The anti-Muslim monkeys are just pathetic

He's also rockin' a big red white and blue Puerto Rican medallion, a well known Muslim counrty.

That was also visible, but hey, some of the monkeys in this forum who are against the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" would like others to believe these rallies and protests are not anti-Islamic and that they're simply against the mosque, no how retarded are they to think somebody can be easily duped by their stupidity, mind tricks and obvious bigotry?
It gets better!!!!

Apparently, this whole mosque-trip is another o' their "grass-roots"-efforts; no bosses....kinda like pure-communism.

Well, guess what??!!!

"However, the coalition leading the charge against the mosque, the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, appears to be funded by a major neo-conservative advocacy group, with deep-pocketed donor$, and extensive connections to the conservative establishment. As Glenn Greenwald noted, the coalition’s website is registered to the Center for Security Policy, a neo-conservative think tank and advocacy group run by Reagan defense official and far-right hawk Frank Gaffney."!!!!!!!

Frank Gaffney is the KING O' RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS!!!!!

There isn't a conspiracy he WON'T believe-in!!!!


Who'll ever forget The Missile Defense Logo??!!!


Remember Elena Kagan??!!!!


How 'bout "....the two-man group established that there was, indeed, evidence of longstanding connections between Saddam's regime and various terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda."




Thanks for continuing to give a visual representation to tourettes syndrome.
OK, this thread is an idiotic example of uncreative flame baiting, with the 'insult' Monkey being used over and over again. And you all took the bait just beautifully.

What's this with calling people Monkeys? This is a really worthless thread. It is so utterly stupid. The OP must be unemployed.

I was never one to favor mobs or the loutish cretins that populate them, but I think you have a point here. I read the thread title (and saw at least one other threat title referencing "Mosque Monkeys") and went in, expecting to see something that would prompt such the reference to "monkeys" in the thread title. Nada.

Where did this come from all of a sudden?

it came from one of the bigger idiots and assholes on this Board ....the REAL Monkey here Bass....the phony "LEFT OF CENTER CONSERVATIVE"....
That was also visible, but hey, some of the monkeys in this forum who are against the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" would like others to believe these rallies and protests are not anti-Islamic and that they're simply against the mosque, no how retarded are they to think somebody can be easily duped by their stupidity, mind tricks and obvious bigotry?
It gets better!!!!

Apparently, this whole mosque-trip is another o' their "grass-roots"-efforts; no bosses....kinda like pure-communism.

Well, guess what??!!!

"However, the coalition leading the charge against the mosque, the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, appears to be funded by a major neo-conservative advocacy group, with deep-pocketed donor$, and extensive connections to the conservative establishment. As Glenn Greenwald noted, the coalition’s website is registered to the Center for Security Policy, a neo-conservative think tank and advocacy group run by Reagan defense official and far-right hawk Frank Gaffney."!!!!!!!

Frank Gaffney is the KING O' RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS!!!!!

There isn't a conspiracy he WON'T believe-in!!!!


Who'll ever forget The Missile Defense Logo??!!!


Remember Elena Kagan??!!!!


How 'bout "....the two-man group established that there was, indeed, evidence of longstanding connections between Saddam's regime and various terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda."




Thanks for continuing to give a visual representation to tourettes syndrome.

BTW, Shaloon, if we're going to despise people with deep pockets, why don't we start with the Saudi backers of the mosque?
BTW, Shaloon, if we're going to despise people with deep pockets, why don't we start with the Saudi backers of the mosque?

Like the one who partially owns Fauxnews? LMAO!!!

Yes...Fox News....The infamous Tea Party....anyone who doesn't stay in line and remain on the plantation.

By the way....when was the last time a Fox News employee strapped on a bomb vest?

How many Tea Party members have flown jets into buildings?

How many of the above have said in public that America had it coming....that we have more blood on our hands then Al Qaeda?

Seems like speaking up is a crime in itself these days unless you're bad-mouthing America. Other then that...we're supposed to STFU. We're all supposed to be good little sheep and keep our mouths shut while the Obama Administration and the Dems shred the constitution beyond recognition and Liberals sell our security out to anyone who claims they support their BS green-energy policies or gives them a few bucks under the table.
He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Maybe I'm being sensitive to the good Muslims who always get thrown in and demonized with the bad Muslims, my argument isn't ridiculous. Just as God is no respecter of persons neither am I, especially of those who are evil. The religion and the terrorist act are independent of each other, I'm smart enough to make that distinction without letting emotionalism cloud my mind.

