The Bailout Was A Bank Robbery


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
There is a movie coming out in November called the Big Short. Sounds like it's a movie about how the bankers basically pulled the largest bank robbery in world history. From the preview I just saw it looks like the movie is about how they did it. Tarp, too big to fail, it was all so obvious to me. I'm hoping this movie vindicates those who believe the rich and powerful have become too dangerous for democracy.
There is a movie coming out in November called the Big Short. Sounds like it's a movie about how the bankers basically pulled the largest bank robbery in world history. From the preview I just saw it looks like the movie is about how they did it. Tarp, too big to fail, it was all so obvious to me. I'm hoping this movie vindicates those who believe the rich and powerful have become too dangerous for democracy.
Pretty sad when mega rich bastards had to be helped while the rest of those that pay those taxes got the shaft...
There is a movie coming out in November called the Big Short. Sounds like it's a movie about how the bankers basically pulled the largest bank robbery in world history. From the preview I just saw it looks like the movie is about how they did it. Tarp, too big to fail, it was all so obvious to me. I'm hoping this movie vindicates those who believe the rich and powerful have become too dangerous for democracy.
Pretty sad when mega rich bastards had to be helped while the rest of those that pay those taxes got the shaft...
And the American people did nothing. I think they know that by also controlling the media they control the message. People will see this movie and nothing will happen.

The too big to fail never lose. They are even gobbling up real estate. My brother is rich and he and all the other rich guys he knows have all this extra cash they are sitting on so they get to buy property cheap. His $100k property will be $1million when he puts a $200 home on it.
But Obama said we had to. It was the only way.
But Obama said we had to. It was the only way.
We did have to. That's what tellers are told to do when being robbed. Give them the money. Especially when the robbers are the bank owners. Especially if they own both parties.

Maybe we should do something about it? I know, let's pass citizens united and let 6 companies control 90% of all the media.
I thought they paid back TARP loans with interest? That does not make it great but a bit better?
But Obama said we had to. It was the only way.
TARP was passed during Boosh...

You think I don't know that? Obama and McCain were running for president at the time and wholeheartedly stood behind and voted for the legislation. It's one of the main reasons I didn't vote for either one of them and went third party instead.
I thought they paid back TARP loans with interest? That does not make it great but a bit better?

You have no right injecting facts when whiny loony leftists are enjoying a crying jag!
I lost my business cause there was no TARP for me...

I know. so many got damaged. Many had to empty 401K to pay for house sinking in value, looking for any job for 3 years or more depending on where they were. Many gave up if 55 or more.
I lost my business cause there was no TARP for me...

I know. so many got damaged. Many had to empty 401K to pay for house sinking in value, looking for any job for 3 years or more depending on where they were. Many gave up if 55 or more.
I was ready for the crash....I learned the hard way in the recessions of the 1980's and early 1990's....I lost no value in my real estate holdings...
The real reason I lost my company was the invasion of cheapo labor during Boosh...
I thought they paid back TARP loans with interest? That does not make it great but a bit better?

You have no right injecting facts when whiny loony leftists are enjoying a crying jag!
Before bushanomics we had 25% of the $ and the rich had 75%, and things worked. Now the rich have 90% and retarded right wing ers want to blame Obama or even Clinton just because he signed NAFTA.

If Republicans would just realize there party will never get er done.
But Obama said we had to. It was the only way.
TARP was passed during Boosh...
With a Democratic Party controlled Congress that also promoted the stupid idea that the housing bubble didn't exist over the repeated warnings by Bush and others that it did. Hell, who didn't know the bubble was about to burst except Democratic Party leadership, the ones responsible for oversight? The Democrats exposed themselves as the bastards bought and paid for by the wealthy.
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