The Answer To Illegal Immigration


Jul 25, 2016
You may or may not agree with these solutions. But there is no denying that they would work. And it is a hell of a lot better than surrender. You just put a bunch of the machines I will show pictures of along the U.S.-Mexico border. Pointing south. Then, either load onto or feed through illegals and send them on their ONE WAY trip back.

Human Catapult.jpg
Human fed wood Chipper.jpg
You may or may not agree with these solutions. But there is no denying that they would work. And it is a hell of a lot better than surrender. You just put a bunch of the machines I will show pictures of along the U.S.-Mexico border. Pointing south. Then, either load onto or feed through illegals and send them on their ONE WAY trip back.

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What! No cannons?

No it wouldn't.

But hey, it would make a lot of jobs for RWNJ traitors to pick lettuce and strawberries.

Why not write your R congress asshole and tell them to get off their butts?
No it wouldn't.

But hey, it would make a lot of jobs for RWNJ traitors to pick lettuce and strawberries.

Why not write your R congress asshole and tell them to get off their butts?

Oh yes it would. And then some. Some months back, an illegal invader shot and killed a White woman in San Francisco. Apparently, just for the hell of it. And he had been deported 5 times! Using the machines I showed pictures of, you would only need to deport then once. Also, I don't know what RWNJ is supposed to mean. But that aside, if Americans can't produce it, we shouldn't have it. Illegals are basically wage slaves. You know, there are species of ants that capture other ants and use them as slaves. They have evolved to the point that the slaver ants can't even feed themselves without their slaves. So who are the REAL slaves.
Another emo-clown playing stupid games instead of addressing a serious issue. ^^^^
Another emo-clown playing stupid games instead of addressing a serious issue. ^^^^

I don't know what an "emo-clown" is supposed to be. But you can stick it up your ass anyway. Also, I did address a serious issue. One of the most serious issues there are. I also brought up a REAL solution that would really work. Instead of the decades of occasional amnesties the government has been handing out. Which with absolutely perfect 20/20 hindsight, even a moron can see that doesn't work. Though only a moron would have thought it would have to begin with. It's time to come up with a new plan. (Which I did) One that doesn't see a worthless third world country loaded with people who don't like gringos becoming part of the U.S.
Another emo-clown playing stupid games instead of addressing a serious issue. ^^^^

I don't know what an "emo-clown" is supposed to be. ........

It's YOU, clown. Grow up, junior.

Tell me weasel, in what way am I not behaving in a grown up manner. Let me guess. It is in saying anything that might undermine your politically correct view of the world. Or rock the boat of your status quo views. Though if you aren't White, then your objections are clear enough. And absolutely meaningless to me.
Another emo-clown playing stupid games instead of addressing a serious issue. ^^^^

I don't know what an "emo-clown" is supposed to be. ........

It's YOU, clown. Grow up, junior.

Tell me weasel, in what way am I not behaving in a grown up manner. ...

Really, kid? Catapults and wood chippers as the solution to border control and illegal immigration? Really?

You're not just infantile, you're a hopeless fucking moron, emo-clown.


Grow the fuck up, boy.
Another emo-clown playing stupid games instead of addressing a serious issue. ^^^^

I don't know what an "emo-clown" is supposed to be. ........

It's YOU, clown. Grow up, junior.

Tell me weasel, in what way am I not behaving in a grown up manner. ...

Really, kid? Catapults and wood chippers as the solution to border control and illegal immigration? Really?

You're not just infantile, you're a hopeless fucking moron, emo-clown.


Grow the fuck up, boy.

Ok moron. You tell me YOUR solution. But don't bring amnesty. That didn't work. How would you feel about giving them the Vlad the Impaler treatment. It would certainly make for a border fence that would be hard to ignore. Do you disagree on that point? Also, just tell me if you're White or not. So I can know if I am just wasting my time with you.
...... How would you feel about giving them the Vlad the Impaler treatment. It would certainly make for a border fence that would be hard to ignore. ......

Stop wasting time with this idiotic, childish fucking nonsense, you brain dead little dope.
No it wouldn't.

But hey, it would make a lot of jobs for RWNJ traitors to pick lettuce and strawberries.

Why not write your R congress asshole and tell them to get off their butts?

Putting armed personnel at the border would. The smart ones would figure out not to try and the stupid ones that tried . . well, you can figure out the result.
...... How would you feel about giving them the Vlad the Impaler treatment. It would certainly make for a border fence that would be hard to ignore. ......

