The Balloon and the failure to communicate with profound look of weakness.

I'm sure China and Russia are watching US conservatives in their current state absolute pants-crapping hysterical meltdown over a stray balloon, and they're thinking "Wow, the US must be a nation of total pussies."

Republicans, please stop being such shrieking cowards. You're making the USA look really bad.
You are a colossal moron.
Biden’s handlers are about to fly their spy balloon out over the ocean and head home. If he doesn’t shoot it down over the ocean his bullshit story about worrying it would come down on a town is exposed.

China just flew a huge middle finger all over the US, and Chicom Joe did nothing.
The right freaking out over this balloon is comical. Getting it in one piece would be a historic espionage coup and they just want to blow it up. Sometimes your partisanship gets in the way of your good sense.
Why do we not have it in one piece?
Why do we not have it in one piece?
Blowing it to bits like you want would be like destroying the evidence and China gets to stick to their ridiculous cover story. If there's any way we need to get this thing intact.
Blowing it to bits like you want would be like destroying the evidence and China gets to stick to their ridiculous cover story. If there's any way we need to get this thing intact.
That isn’t an answer, Simp.

Try again.
This is surreal. Americans are worried that our #1 enemy is floating something of unknown purpose over our airspace….reporters are yelling questions at him as he makes his old-man walk across the lawn….and he just IGNORES them! Did his Communist overlords tell him to be silent?

What a horrible look for our enemies to observe.
That isn’t an answer, Simp.

Try again.
It's all the answer you get chicken little. Until this thing is resolved you'll run around acting like the sky is falling and then promptly move on to the next thing without another thought given.
It's all the answer you get chicken little. Until this thing is resolved you'll run around acting like the sky is falling and then promptly move on to the next thing without another thought given.
No answer again.

Run along, Simp.
It's all the answer you get chicken little. Until this thing is resolved you'll run around acting like the sky is falling and then promptly move on to the next thing without another thought given.
No one is doing that.
It is all you parrots do. You don't address the issues, you just exaggerate and/or demonize everything that you think isn't cheering your masters... anything to avoid the actual topic.
It's all the answer you get chicken little. Until this thing is resolved you'll run around acting like the sky is falling and then promptly move on to the next thing without another thought given.
Maybe it would be helpful if our “president” actually speaks or answers a question. Tens of millions of citizens are scared, and he just effectively shrugs?

What’s complicating it is the knowledge that he has enriched his own family, and then gotten kickbacks himself, from the Communist enemy that is currently flying a UFO over our sovereign airspace.

This is why you don’t elect demented fools who can be blackmailed by our worst enemies.
The symbolism of this balloon goes well beyond just a stray weather balloon. Even if they knew for certain it was an off course weather balloon the West would have to shoot it down to "save face". That is a core ideal in Chinese culture. To not save face sends a strong message to adversaries and allies alike, especially China. Does anyone believe China or Rusia would allow the same?

The West isn't going to shoot down the balloon. That's not "saving face", that's reacting with fear, paranoia, and stupidity. The American military are going to bring the balloon down, but they want to bring it down in one piece and see what the Chinese spy capability is like these days. They can't do that with a pile of charred wreckage spread over 100 miles of terrain.

Nothing is as stupid as those on the right.
Maybe it would be helpful if our “president” actually speaks or answers a question.

What’s complicating it is the knowledge that Hr has enriched his own family, and then gotten kickbacks himself, from the Communist enemy that is currently flying a UFO over our sovereign airspace.

This is why you don’t elect demented fools who can be blackmailed by our worst enemies.
He doesn't answer questions because he can't. He literally is unable to cognitively.
He has to wait till the balloon is gone, and then he will provide some stern lip service that he reads from a prompter and not take questions.
Maybe it would be helpful if our “president” actually speaks or answers a question. Tens of millions of citizens are scared, and he just effectively shrugs?

What’s complicating it is the knowledge that he has enriched his own family, and then gotten kickbacks himself, from the Communist enemy that is currently flying a UFO over our sovereign airspace.

This is why you don’t elect demented fools who can be blackmailed by our worst enemies.
You assume Veggie Joe has enough brain cells left to actually answer a question.
The West isn't going to shoot down the balloon. That's not "saving face", that's reacting with fear, paranoia, and stupidity. The American military are going to bring the balloon down, but they want to bring it down in one piece and see what the Chinese spy capability is like these days. They can't do that with a pile of charred wreckage spread over 100 miles of terrain.

Nothing is as stupid as those on the right.
Why have they not brought it down?
He doesn't answer questions because he can't. He literally is unable to cognitively.
He has to wait till the balloon is gone, and then he will provide some stern lip service that he reads from a prompter and not take questions.
Yes, that’s what will happen. Impeachment proceedings should begin this month.
No one is doing that.
It is all you parrots do. You don't the issues, you just exaggerate and/or demonize... anything to avoid the actual topic.
Trying to turn this into some sort of major crisis is exactly what the republicans are doing.

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