The Bashing Of Obama


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:
It is amazing to see something like this in the official media of a country, all be it a rogue nation such as North Korea.
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:
So, all Americans can all call him a wicked black monkey? I doubt that. The citizens of the African-American States of America will object with violence.
Well, the leader of NK is a pie face. Looks like the cartoon when a character gets smacked in the face with a fry pan and when it falls off the face is the shape of the pan. Plus, he's a fatso.
I don't think of Obama as a monkey. I think he is weak and laughable. But he is MY weak and laughable president. Big difference.
North Korea Media Calls Obama A 'Wicked Black Monkey'

North Korea's state news agency KCNA resorted to sickening racist language to lash out at Barack Obama this week, calling the U.S. president "reminiscent of a wicked black monkey."

The editorial, which also called South Korea's President Park Geun-hye an "old prostitute," was published in English on Friday during Obama's tour of Asian nations.

Another KCNA article from that same day -- this one in Korean -- took the ugliness even further. According to North Korea blogger Josh Stanton, the second story said Obama "should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators." The article also calls Obama a "crossbreed with unclear blood."

Well, I think Obama sucks as president so bad that now he is just laughed at instead of feared as a powerful leader. Still, he is our CIC and it kinda pisses me off. Kinda falls in line with "I can diss my hubby but if you do, you will be picking up yer teeth" sorta thing.

And it pisses me off he caused most of this unrest going on just by being sucky. However, he is OUR sucky leader so we can. They can't. Similar to the N word. Blacks can, whites can't.:mad:

You missed the funniest bit of all!

The North Korean report also berates the U.S. for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin's killing, saying the case reveals America's "true colors as a kingdom of racial discrimination."

Oh, the irony! :lol:
They are a bunch of ignorant fucks, aren't they?

I wonder if ol Rodman will scurry back there to soothe his buddy again soon, when his Acme rocket slams 10 feet from where it was fired from.
By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 5, 2008—Earlier this year, 12,000 people in San Francisco signed a petition in support of a proposition on a local ballot to rename an Oceanside sewage plant after George W. Bush. The proposition is only one example of the classless disrespect many Americans have shown the president.

According to recent Gallup polls, the president's average approval rating is below 30% -- down from his 90% approval in the wake of 9/11. Mr. Bush has endured relentless attacks from the left while facing abandonment from the right.

This is the price Mr. Bush is paying for trying to work with both Democrats and Republicans. During his 2004 victory speech, the president reached out to voters who supported his opponent, John Kerry, and said, "Today, I want to speak to every person who voted for my opponent. To make this nation stronger and better, I will need your support, and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can do to deserve your trust."

Those bipartisan efforts have been met with crushing resistance from both political parties.

The president's original Supreme Court choice of Harriet Miers alarmed Republicans, while his final nomination of Samuel Alito angered Democrats. His solutions to reform the immigration system alienated traditional conservatives, while his refusal to retreat in Iraq has enraged liberals who have unrealistic expectations about the challenges we face there.

It seems that no matter what Mr. Bush does, he is blamed for everything. He remains despised by the left while continuously disappointing the right.

Yet it should seem obvious that many of our country's current problems either existed long before Mr. Bush ever came to office, or are beyond his control. Perhaps if Americans stopped being so divisive, and congressional leaders came together to work with the president on some of these problems, he would actually have had a fighting chance of solving them.

Like the president said in his 2004 victory speech, "We have one country, one Constitution and one future that binds us. And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."

The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace -

What goes around comes around, I s'pose.

At least President Obama can say the dolts who are butchering him in the media aren't Americans.
They are a bunch of ignorant fucks, aren't they?

I wonder if ol Rodman will scurry back there to soothe his buddy again soon, when his Acme rocket slams 10 feet from where it was fired from.


I guess the right's found a new hero to replace The Pootin!
You are talking about a loon that has his enemies (real or perceived) put to death by flame thrower and making his silly hair style the law of the land. He is actually making his dad look good and that is no small feat. I don't expect him to die of old age, if he's this loopy already even the North Koreans are going to get tired of him.
He's one to talk, his country is so poor he's forced to take a side job as a bbq skewer vendor

I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.
I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Then we have dick-sociopaths like you that follow blindly the Republicans/teabaggers that have nothing to offer the middle class.
I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Well, I ain't young and I don't have shit for brains. But I would have if I had gone with McCain and Bimbo. He was the lesser of the two evils.
I lived through the Carter years and when he finally walked off into the sunset, everyone and their brother thought we had seen the last of the ultimate limpwristers. And now this guy.....elected by young shitforbrains who don't know shit about shit.....and once again, the world laughs its balls off at the United States.

Well, I ain't young and I don't have shit for brains. But I would have if I had gone with McCain and Bimbo. He was the lesser of the two evils.

But what you have to remember is that the lesser of the two evils is still evil.
We would all be up shit creek if Bimbo got in there along with Insane McCain. Obama evil? Nah. He's just a dork.

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