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The Apollo Alliance: Destroying America one master plan at a time

Big Fitz

User Quit *****
Nov 23, 2009
Thanks to Glenn Beck for exposing this group. Here are your masterminds behind the bailouts (who also were cut $80 billion out of it). Why should we be aware of them and fear what they want?

Here's their master plan for us.

The Full Report

But it's all good! They have happy windmills spinning in their graphics coexisting with a flock of birds. Awwwwww....

But look at what they have to say about what they hope to accomplish with America:

As we move together toward the clean energy future, we must ensure that a core set of American values and standards are embedded in the new energy economy. We must ensure that all Americans have a chance to participate in the clean energy transition, and that the new clean energy economy creates broadly shared prosperity.

A core set of American Values? Would that be free markets and capitalism? oh no... we're talking collectivism. Note "Shared Prosperity". Code word for you work, we party.

To do this, we must:

Ensure equal opportunity by providing
pathways out of poverty and into green-collar career tracks for underserved Americans.

And force people off welfare into jobs that can't support their own existance

Provide a level playing fieldfor energy-intensive industries so carbon regulation does not inadvertently drive jobs and pollution offshore to countries with weaker environmental and labor standards.

So... trap industries in US borders then have a third party decide what is a 'level playing field' even if that means they cannot stay in business?

Ensure regional equityfor the parts of America most dependent on extracting and using fossil fuels and therefore most likely to suffer worker, community, and industrial dislocations in a new energy economy.

All regions are equal. But some regions are more equal than others? Paging Mr. Orwell?

Respect the dignity of workby ensuring that we maintain America’s long held commitment to prevailing wage standards and strong labor protections whenever federal dollars are invested in the new energy economy.

The union protection act. An employer's duty is not to provide a product or service to those who want it. No. His goal is to provide work for his workers even at the expense of his own fortune and the clients. A worker focused economy always fails.
In the spirit of the American frontier, the future we envision is one not of limited horizons, but of expanding possibilities. The solutions we propose will not only curb global warming and make our country and the world more secure, they also will create vast new industries, unimaginable new business opportunities, and millions of good jobs.

Ohhh, is that Copeland I hear in the background? No that's "Fanfare for the Communist Man". A fake crisis, an economy wrecked by parasitic workers who have sucked the employer dry and resent the consumer for not funding their folly and phony jobs that never fully realize because they cannot support themselves.

Gotta love it.


Look at how they're trying to whitewash "Cap and Tax":
Establish a federal “cap and invest” program to generate and strategically reinvest the resources necessary to build the new clean energy economy. The New Apollo Program is a bold agenda for our new energy future. At one time, Americans understood that great public undertakings required serious public investments. We spent the equivalent of $70 billion per year (measured as a share of GNP) on the original Apollo moon landing program and we did it without borrowing from our grandchildren. Surely, our energy security challenges are serious enough to warrant an even greater level of national commitment.

They want to liken their desire to eviscerate our entire cultural foundation to the Apollo moonshots. Gives the whole thing that nice chest swelling pridy-type feeling, doesn't it. To combat of course a disaster that doesn't exist kinda puts the damper on it IMHO.

To generate the funds necessary to make this commitment, the next president and Congress should enact a “cap and invest” policy that accomplishes three goals. First, it must set limits on carbon emissions and dramatically lower our national carbon footprint. Second, it must provide a powerful market stimulus to shift our entire energy economy toward low-carbon technologies. Third, it must raise significant levels of public funding to reinvest in the new energy future, while ensuring these funds are not siphoned off for wasteful pork-barrel projects.

And now we're trying to continue to 'control the language' after they lost the fight on Cap and Trade being accurately labled "Cap and Tax". But not only that, notice how they want to take money from industry and then protect it from being used on things they don't approve of by politicians, sequestering it away from other, better solutions.

A cap on carbon emissions would send a powerful market signal to move toward low-carbon energy sources, and would establish certainty in the rate of emission reductions necessary to stabilize the earth’s climate. Emission reductions would be achieved by reducing the number of carbon permits sold or allocated to the market each year. Trading these permits would allow the market to achieve carbon reductions at the lowest cost. Moreover, a cap and invest system, where emission permits are auctioned off to energy-intensive industries and power producers, would generate substantial public funding - anywhere from $50 billion to $300 billion per year - for investment in the new clean energy economy.

First they force you to take the heroin, then to control you, they start cutting back on your supply to it. This is all about power and control like a feudal king controlling his peasants.

