The average IQ of Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee, and many other states is higher than that of California


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
According to the left, the Southern states are supposed to be comprised of low-IQ idiots who shove crayons up their noses and have sex with their sisters. With the exception of Mississippi and Louisiana, that isn't really true. At 95.5, California's average intelligence rating ranks as the third-lowest state.

How well does your state fare?

Mapping Average IQ Score By State​

"Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores are a measure used to assess human intelligence through standardized tests. These scores compare a person’s cognitive abilities to the average population, with the average score typically falling around 100.

To see how IQ varies across the United States, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu visualized data from a 2022 report published in the National Library of Medicine (Journal of Intelligence) by Bryan J. Pesta titled Updated IQ and Well-Being Scores for the 50 U.S. States."

Mapping Average IQ Score By State | ZeroHedge

The country's brain trust seems to be in fly-over country.

I noticed that too. I also noticed that the farther you get from the southern border, the higher the numbers are.

That should say something.
Hate to go all racial on ya, but the population of California is dominated by people of Central and South American ancestry, and the native populations there - speaking mainly about the indigenous people - have average IQ's in the 85 range.

The dumber you are, the more likely you are to be a straight-ticket Democrat. The only upside is that a large percentage of them are too stupid to register and vote.

The average IQ of Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee, and many other states is higher than that of California​

That is true! Most people are surprised to find out that California, the state where Kamala Harris got her education, is actually around the third lowest IQ average in the country! And that the upper Midwest, the flyover Trump country, is actually the largest region of highest IQ states!

Pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the media would have you think.

Big surprise, huh?
Average IQ is supposed to be 100
Most states seem to be on the 95-105 range

Doesn’t really prove much
The dumber you are, the more likely you are to be a straight-ticket Democrat. The only upside is that a large percentage of them are too stupid to register and vote.

Then why is the highest IQ State Massachusetts?
As Liberal as they come

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