered propeller to the gondola of an airship it has thrust and is flying. Are you intelligent enough to understand that balloons can be made to float AND fly?
Last edited:
I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
A webpage blog isn't science, gurl. YOU forgot to mention that some balloons that are used to carry people are navigable and use propellers for thrust. Wanna see one, dope?

BTW here is a little info you might want to look over:


Airships were originally called dirigible balloons, from the French "ballon dirigeable" or shortly "dirigeable" (meaning "steerable", from the French "diriger" - to direct, guide or steer) - the name that the inventor Henri Giffard gave to his machine that made its first flight on 24 September 1852.


Great, a steerable balloon. The facts still remain that it floats because it is lighter than air. It doesn't fly like a bird, plane, bee, or helicopter all of which are heavier than air.
Did you miss the part where these airships use propellers for THRUST? You certainly are not smart enough to work at NASA. When you read something you don't want to know your mind seems to blank it out.

Your elementary knowledge of science totters on the brink of stupidity. You somehow surmise that an airship is lighter than air. Do you know how much the goodyear blimp weighs? Apparently you haven't a clue. It weighs over 6 tons... But wait... How then, does such a huge mass rise to conquer the skies? You fill the "ballon" with helium.
Mind you, the 6 tons doesn't disappear but a weight redistribution occurs. The blimp, inflated with a prodigious amount of helium , becomes buoyant.
I applaud those amazing women, and look forward to seeing their story as told by the movie. You, on the other hand, are a bozo who doesn't understand what flight is, and wants to compare filling a balloon with hot air to the engineering and skill required to design and build an airplane. Sorry boi, that is just plain ignorant.

I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
Look, a Black woman is a rocket scientist in 1960: I wonder how long it took her to get that job?


And if she were here she'd slap the shit out of your ignorant ass for believing that floating and flying are the same thing.

Look, stupid earthling, when you attach a powered propeller to the gondola of an airship it has thrust and is flying. Are you intelligent enough to understand that balloons can be made to float AND fly?

You seem to forget that I am the one who initially sited Archimedes principle that allows the blimp and other balloons to float rather than fly. Since you are still unable to grasp the difference between something that floats versus something that actually flies, here is an easy test that even you might be able to follow. Look at the object in question, and ask your self, if you changed the shape would it still be air born. If you can change the shape, then it is technically floating by being buoyed up by the weight of the displaced air. It's lighter than the air it is displacing. If you change the shape of a plane, say move the wings so they are parallel to the fuselage it would fall out of the sky because it is heavier than the air it is displacing. If you still can't grasp the difference, take up poetry.
I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

You can have your cute little link. I'll take science. Let's see, if I'm an idiot but understand the difference between flying and floating, what does that make you since you don't understand the difference? I know, a liberal PC snowflake sissy boi.

Falling, floating, flying
Is a hot-air balloon flying? A hot-air balloon has lift to counter gravity. In this case, the lift isn’t created by air moving over wings, but is created by buoyancy. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense, which means that the air particles are not as closely packed together. The result is that the air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon so the balloon will rise until the total weight force downwards is equal to the weight of the air that it is displacing.

However, the hot-air balloon has no thrust force to counter air resistance. In fact, the hot-air balloon will change speed until it is moving at the same speed as the air around it. It cannot counter drag. It will change speed until there is no drag. Because the hot-air balloon has no thrust, we cannot say that it is flying. It is only floating.
A webpage blog isn't science, gurl. YOU forgot to mention that some balloons that are used to carry people are navigable and use propellers for thrust. Wanna see one, dope?

BTW here is a little info you might want to look over:


Airships were originally called dirigible balloons, from the French "ballon dirigeable" or shortly "dirigeable" (meaning "steerable", from the French "diriger" - to direct, guide or steer) - the name that the inventor Henri Giffard gave to his machine that made its first flight on 24 September 1852.


