The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Can you even begin to imagine what This Democrat president would think about our present day Coward In Chief, on dropping the bomb? This was when a Democrat was truly a patriot, not like today's DemoRATS!

I think Truman would be amazed and surprised that our current President is a man of color.

What he wouldn't be surprised about are the lies by Conservatives attacking Democrats- he was used to cowards like you.
Yes...I'm sure he remembers the RW supporters of the Nazis...who profited from selling scrap metal to Japan before the war.

Japanese weren't Nazis
I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima. Hillary will be the same or worse... Hey, for a guy who worries about global warming, obama sure burns up a lot of jet fuel. He could just as easily stoop and bow and apologize for all America has done in the past by skyping these foreign leaders.

Oh well.....we did wipe out 140,000 men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman threatened to use nukes in Korea but thank goodness the two times at the end of the war is all they were ever used. My family came to Oak Ridge in early 1944 and my Dad worked in the manufacture of the bombs. I went to work there in 1952 and worked there till late 1993. At one time the U S had 22,600 nuclear weapons. Now I understand they've reduced that to about 8500. Anyway the bombs which were dropped at the end of the 2nd WW were a pittance compared to the destructive power of the bombs we have today.

Concerning an apology....we'll apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki right after the Japs apologize for Pearl Harbor. Have you ever been aboard the Arizona memorial:


Yes I have, it's a unique experience. I do always wonder that how the flaming hypocrisy of the Japanese who want an apology haven't apologized for what they did to us

Once again, Japan has apologized dozens of times since the end of the war.

Fair enough, but I didn't mean Japan hasn't apologized, what I am saying is the ones I hear wanting an apology for Hiroshima never apologize for Japanese actions when they do it. They never say we're sorry but are you sorry? It's just that we are war criminals and we haven't apologized for it.....

VOICES: A-bomb survivors leader says Japan shares blame, too

OK, fair enough. He blamed both, he didn't technically apologize to the US, but close enough for government work. Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us
Some--again, some--conservatives have a blind spot when it comes to America's wars. There is indisputable evidence that we knew from Japanese intercepts that Japan wanted to surrender and that their only condition was the preservation of the emperor.

Even Dwight Eisenhower didn't think we needed to nuke Japan.

And what possible justification was there for fire-bombing Tokyo after we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That was clearly a war crime.

Similarly, some conservatives scream anytime someone points out the profusely documented fact that top members of the Bush administration lied about the evidence relating to Iraq's nuclear program to justify invading Iraq. For example, our own DOE experts had debunked the claim that the aluminum tubes that we intercepted en route to Iraq were for nuclear use, but that didn't stop Condie Rice from claiming, a year later, that the tubes were for nuclear development (they were for rocket launchers).
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Can you even begin to imagine what This Democrat president would think about our present day Coward In Chief, on dropping the bomb? This was when a Democrat was truly a patriot, not like today's DemoRATS!

I think Truman would be amazed and surprised that our current President is a man of color.

What he wouldn't be surprised about are the lies by Conservatives attacking Democrats- he was used to cowards like you.
Yes...I'm sure he remembers the RW supporters of the Nazis...who profited from selling scrap metal to Japan before the war.

Japanese weren't Nazis
Oh well.....we did wipe out 140,000 men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman threatened to use nukes in Korea but thank goodness the two times at the end of the war is all they were ever used. My family came to Oak Ridge in early 1944 and my Dad worked in the manufacture of the bombs. I went to work there in 1952 and worked there till late 1993. At one time the U S had 22,600 nuclear weapons. Now I understand they've reduced that to about 8500. Anyway the bombs which were dropped at the end of the 2nd WW were a pittance compared to the destructive power of the bombs we have today.

Concerning an apology....we'll apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki right after the Japs apologize for Pearl Harbor. Have you ever been aboard the Arizona memorial:


Yes I have, it's a unique experience. I do always wonder that how the flaming hypocrisy of the Japanese who want an apology haven't apologized for what they did to us

Once again, Japan has apologized dozens of times since the end of the war.

Fair enough, but I didn't mean Japan hasn't apologized, what I am saying is the ones I hear wanting an apology for Hiroshima never apologize for Japanese actions when they do it. They never say we're sorry but are you sorry? It's just that we are war criminals and we haven't apologized for it.....

