The American way to deal with Syrian refugees

How do we deal with them ?

We pressure places like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. to take them since they would fit in with their societies that are already the same or very similar.

While we are at it, we pressure one of these places to take Jake as well.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.


So how many are you taking into your home far left drone?
I don't know about the American way, but the Czech way is best. Send them to camps for humanitarian reasons and then try to get rid of them. Very Czechs people oppose that.

PC and guilt are not part of the social fabric here.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.


As usual, the left's narrative is unrealistic. You ignore the fact that many refugees don't want to be relocated. You ignore the fact that most are not families, but young males. You ignore the fact that Christians are being denied refugee status. You ignore the fact that more people would be helped if we send aid there instead of relocating them. You ignore the problems in Germany, France and Great Britain because of some of the hostile refugees. You ignore the intolerance on part of many refugees, some who have started "sharia patrols" in parts of other countries and their mission is to harass those who are noncompliant with sharia, even if the offenders are not Muslim.

The most important part is the fact that we are letting the U.N. cherry pick those who will be helped and a tiny percent are Christians. So, there is bigotry at the very start of the process. And the way we are doing it means that so many won't be helped at all. How is ignoring a great many in need considered the American way?

Best way to point it out is to say there are 12 people drowning. The left's current plan means sending a nice one-man boat to spare one person while the rest drown. The right's plan is to send 12 life jackets. Not as fancy, but gets the job done.

Let's send life vests to their countries and save more people instead of bringing a select few here over the next few years while leaving the rest to perish.

And if they are in dire need right now, how it is possible for them to wait a few years? Seems the goal is to bring Muslims, not Christians, here and distribute them to all 50 states.

It's clear that actually helping refugees is not the goal. The goal is to help Muslims spread and multiply. As soon as the refugees, mostly males, arrive, it's been discovered that ISIS recruiters are in contact with them.

Helping those who would destroy us is not the American way. It's the Obama way.
Jake, post pictures of the spare room you've prepared for a family of Syrian "refugees", then we'll talk. Personally speaking, I think the sensible thing would be to send them all back. I mean, why can't Israel and neighbouring Arab countries take them in? Why is it always White countries that have to take in refugees from thousands of miles away?
...and Jake make sure to get rid of all that bacon in your frig. Also, they need a prayer room. Your living room sure do nicely. They also like to keep and slaughter lambs for those special occasions. Your basement should work just fine...and you will have remove all those pictures and figurines of godless commies you have throughout the house...if you want to keep your head.
The far right and libertarian wings, as usual, will not get their way.

Such is always a victory for the American way.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

What we are hearing from many on the right is the politics of fear and bigotry, and the attempt to propagate that fear for some perceived partisan gain.

Fear is the rational response to random death.

And there is no partisan gain for the GOP in keeping America safe.

There is a partisan gain for importing Third World Voters for the Dems of course.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

What we are hearing from many on the right is the politics of fear and bigotry, and the attempt to propagate that fear for some perceived partisan gain.

Tell us what we have to gain by importing a single one of these muzzie savages. We're all dying to know what any American should support such a policy.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

Tell us, Fakey, what do we gain by allowing any of these muzzie savages into our country?

Notice that none of the leftwing turds in this forum have had the balls to answer this question.

Of course not. They don't have balls in any case. They are aged 6-year-old girls.
What muzzie savages? Robert Deere was not one, neither was Dylan Roofe, and we can go on and on. There are criminals in all groups, particularly in our alt far right wings.
We are so much better than the nonsense we are hearing from our reactionary far right.

Tell us, Fakey, what do we gain by allowing any of these muzzie savages into our country?

Notice that none of the leftwing turds in this forum have had the balls to answer this question.

Of course not. They don't have balls in any case. They are aged 6-year-old girls.
What muzzie savages? Robert Deere was not one, neither was Dylan Roofe, and we can go on and on. There are criminals in all groups, particularly in our alt far right wings.

That would be an answer if the question included something about ALL white people being good productive members of society.

As the question did NOT, your response just demonstrates that you cannot think of a single positive "Gain" for US by allowing these "muzzie savages into our country".

You just lost big time, Jake. Now the question is, do you have the Moral Courage to admit it.
Now, Correll, you have made a false criteria fallacy. Do you have the Moral Courage to admit it, Correll? Criminals come in all segments of society. That's your problem. Yes, you have lost big time.

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