Great, a steerable balloon. The facts still remain that it floats because it is lighter than air. It doesn't fly like a bird, plane, bee, or helicopter all of which are heavier than air.
Did you miss the part where these airships use propellers for THRUST? You certainly are not smart enough to work at NASA. When you read something you don't want to know your mind seems to blank it out.

Your elementary knowledge of science totters on the brink of stupidity. You somehow surmise that an airship is lighter than air. Do you know how much the goodyear blimp weighs? Apparently you haven't a clue. It weighs over 6 tons... But wait... How then, does such a huge mass rise to conquer the skies? You fill the "ballon" with helium.
Mind you, the 6 tons doesn't disappear but a weight redistribution occurs. The blimp, inflated with a prodigious amount of helium , becomes buoyant.
I'll let my links do the talking as well as this picture:


You are an IDIOT!

Look! Winnie the Pooh is a fighter pilot. I wonder how long it took for that silly ole bear to design his flying machine.
View attachment 102420
Look, a Black woman is a rocket scientist in 1960: I wonder how long it took her to get that job?


And if she were here she'd slap the shit out of your ignorant ass for believing that floating and flying are the same thing.

Look, stupid earthling, when you attach a powered propeller to the gondola of an airship it has thrust and is flying. Are you intelligent enough to understand that balloons can be made to float AND fly?

You seem to forget that I am the one who initially sited Archimedes principle that allows the blimp and other balloons to float rather than fly. Since you are still unable to grasp the difference between something that floats versus something that actually flies, here is an easy test that even you might be able to follow. Look at the object in question, and ask your self, if you changed the shape would it still be air born. If you can change the shape, then it is technically floating by being buoyed up by the weight of the displaced air. It's lighter than the air it is displacing. If you change the shape of a plane, say move the wings so they are parallel to the fuselage it would fall out of the sky because it is heavier than the air it is displacing. If you still can't grasp the difference, take up poetry.

An airship does fly on its own power. There is no way around that. But this op is not about that. It is about three brilliant Black women. Can you please stay on topic?
I am neither Black OR White.
What are then, here, attacking whites? What race are you? Answer. Don't be this guy:

I'd rather talk about this woman and her incredible mathematical ability:


Why her? Why not any of the other incredibly talented mathematicians working at NASA on the Apollo program (my uncle, for one)? No need to answer, since that seems to be something of an issue for you. I'll tell you why. Because she's a black female. In other words, for racist, sexist reasons.

What I find most contemptible about guys like you is the phony virtue you so publicly slather on--like holding up a big flashing sign: "Hey everybody! Look at me benevolently elevating the Negro!"--as if blacks are like the slow kids and you are the earnest and kindly teacher.

So, what race are you?

Why her? Really? Because of the fact at that time America was not far removed from Jim Crow segregation and it was uncommon for ANY Black person, let alone a female to even be able to get hired at Nasa.

She must have been exceptionally talented to have been there at that time and be getting the recognition that she is now.

No disrespect to your "Uncle", but it just may be possible that she was better than him at what she did.

Then she would have been hired on her own merits, not her skin color. Sorry, but this another episode of We Wuz Kangs. Maybe that kind of paternalism is ok with you, but it would stick in my craw, I think.

And here's why it matters.

DeTocqueville wrote that Americans would grow to love equality to the point we would give up anything before we gave up equality--including liberty (evidence of which we see all around us). This presents some problems, because humans, in fact, are not "equal". (The founders meant "equality before the law", but who pays attention to them, anymore?) Today, when we talk about equality we are talking about sameness. Everyone has to be the same--in wealth, in Oscar nominations, in math--or there is something "wrong". But since humans are not the same, we end up pounding square pegs into round holes with increasing determination and damage.

Blacks don't do math. So what? You excel in other areas. In fact, you are kicking our asses. Do you know that?

No need for the quotes around "uncle".

Lol..."We Was Kangs"? You don't strike me as one of those white people who is ignorant enough to ASSume that every black citizen speaks in such a vernacular.

And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

I attended an a predominately white middle school in the mid 60's, and saw plenty of white kids who were as dumb as a bag of stones, so no, you are not all blessed with superior intellectual tools because of your race.

