The appeal of Herman Cain?


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
Though it might not be politically popular to modernize and eliminate some of our entitlement programs, responsible leaders should be willing to do it all the same. They must be prepared to make tough choices and learn to simply say “no.” This can only happen when our elected officials stop being politicians and start being leaders. Simply put: there is no “Department of Happy” in Washington, D.C.

guilty. Additionally, loosening the restrictions on Health Savings Accounts would help to empower Americans to save and invest their own money to expand their options for health care

This will allow states, cities, churches, charities and businesses to offer a helping hand instead of a handout where they live. People closest to the problems are the best ones to solve the problems effectively.

Inspired by the work ethic and character of his parents, Herman continued his education by earning his Master’s degree in computer science from Purdue University while working full-time developing fire control systems for ships and fighter planes for the Department of the Navy. Though Herman enjoyed using his talents as a civilian employee for the Navy, he gravitated towards the culture of business.

Herman returned to his home of Atlanta to begin working as a computer systems analyst for the Coca-Cola Company. After considerable success at Coca-Cola, he moved to the Pillsbury Company. Within a short period of time, Herman rose to position of Vice President. Although the comforts of a corner office on the 31st floor of a majestic corporate building seemed satisfying, Herman knew that he needed a challenge.

He became the regional vice president of Pillsbury’s Burger King division. This meant starting from the “ground up,” dodging grease fires and broiling hamburgers. Herman was assigned to lead a low performing region of 450 of their restaurants. Within three years, it became the best performing region in the company.
About Herman Cain | Herman Cain for President

That's a little bit about Herman Cain and where he really stands, it would seem to me that while his stance on the issues might hold great appeal to the right base of the party and may even get him close to the party nod, the problem then becomes how serious is the party about actually winning the White House with a candidate like Herman Cain. The facts are these, with a stance of basically cutting Social Security, eliminating Medicare, and from my reading, increasing Defense spending, and like it or not rather than a sound approach on immigration taking a rather far right track moving himself far from the latino vote he has little chance of winning the White House regardless of the current Presidents record. While not an advocate for any candidate at the moment, it would appear that while Mr. Cain is no doubt a dynamic speaker, at times he is more interested in selling his book and himself than he is with winning the White House. Our nation has many problems at the moment, and many to the point where I do not need to list them here, so given that, it would be nice to have serious people willing to lead this nation.
Friends don't let friends make asses of themselves by supporting the Idiot on book tour Herman Cain.

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