The Ark


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
This is a wonderful new show. Great idea. Instead of a spaceship traveling around easily between worlds this ship is traveling to another habitable planet with thousands of people. Something went wrong and all the smartest and richest people on the ship are destroyed by whatever happened and it awoke the rest of them too early. They should have been asleep for another year. You know the concept. But so now this is the next Star Trek. More believable actually. Closer to how it will be. Star Trek is way further into the future. I like all the challenges they face. Water, growing food on the ship, and none of these are the best and brightest. This is like 2nd shift having to take over. The doctor was still in training. The real doctor, dead. The captains and 1st mates, all dead.

This is a wonderful new show. Great idea. Instead of a spaceship traveling around easily between worlds this ship is traveling to another habitable planet with thousands of people. Something went wrong and all the smartest and richest people on the ship are destroyed by whatever happened and it awoke the rest of them too early. They should have been asleep for another year. You know the concept. But so now this is the next Star Trek. More believable actually. Closer to how it will be. Star Trek is way further into the future. I like all the challenges they face. Water, growing food on the ship, and none of these are the best and brightest. This is like 2nd shift having to take over. The doctor was still in training. The real doctor, dead. The captains and 1st mates, all dead.

Is the theme in its offering people an opportunity to escape reality? If so then any reality show with that motive, is counter productive IMO.
Is the theme in its offering people an opportunity to escape reality? If so then any reality show with that motive, is counter productive IMO.

Actually, glad you asked. Because I believe we need to get off this rock and we're long overdue. We should have been on mars by now mining the meteor belt. We should know if life in Europa exists already. At least tartigrades live on Europa I bet. Living tardigrades.

But we don't know because we've been held back in my opinion from the days of Socrates and Plato and Homer. The rulers back then had two choices. Two ways they could go

Slavery and Religion

Science and Democracy for all men and women.

You know which way they chose. So I believe we'd be on mars by now if not for slavery and religion.

So this is what it would be like if you were one of the people who chose to go to this new planet and instead of waking up 30 days from arrival, you wake up 365 days before, and the best and brightest are all dead. Holy cow!

So far it doesn't feel as political as Orville was. Too much of a social message for cons to take. The Ark so far doesn't seem to have a political message thank god. They didn't leave earth because it's fucked up or dying. They just wanted to go for various reasons. It's new so stay tuned. I'm just telling people who like Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Jean Luc Picard, Orville, star wars, was there one with Scott Bakula? Am I missing any? The one with a woman captain. Jane Way? So many spinoffs.

You'll love this one. I do so far. Can't wait till next Wednesday.
So I believe we'd be on mars by now if not for slavery and religion.

So slavery and religion is why the world is so screwed up? Assuming you are correct, who came up with slavery and religion? Was it not people? If so, then human nature is the real problem here.

But this is the problem with those on the Left. They believe human nature to be "good" as the only thing that makes it bad is slavery, religion, capitalism, and the Patriarchal family, etc.

They are comparable to Hitler trying to kill off all the Jews in order to usher in a utopia, a utopia that will never come because Hitler thought his nature was also good, as well as the rest of the Areyan race. They just needed to get rid of all the bad people.

But this is not what we learn with the Bible. In the Bible, the greatest heroes, such as King David and Moses, were both murderers and flawed like the rest of us.

And they would have remained so even if they went to another planet.

But the more the world spirals down the drain of depravity and sinfulness and self-destruction, the farther away man will be from pursuing such adventures as going to Mars.

in fact, the Book of Revelations tells us what our future holds.
So I believe we'd be on mars by now if not for slavery and religion.

So slavery and religion is why the world is so screwed up? Assuming you are correct, who came up with slavery and religion? Was it not people? If so, then human nature is the real problem here.

But this is the problem with those on the Left. They believe human nature to be "good" as the only thing that makes it bad is slavery, religion, capitalism, and the Patriarchal family, etc.

They are comparable to Hitler trying to kill off all the Jews in order to usher in a utopia, a utopia that will never come because Hitler thought his nature was also good, as well as the rest of the Areyan race. They just needed to get rid of all the bad people.

But this is not what we learn with the Bible. In the Bible, the greatest heroes, such as King David and Moses, were both murderers and flawed like the rest of us.

And they would have remained so even if they went to another planet.