That is an arrogant, ignorant and misinformed assumption.

The lady that has you "squawking" like a runover possum in Dogpatch, came along BEFORE affirmative action had really taken full effect, and all of the white male "victims" that are so often pitied by hapless dupes like some thd ones who post here, were still dominant and UNCHALLENGED in the majority of science based occupations, so if you want to try to use that whiny argument, that is weak.

The lady was an exception, not the recipient of any social favors.....and your fragile little ego is wounded because of it.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.
First, the term "bell curve" was well known long before Hernstein and Murray's seminal work. It is already hugely influential and growing in stature every year. Pointing and sputtering isn't the same thing as debunking. I wasn't talking about the book anyway.

Second, people like me were citizens back when we had a country before George Soros spread his poison. We were the overwhelming majority. As that majority, we white Americans fought a brutal war to end slavery--the only time in history I know of in which members of a race fought each other to end an injustice against another race. Did I mention the war was brutal? As in horrifically? Then that majority took a completely alien race of illiterate slaves and in a few generations made them fully equal citizens with themselves, a population that has mushroomed from 10 million in 1965 to over 40 million today. The wealthiest African-descended population on the planet, with the longest lifespan, the most highly educated, the lowest infant mortality, and the list goes on.

The overwhelmingly white majority--the rulers whom you so despise--implemented laws against discriminating against the black population, ensured their vote, educated their children, and spent trillions of dollars to raise their standard of living and rebuild their cities--all, given the historically unprecedented goal, with almost no bloodshed. Then, within the lifetimes of people who were alive during that brutal brutal war, we elected--we white people elected--a black president.

So fuck you and your "signs of Black progress", which you "support" with other people's money, you sniveling weakling. Fuck you and your incessant chirping about Jim Crow and minority rights. Fuck you and your sitcom morality. You and the millions of other mediocrities in this country have turned us into a Kenya-style racial spoils democracy. It's all racial now. Diversity is our strength. The citizen is dead. See how you like his replacement.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
And truth be told, there are some black people who donin fact excel at math, literature and chemistry, and it is also a fact that ALL whites do not just based in an accident of birth.

There should be a law that no one is allowed to vote, leave the house, or own a computer until they've demonstrated a working familiarity with the bell curve. This world would run so much more rationally.

If she came up before affirmative action, then why did NASA have a position open for a "black mathematician"? Thanks to the perverse Jewish world-view that dominates the media, your average run-of-the-millennial "knows" that America was a seething cauldron of white hatred and oppression bursting at the seams with roaming lynch mobs until just last April. But, in fact, whites have and had an enormous reservoir of good will toward blacks that seems, despite the occasional city looted and burnt to the ground, to be holding. NASA's efforts on behalf of black mathematicians is an example. Personally, I think it's counterproductive and patronizing. The Chinese say my people are overweight and over-sentimental. I just think we are stupid.
I wouldn't put too much credence in the debunked work of Charles Murray. I would also hesitate to put much faith in that "reservoir of good will you claim Whites have shown towards Blacks. Granted, SOME White people have been brave enough and Christian enough to join hands with Blacks in their struggle for equality. Some have been murdered for their efforts.

But people like you are not representative of those kinds of white people. Whites of your ilk have fought against any efforts by Blacks and other minorities, including White women, to attain civil rights on a parity with White men. You, for instance, and people like you, are constantly on the look out for signs of Black progress. If detected, you are the first to attack it.
I merely posted an uplifting story of three brilliant Black women and , true to your nature, you popped up like jack in the box to piss in the water.

Was there any push back against the hiring of these black women, or was it considered unremarkable by the people of the time?

Murray's work has not been debunked. It is unpopular because it is politically incorrect. Your confusion on that point it to be expected.
So, we disagree. Now, I'd like to return to the subject of the op. Why is it that when Blacks achieve in mathematics and sciences those achievements are marginalized?
Have you even commented on the op at all?

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