Stop wasting time with this idiotic, childish fucking nonsense, you brain dead little dope.

Then I take it you're not White. So you can stick your insults up your ass. Welcome to ignore land.
No it wouldn't.

But hey, it would make a lot of jobs for RWNJ traitors to pick lettuce and strawberries.

Why not write your R congress asshole and tell them to get off their butts?

Like everything else in a functional market economy, pay a salary high enough, and you'll get plenty of people to pick them. Why do you think you can get 4 lbs of strawberries at costco for $4.99? Because there's lot of illegals working those fields.

What the costco shopping idiots don't get is that once the taxes are accounted for that cover the illegals' welfare, free schooling, housing, and healthcare, ESL classes, etc., those strawberries actually cost more like $15/box.

Personally, I'd rather remove the illegals and put americans back to work, even if it means strawberries are now $15/$20/box. If importers try to import strawberries from mexican farms and put americans out of business, then I'd slap massive import duties on them to level the price difference. I do not accept supporting slave-labor in my country, or in another.

The illegal alien catastrophe has survived this long because there are so many people benefitting from it financially or otherwise. There is no way that something that so angers such a large majority of the US population could still be ongoing without big business and democratic party powers maintaining it. There is a reason why every other country on earth mass deports them and does not give them benefits of any kind.

And don't even get me started on the absolute bullshit about the central/south american "refugees" escaping gangs and violence.
You may or may not agree with these solutions. But there is no denying that they would work. And it is a hell of a lot better than surrender. You just put a bunch of the machines I will show pictures of along the U.S.-Mexico border. Pointing south. Then, either load onto or feed through illegals and send them on their ONE WAY trip back.

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How old are you kid? Is this some kind of a joke or you are trying to be funny? Cabron.
You may or may not agree with these solutions. But there is no denying that they would work. And it is a hell of a lot better than surrender. You just put a bunch of the machines I will show pictures of along the U.S.-Mexico border. Pointing south. Then, either load onto or feed through illegals and send them on their ONE WAY trip back.

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How would you have stopped Melania from coming here illegally the way she did?

The racy photos of Melanie inadvertently highlight inconsistencies in the various accounts she has provided over the years. And, immigration experts say, there’s even a chance that regardless of how long ago, any misrepresentations to immigration authorities could pose legal problems for her today. LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP!

While Melanie and Don have said she came to the United States legally, her own statements suggest she first came to the country on a short-term visa that would not have authorized her to work as a model. Trump has also said she came to New York in 1996, but the nude photo shoot places her in the United States in 1995, as does a biography published in February by Slovenian journalists.

Any question Melanie was fucking Donald while he was still married?

The inconsistencies come on top of reports by CBS News and GQ Magazine that Trump falsely claimed to have obtained a college degree in Slovenia but could be more politically damaging because her husband has made opposition to illegal immigration the foundation of his presidential run.

Representatives of the Trump campaign and the Trump Organization did not address detailed questions about the timing and circumstances of Melania Trump’s arrival in the country, but campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded to the emailed questions by stating, “Melania followed all applicable laws and is now a proud citizen of the United States.”

Although she may be a proud citizen, Trump’s own statements suggest she may not have followed all applicable laws, immigration experts say.
The Trump campaign and Trump Organization representatives did not address questions about the type of visa Trump first used to enter the country, but it has been widely reported that she came here on an H-1B work visa. Writer Mickey Rapkin, who interviewed Melania for a May profile in the luxury lifestyle magazine DuJour, said she confirmed as much to him. “When I interviewed Melania, I mentioned that she’d come to New York on that H-1B visa, and she nodded in agreement,” Rapkin wrote in an email to POLITICO.

Trump’s tale of returning to Europe for periodic visa renewals is inconsistent with her holding an H-1B visa at all times she was living in New York — even if it was the lesser-known H-1B visa specifically designed for models — said multiple immigration attorneys and experts. An H-1B visa can be valid for three years and can be extended up to six years — sometimes longer — and would not require renewals in Europe every few months. If, as she has said, Trump came to New York in 1996 and obtained a green card in 2001, she likely would not have had to return to Europe even once to renew an H-1B.

Instead, Trump’s description of her periodic renewals in Europe are more consistent with someone traveling on a B-1 Temporary Business Visitor or B-2 Tourist Visa, which typically last only up to six months and do not permit employment.

If someone were to enter the United States on one of those visas with the intention of working, it could constitute visa fraud,


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