But the more the world spirals down the drain of depravity and sinfulness and self-destruction, the farther away man will be from pursuing such adventures as going to Mars.

in fact, the Book of Revelations tells us what our future holds.
The people who ruled the masses back in Plato's day are responsible. You can't give them science and religion because they contradict themselves. And if you're going to push the lie, it's to keep power. Back then "they" owned slaves. So they pushed religion, and slavery. Not science and democracy, even though they get credit for starting democracy. They did. I'm proud of it. But I'm also not so tribal I can't call them out for the bad things "they" did back then. Not everyone in Greece could vote you know.
Kind of woke. Stopped watching it.
A gay guy went on the trip. Why would he do that? Why would they allow it? If you aren't going to have kids and multiply you can't go on the Ark. I would force him to give up his cum.

But keep in mind that even if no gays are on the ship, gays will continue to exist in the future. It's hetero couples who produce gay children.

They had a no clone rule on the ship. Only REAL humans. But then they got sick on Comet water and only the clone survived. So it was good the people who planned the mission snuck one on.

I also like how they talk about my favorite animal on earth. The Tardigrade. It can live in the coldest places on earth and the hottest. It can survive outer space. They talked about splicing our genes with tardigrade dna? OMG if that could happen we could make humans super humans.
Just because they are small doesn't mean they aren't intelligent life

microscopic animals and organisms that exhibit animal-like qualities.

Microfauna are present in every habitat on Earth. They fill essential roles as decomposers and food sources for lower trophic levels, and are necessary to drive processes within larger organisms.

No shit we haven't found any life on other planets yet

The microfauna are the least understood of soil life, due to their small size and great diversity. Many microfauna are members of the so-called cryptozoa, animals that remain undescribed by science. Out of the estimated 10-20 million animal species in the world, only 1.8 million have been given scientific names, and many of the remaining millions are likely microfauna, much of it from the tropics.

Microfauna are present in every habitat on Earth.

Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known,[9][10] with individual species able to survive extreme conditions – such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation – that would quickly kill most other known forms of life.[11] Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space.[12][13] There are about 1,300 known species

Tardigrades are usually about 0.5 mm (0.020 in) long when fully grown.

The brain develops in a bilaterally symmetric pattern.[26] Tardigrades have a dorsal brain atop a paired ventral nervous system. The brain includes multiple lobes, mostly consisting of three bilaterally paired clusters of neurons.
A gay guy went on the trip. Why would he do that? Why would they allow it? If you aren't going to have kids and multiply you can't go on the Ark. I would force him to give up his cum.

But keep in mind that even if no gays are on the ship, gays will continue to exist in the future. It's hetero couples who produce gay children.

They had a no clone rule on the ship. Only REAL humans. But then they got sick on Comet water and only the clone survived. So it was good the people who planned the mission snuck one on.

I also like how they talk about my favorite animal on earth. The Tardigrade. It can live in the coldest places on earth and the hottest. It can survive outer space. They talked about splicing our genes with tardigrade dna? OMG if that could happen we could make humans super humans.
All will exist. Shitting on those who do the real work and raise children in a fractured society purposely done from Progressives made it worse and it is suicide. It is not worth getting married and having children for a growing number of people. A dictator perhaps from Prog ways will promote hetero families as a way for civilization to survive and it will not be nice for others in that scenario.
All will exist. Shitting on those who do the real work and raise children in a fractured society purposely done from Progressives made it worse and it is suicide. It is not worth getting married and having children for a growing number of people. A dictator perhaps from Prog ways will promote hetero families as a way for civilization to survive and it will not be nice for others in that scenario.
Come on! Think about what you are saying. The GOP's way of trickle down clearly doesn't produce a big fat thriving happy healthy middle class. It only produces big money for the people at the top. Just look at how you defend CEO's pay going from 35X the average worker to 350x's.

Our way in the 1900's produced a middle class the world had never seen before. Corporations made profits and workers/families/labor/middle class did great too. Remember, back when America was GREAT?

Democrats think America was great after the Great Recession and it starting going backward when Reagan got into office. The rich finally had a candidate that would work for corporations and ignore labor. Remember Reagan was the first to start going to war with labor. Unions.
Kind of woke. Stopped watching it.
I'm still enjoying the show but now totally see what you mean. The captain of the ship is a woman. The evil captain on the more advanced ship trying to kill them is an evil woman. It seems like in the future women are in charge. The evil woman's daughter fought off 2 guys and another girl. The two guys should be ashamed of themselves. The good guy she's trying to fuck doesn't want to because she's evil. So that stops guys from wanting to fuck in the future?

If you can get over this, it's pretty good. How are they going to get away? Why is this ship evil? It turns out as earth falls apart they keep making more and more of these ships and so now it's not the best of the best like it was on ark 1, 2 maybe 3. Ark 15 has deplorables on it. Cousin fucking types. Not Saudi royalty.

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