We recommend the creation of a new Clean Energy Investment Corporation to invest these funds, to ensure accountability in spending public dollars, and to help hard hit families and communities make the transition to the new energy economy.

Of course, then you have to know, who's the master here. This is it. A new, unelected, appointed bureaucratic body, prone to corruption and abuse with no accountability. It doesn't get much clearer than that.

LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?

LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?


Because there are more Americans willing to let someone else do their thinking for them. Murdock knows this and is cashing in.
WHY is this not in 'Conspiracy Theories"???


''I say on the air all time, 'if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.''
Glenn Beck, New York Times, March 29, 2009
WHY is this not in 'Conspiracy Theories"???


''I say on the air all time, 'if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.''
Glenn Beck, New York Times, March 29, 2009
Because the information was gleaned directly from their own website mission statement?

Stupid pesky truth. How about a little fire scarecrow?
Content of OP ignored, Beck bashing and the like on full throttle. Typical.

The folks with pocket liners and taped horn rimmed glasses are trying to take over the world...G-R-E-E-D


''When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining.''
Glenn Beck on his radio show, Sept. 9, 2005
LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?


Because Rupert Murdock is crazy and makes shit up

Haven't you read his newspapers?
LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?


Because Rupert Murdock is crazy and makes shit up

Haven't you read his newspapers?

Yes and unlike the LMSM Democrat Talking Point that pass as newspaper WSJ circulation held up while LMSM plummets
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LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?


Because Rupert Murdock is crazy and makes shit up

Haven't you read his newspapers?
Then it should be easy for you to find the incidents where Glenn's made stuff up. Not to mention the lawsuits that Mr. Murdock has recieved for Fox News committing slander/libel/defamation of character.

Please, do cite them.

As for the energy company disasters, I'm content to say "crappy timing" at this point, unless they're happening in China too. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in existence and oil rigs are up there too. It ain't a conspiracy till evidence is found of one as far as I'm concerned.
LOL... I've found another use for the name "Glenn Beck". Leftist repellent.

And oh small question. If Beck's crazy and making shit up... why does Rupert Murdock keep him on the air? Why aren't all these people suing the crap out of him?


Because Rupert Murdock is crazy and makes shit up

Haven't you read his newspapers?
Then it should be easy for you to find the incidents where Glenn's made stuff up. Not to mention the lawsuits that Mr. Murdock has recieved for Fox News committing slander/libel/defamation of character.

Please, do cite them.

As for the energy company disasters, I'm content to say "crappy timing" at this point, unless they're happening in China too. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in existence and oil rigs are up there too. It ain't a conspiracy till evidence is found of one as far as I'm concerned.

Obama is a racist
Obama is a communist
There were a million and a half protestors at the Tea Party Rally in Washington
Obama is a racist
Obama is a communist
There were a million and a half protestors at the Tea Party Rally in Washington

and the check is in the mail
and they'll respect us in the morning. :lol:

the more i read the more i wonder if anyone who takes glen beck seriously shouldn't be forced to undergo psychiatric observation.
Sometimes Beck speaks the truth....

''I'm a rodeo clown. It takes great skill.''
Glenn Beck, New York Times interview, March 29, 2009

''I could give a flying crap about the political process ... We're an entertainment company.''
Glen Beck, Forbes interview; April, 2010
Because Rupert Murdock is crazy and makes shit up

Haven't you read his newspapers?
Then it should be easy for you to find the incidents where Glenn's made stuff up. Not to mention the lawsuits that Mr. Murdock has recieved for Fox News committing slander/libel/defamation of character.

Please, do cite them.

As for the energy company disasters, I'm content to say "crappy timing" at this point, unless they're happening in China too. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in existence and oil rigs are up there too. It ain't a conspiracy till evidence is found of one as far as I'm concerned.

Obama is a racist
Obama is a communist
There were a million and a half protestors at the Tea Party Rally in Washington
Hmmm... Cambridge police incident. Speaks to having racist tendancies. Not to mention marinating in Rev. Wrights "hate whitey" style of preachin.

P-BO just told wall street that there is such a thing as too much money. Speaks to the base tenant of communism, wealth redistribution. Not to mention his tax policies and hatred towards corporations.

Okay, 1.75 million. Ya got him there. He under guessed. And those are only UNOFFICIAL numbers from sources in the DCPD.

Still nothing specific I see just floundering for theoreticals. After all, I hear of no law suits being filed against Fox, Beck or Murdoch for saying such things. And if they are lies, surely there are many lawyers that would love to sue the pants off down to muscle tissue of those guys. So where's the evidence of briefs filed?
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