The Arming of the Middle East...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
It appears that the ME is getting more dangerous by the day. Weapons provided by Russia maybe a game changer...Weapons from the Libyan War have infiltrated through Egypt in Hamas' hands...

I suspect Jihadist philosophy is spreading into the mainstream as anti-Western sentiments and as the Israeli Palestinian war goes on without any peace in sight will fuel even more conflict and more new dangers..

Russia says it will keep selling missiles to Syria

BEIRUT (AP) — Russia defended its sales of anti-aircraft systems to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, just days after joining forces with the U.S. for a new push to end Syria's civil war through negotiations.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov avoided saying whether those sales included advanced S-300 batteries. Israel has asked Russia to cancel what it said was the imminent sale of the S-300 missiles, portrayed by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as destabilizing to Israel's security.

The S-300s would make it harder for the U.S. and other countries to even consider intervening militarily or enforcing a no-fly zone in Syria. The U.S. has urged Russia — an Assad ally along with China, Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia — to cut off weapons supplies to Syria.

Despite such disagreements, Russia and the U.S. decided this week to convene an international conference to bring representatives of the Assad regime and the opposition to the negotiating table. Such talks would aim at setting up a transitional government. No date has been set.

The regime and the Syrian opposition have welcomed the idea, but with conditions. The opposition says talks can only begin once Assad and his aides have left. The regime says it will keep fighting the rebels, without saying at which stage it would be willing to halt its fire.

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