The Apocalypse Preppers Who Think Coffee Will Save Them (Mindwars?)


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2014
For all of you end of the worlders.....

The Apocalypse Preppers Who Think Coffee Will Save Them

When the world ends, Stuey Bailey will be sitting in a tent upstream of a river in the Australian outback sipping a cup of coffee. Maybe the financial markets will have collapsed and, with them, any semblance of humanity; maybe a fleet of nukes will have swarmed every country, leaving behind naught but rusting metal skeletons of infrastructure; or maybe a conflux of zombies will have descended on our homes in search of our and our loved ones’ tasty, tasty brains. No matter how it goes down, Bailey will leave his home in Werribee, Victoria, trek 50 miles north into the bush, and take shelter in a remote spot on the edge of civilization. Once Bailey reaches his “bug-out location,” he’ll unpack his supplies and fashion a suitable shelter out of tarps and ropes—something that can be easily dismantled in case Bailey needs to hide. He will make a cup of coffee and massively increase his chances of surviving in the process.

As you’d expect from anyone forced to flee their home, Bailey’s nerves will be shot. He’ll be tired. He will, as the saying goes, need his java. “[Coffee] would give you a moment to think in a stressful moment like bugging out,” Bailey tells me. He will need food, water, and shelter, obviously, but he will also need coffee. When survivors and non-zombies pass through Bailey’s makeshift camp, he’ll offer them a seat and some coffee. Sometimes the real stuff made out of beans, but other times he’ll make it out of dandelion roots. Bailey says the stuff “tastes very similar to real coffee” and does just as good a job of springing you into alertness. It’s also a natural diuretic and Bailey says it’ll detox livers, strengthen immune systems, and relieve gas. A “cuppa,” he says, “is a good way to make peace and meet strangers in the bush.” Also, he adds, a “great wood stain.” The topic of trading will likely come up. Eyes will linger over water filters, alcohol, pelts, cigarettes, fishing lines. “In an SHTF situation,” Bailey says, “cash will be worth toilet paper.” Coffee will be worth a lot. Bailey might trade a bit of it for a few pounds of fresh meat. Bailey’s stack of coffee packets could be the reason he survives.
Granny has a cup o' java...

... when she gets up inna mornin'...

... to get her goin'.

If ya take the coffee grounds...

... an' pack `em around the base of a catalpa tree...

... the ants won't crawl up an' eat the catalpa pods.

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