I can understand it. I too am horrified how that man was treated. It was wrong and unjustifiable.

That being said, the building of the mosque there - when so many are offended by it - makes it morally wrong for the Muslims to build there. Does that mean I should hold all Muslims to account for the building? No. Just those who, for their own motives, choose to slap the faces of the relatives of those who died and New Yorkers. Personally, I don't support the mosque purely because so many New Yorkers and, more importantly, so many of the affected families, are against it. Other than that, it is not my business.

I think the Muslims concerned have a great opportunity to show those bigots who 'hate' them, just what decent people they actually are. I only hope they take it.
OK, this thread is an idiotic example of uncreative flame baiting, with the 'insult' Monkey being used over and over again. And you all took the bait just beautifully.

What's this with calling people Monkeys? This is a really worthless thread. It is so utterly stupid. The OP must be unemployed.

I was never one to favor mobs or the loutish cretins that populate them, but I think you have a point here. I read the thread title (and saw at least one other threat title referencing "Mosque Monkeys") and went in, expecting to see something that would prompt such the reference to "monkeys" in the thread title. Nada.

Where did this come from all of a sudden?

it came from one of the bigger idiots and assholes on this Board ....the REAL Monkey here Bass....the phony "LEFT OF CENTER CONSERVATIVE"....

Oh stop with the whining about Bass. There are far bigger assholes on the board.
Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Maybe I'm being sensitive to the good Muslims who always get thrown in and demonized with the bad Muslims, my argument isn't ridiculous. Just as God is no respecter of persons neither am I, especially of those who are evil. The religion and the terrorist act are independent of each other, I'm smart enough to make that distinction without letting emotionalism cloud my mind.

I can understand it. I too am horrified how that man was treated. It was wrong and unjustifiable.

That being said, the building of the mosque there - when so many are offended by it - makes it morally wrong for the Muslims to build there. Does that mean I should hold all Muslims to account for the building? No. Just those who, for their own motives, choose to slap the faces of the relatives of those who died and New Yorkers. Personally, I don't support the mosque purely because so many New Yorkers and, more importantly, so many of the affected families, are against it. Other than that, it is not my business.

I think the Muslims concerned have a great opportunity to show those bigots who 'hate' them, just what decent people they actually are. I only hope they take it.

Do you think they're justified in being against it? If so, what's the justification?
Oh stop with the whining about Bass. There are far bigger assholes on the board.

it aint whining....the jerk is a phony Conservative.....and sure there are bigger assholes.....but i bet this Gibbon would be in the top 5 in any poll conducted here....

I may not be Republican or a Tea-baboon, but I am very conservative, the monkeys who call themselves Republicans are not conservatives.
Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Maybe I'm being sensitive to the good Muslims who always get thrown in and demonized with the bad Muslims, my argument isn't ridiculous. Just as God is no respecter of persons neither am I, especially of those who are evil. The religion and the terrorist act are independent of each other, I'm smart enough to make that distinction without letting emotionalism cloud my mind.

I can understand it. I too am horrified how that man was treated. It was wrong and unjustifiable.

That being said, the building of the mosque there - when so many are offended by it - makes it morally wrong for the Muslims to build there. Does that mean I should hold all Muslims to account for the building? No. Just those who, for their own motives, choose to slap the faces of the relatives of those who died and New Yorkers. Personally, I don't support the mosque purely because so many New Yorkers and, more importantly, so many of the affected families, are against it. Other than that, it is not my business.

I think the Muslims concerned have a great opportunity to show those bigots who 'hate' them, just what decent people they actually are. I only hope they take it.

Being offended at something doesn't always equal being "morally wrong," how is it morally wrong for good Muslims to build a mosque? I don't believe in backing from people#s religious bigotry.
Oh stop with the whining about Bass. There are far bigger assholes on the board.

it aint whining....the jerk is a phony Conservative.....and sure there are bigger assholes.....but i bet this Gibbon would be in the top 5 in any poll conducted here....

My sentiments exactly.

shut up monkey, you don't even know what conservative is, I'm more conservative than all you monkeys on this board put together who call themselves conservative.

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