The Attack on Paul Pelosi Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

That's pure speculation on your part, the evidence thus far released tends to support me
The speculation is yours. You have no facts to support your claim that Pelosi is gay or that he knew his attacker...and yet you repeat those lies endlessly
The speculation is yours. You have no facts to support your claim that Pelosi is gay or that he knew his attacker...and yet you repeat those lies endlessly
um the reported 911 call has him referring to him as a friend.

maybe he’s bu-sexual i don’t know..but getting caught with a male hooker with his underwear on at 230am is a sign
So, is there any actual *evidence* that there was anything having to do with coke, or sex parties, or any kind of shenanigans going on besides a local conspiracy wackadoo attacking the Speaker's husband with the intent on assassinating her when she got home?

The 'underwear' thing was a reporting mistake which was quickly retracted, but people keep reciting it as if it is gospel.

Source: KTVU Fox 2, Least Biased, High Factual Reporting

Source:, Left-Center Bias, High Factual Reporting

So forget the underwear thing.

This seems to me as if a lot of people who hate Nancy Pelosi anyway are just slinging mud with no basis in fact. Am I about right, here?
These are people who believe pretty much anything they're told in their universe, who will latch on to any insane conspiracy theory they hear, so they appear to be serious.

It will be interesting to see how insane the stories get. Interesting, in a sad and disturbing way. As usual.
The indictment posted above says that he said an intruder was in his house on the 911 call and the operator asked if he knew the intruder’s name.

Pelosi replied that the intruder said his name was David.

He did NOT say that the person was a friend

You need to stop lying
The whole story is questionable. why would any assailant allow his victim to go to the bathroom???? Was the door open...or did a person actually let the police in? If a 3rd person in the house, why didn't they call the police...maybe no yelling occurred to wake them??? Most of all, can understand as Pelosi says he was talking to dispatcher in " code" he may have said a "friend" was there ...but he went farther and called the man by his first name, David. How did P Pelosi know the man's name...and that is on the recorded 911 call.
The whole story is questionable. why would any assailant allow his victim to go to the bathroom???? Was the door open...or did a person actually let the police in? If a 3rd person in the house, why didn't they call the police...maybe no yelling occurred to wake them??? Most of all, can understand as Pelosi says he was talking to dispatcher in " code" he may have said a "friend" was there ...but he went farther and called the man by his first name, David. How did P Pelosi know the man's name...and that is on the recorded 911 call.
Read the indictment. It spells the whole thing out.

Pelosi went for the door and grabbed for the hammer when the police knocked.
You have NOT posted the 911 call. You’re lying again.
i’ve literally posted what they said and they’ve been posted on this forum, as well as articles about them, it’s hardly my fault you are not keeping up with this story or intentionally ignoring reports. It’s the Muellwe report all over again you

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