The anti-Muslim monkeys are just pathetic

How dare that asshole "look like a Muslim" so close to Ground Zero? Is he insensitive to the feelings of Americans? :evil:

He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

I am not surprised to see you apply revenge in your decision making.

And yes, that is exactly what you admitted to doing.

Like I said, you are quite immature in your debating style.

I rather enjoy watching you say foolish things.
So if you walk into a KKK rally and get your ass kicked, which you should be accustomed to since it happens to you so frequently online, you share no responsibility?

Monkey, the man is not a Muslim, did not shout nor yell his views, nor did he carry any sign showing his views, so how does you monkey logic of a question even apply? The man still never said nor had a chance to say whether he supported the mosque or not, the monkeys who attacked him made an assumption based on the Under Armour skull cap he was wearing. Congratulations monkey, you've just been owned again for opening up your mouth making a jackass out of yourself, next time you open your mouth stick a banana in it.

Hey you stupid fuck. I never said the man was a muslim. Get your head out of you monkey ass and learn to fucking read. Didn't the white man teach you anything? The idiot was saying "fuck" every other word you moron and yes he did say that he had an opinion and it was obvious that it wasn't shared by the others.

You couldn't own a rock you stupid fuck!

The man only starting cussing after he was verbally attacked you stupid silverback, when I call you monkey what do you do? You always verbally attack back, some idiots in the crowd called him a coward, are you hard of seeing, retard, dumb and blind you shameless monkey?
How dare that asshole "look like a Muslim" so close to Ground Zero? Is he insensitive to the feelings of Americans? :evil:

He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.
How dare that asshole "look like a Muslim" so close to Ground Zero? Is he insensitive to the feelings of Americans? :evil:

He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Yep. He has mnade a decision based on his dislike for a few that think otherwise.

It is like saying.."That man wears white after labor day and he is also one that supports the stimulus plan, so I am now against the stimulus plan becuase I would never support something a man supports who wears white after labor day"

I think we call people like that "followers"...They act based on the actions of others.
Bass is a mental midget.. he can't pull a cogent thought together to save his life and works "monkey" or "ape" into every sentence.

I'm guessing he's around 15 or so?

The Bass is simply psychologically humiliating his opponents while refuting their monkey talk and hate and the Bass is loving it and you're mad.

and yet if someone calls you a Monkey he is a racist.....
How dare that asshole "look like a Muslim" so close to Ground Zero? Is he insensitive to the feelings of Americans? :evil:

He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Maybe I'm being sensitive to the good Muslims who always get thrown in and demonized with the bad Muslims, my argument isn't ridiculous. Just as God is no respecter of persons neither am I, especially of those who are evil. The religion and the terrorist act are independent of each other, I'm smart enough to make that distinction without letting emotionalism cloud my mind.
Bass is a mental midget.. he can't pull a cogent thought together to save his life and works "monkey" or "ape" into every sentence.

I'm guessing he's around 15 or so?

The Bass is simply psychologically humiliating his opponents while refuting their monkey talk and hate and the Bass is loving it and you're mad.

and yet if someone calls you a Monkey he is a racist.....

But of course!
Bass is a mental midget.. he can't pull a cogent thought together to save his life and works "monkey" or "ape" into every sentence.

I'm guessing he's around 15 or so?

The Bass is simply psychologically humiliating his opponents while refuting their monkey talk and hate and the Bass is loving it and you're mad.

and yet if someone calls you a Monkey he is a racist.....

Most likely they are, but you'll never hear me whine about about because I've been called every bad thing that you can imagine so it rolls right off.
Bass, your busted

It's a shame that the right fringe (and not so far to the fringe either) embraces this degree of hatred. Part of me thinks that if we didn't have instant "media", i.e. YouTube, Facebook, FoxNuts, you wouldn't have half as much phony outrage as we see today. Everyone is trying to get on the camera, trying to capture their 15 minutes regardless of the damage to our country. They're just mindless self-serving idiots. The very type that Beck, Rush, FoxNuts and the right love.

hey mr. "Loyal Patriot" ....the LEFT Fringe fits this bill as well....i wonder why you did not mention that?......a REAL Patriot would have seen this....

I'll match my military service to yours any day of the week along with my sacrifices.
The right wing fringe drives this hate debate by friend, not the left. You know it.

your little sig says "Loyal Patriot' dont have a Cow if you get called that.....and i dont recollect anyone bringing up Military Service....oh thats right did....and yes the FAR Right does a great job at stirring up hate....but so does the LEFT Wing....they do a pretty decent job themselves.... .and i know you know least you should.....
He's also rockin' a big red white and blue Puerto Rican medallion, a well known Muslim counrty.

That was also visible, but hey, some of the monkeys in this forum who are against the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" would like others to believe these rallies and protests are not anti-Islamic and that they're simply against the mosque, no how retarded are they to think somebody can be easily duped by their stupidity, mind tricks and obvious bigotry?
It gets better!!!!

Apparently, this whole mosque-trip is another o' their "grass-roots"-efforts; no bosses....kinda like pure-communism.

Well, guess what??!!!

"However, the coalition leading the charge against the mosque, the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, appears to be funded by a major neo-conservative advocacy group, with deep-pocketed donor$, and extensive connections to the conservative establishment. As Glenn Greenwald noted, the coalition’s website is registered to the Center for Security Policy, a neo-conservative think tank and advocacy group run by Reagan defense official and far-right hawk Frank Gaffney."!!!!!!!

Frank Gaffney is the KING O' RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS!!!!!

There isn't a conspiracy he WON'T believe-in!!!!


Who'll ever forget The Missile Defense Logo??!!!


Remember Elena Kagan??!!!!


How 'bout "....the two-man group established that there was, indeed, evidence of longstanding connections between Saddam's regime and various terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda."



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OK, this thread is an idiotic example of uncreative flame baiting, with the 'insult' Monkey being used over and over again. And you all took the bait just beautifully.

What's this with calling people Monkeys? This is a really worthless thread. It is so utterly stupid. The OP must be unemployed.
OK, this thread is an idiotic example of uncreative flame baiting, with the 'insult' Monkey being used over and over again. And you all took the bait just beautifully.

What's this with calling people Monkeys? This is a really worthless thread. It is so utterly stupid. The OP must be unemployed.

I was never one to favor mobs or the loutish cretins that populate them, but I think you have a point here. I read the thread title (and saw at least one other threat title referencing "Mosque Monkeys") and went in, expecting to see something that would prompt such the reference to "monkeys" in the thread title. Nada.

Where did this come from all of a sudden?
Bass is a mental midget.. he can't pull a cogent thought together to save his life and works "monkey" or "ape" into every sentence.

I'm guessing he's around 15 or so?

The Bass is simply psychologically humiliating his opponents while refuting their monkey talk and hate and the Bass is loving it and you're mad.

and yet if someone calls you a Monkey he is a racist.....

No he isn't. He's accurate. :eusa_hand:
OK, this thread is an idiotic example of uncreative flame baiting, with the 'insult' Monkey being used over and over again. And you all took the bait just beautifully.

What's this with calling people Monkeys? This is a really worthless thread. It is so utterly stupid. The OP must be unemployed.

Monkey, what you're up against is a right of center true conservative thats adept at taking advantage of his opposition's weaknesses and the rightwingers and the apes they support here hate being called monkeys, a term meant to be offensive to blacks that I've learned to use to my advantage. Rightwing monkeys mostly gad about in this forum and have no real arguments other than what rightwing media tells, me, I'm totally self made and enjoy humiliating my opposition as i destroy their arguments.
He must have been, I'm pretty sure he planned out that one.

These idiots and their emotive arguments, they want people to feel sensitivity to their concerns while having no sensitivity to the concerns of others. Its because of that why I support the building of the mosque.

Charlie, I like you, you know that.... but that is the most ridiculous argument for supporting the mosque that I have heard. Even more ridiculous than the drooling hordes on the left.

Maybe I'm being sensitive to the good Muslims who always get thrown in and demonized with the bad Muslims, my argument isn't ridiculous. Just as God is no respecter of persons neither am I, especially of those who are evil. The religion and the terrorist act are independent of each other, I'm smart enough to make that distinction without letting emotionalism cloud my mind.

You really don't understand Islam then. And putting yourself on the same level as God is evil in itself.

Oh....and many Palestinians tend to call Jews Monkeys. Funny how you're doing the same thing. Bigotry....that's all it is.
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