VOICES: A-bomb survivors leader says Japan shares blame, too

OK, fair enough. He blamed both, he didn't technically apologize to the US, but close enough for government work. Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us
The Japanese weren't kidding....reeeeealy? :lol:

Also, last I heard Japanese schools still don't teach that they started the war by attacking us, they present it as an inevitable conflict brought about by US and Japanese expansion in the Pacific

A survey of History teachers in Japan (admittedly a few decades old now) showed that these teachers almost universally viewed Japan's role in the war as one of aggression, and that this influenced how they taught their students. Keep in mind:

1) What politicians say for political purposes does not often reflect what is going on outside the political realm.

2) Most people don't remember what they learned in History class in middle and high school (look at any 'man on the street' interview of Americans).

Most young people don't know much about it because they don't much care about history at all (just like here).
  • Thanks
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Some--again, some--conservatives have a blind spot when it comes to America's wars. There is indisputable evidence that we knew from Japanese intercepts that Japan wanted to surrender and that their only condition was the preservation of the emperor.

Even Dwight Eisenhower didn't think we needed to nuke Japan.

And what possible justification was there for fire-bombing Tokyo after we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That was clearly a war crime.
Might want to look at your timeline there, Grandpa.
Can you even begin to imagine what This Democrat president would think about our present day Coward In Chief, on dropping the bomb? This was when a Democrat was truly a patriot, not like today's DemoRATS!

I think Truman would be amazed and surprised that our current President is a man of color.

What he wouldn't be surprised about are the lies by Conservatives attacking Democrats- he was used to cowards like you.
Yes...I'm sure he remembers the RW supporters of the Nazis...who profited from selling scrap metal to Japan before the war.

Japanese weren't Nazis
Yes I have, it's a unique experience. I do always wonder that how the flaming hypocrisy of the Japanese who want an apology haven't apologized for what they did to us

Once again, Japan has apologized dozens of times since the end of the war.

Fair enough, but I didn't mean Japan hasn't apologized, what I am saying is the ones I hear wanting an apology for Hiroshima never apologize for Japanese actions when they do it. They never say we're sorry but are you sorry? It's just that we are war criminals and we haven't apologized for it.....

VOICES: A-bomb survivors leader says Japan shares blame, too

OK, fair enough. He blamed both, he didn't technically apologize to the US, but close enough for government work. Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us
The Japanese weren't kidding....reeeeealy? :lol:

Did you read your post?
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." The question of whether using the bomb was the right thing to do is another, though related, matter.
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... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

1. Those numbers are speculative
2. Invasion was not the only alternative to using the atomic bomb
3. Evidence does not support the categorical claims that "the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering"
4. Yes, it was a terrible analogy
Obama did not apologize for nuking Japan. He is the first president do lay a wreath there. Japan started this. And how many Japanese leaders visited past victims and lay wreaths at their feet, let alone apologize? Short list.

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In one version of the formal apology, Emperor Hirohito, the Japanese monarch, is reported to have said to General MacArthur: "I come before you to offer myself to the judgment of the powers you represent, as one to bear sole responsibility for every political and military decision made and action taken by my people in the conduct of the war."[3]

In a second version of the formal apology, Patrick Lennox Tierney, claims that he was an eye-witness when the Emperor came to the Allied Supreme Commander's headquarters to present this apology. Tierney was in his office on the fifth floor of the Dai-Ichi Insurance Building in Tokyo. This was the same floor where MacArthur's suite was situated.[2] Tierney reported that when the emperor arrived, MacArthur refused to admit him or acknowledge him, and the pivotal moment passed."
And not one acknowledgement that Japan started and is to blame for the entire mess from the 20's to 40's.
Imagine today's liberals with their spavined little bodies painted blue dancing around a pyre on which they'd burn Harry Truman alive. Then practice speaking Japanese because that would certainly have been their preferred outcome.
Could you type what the headline says and the date of the paper for us, Einstein?

View attachment 76200

for god and country war - Google Search

September 2, 1945
And thanks for the google link.

"The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15"
A cease fire order is not a surrender

Yeah, every newspaper in the world announced Japan surrendered, Japan announced they surrender, Truman announced they surrendered, but they were all wrong according to you. :cuckoo:

Japan surrenders - Sep 02, 1945 -
Per your link you provided: The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15.
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Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat

Bipartisan all the way. You'd be able to see that, but you're a partisanshithead too.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people
So...did President Obama apologize for Hiroshima?
Obama noted that war is not unique in human history; he even went full moral relativist with regard to World War II itself: “the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes, an old pattern amplified by new capabilities and without new constraints.”

This is disgusting. If you can’t spot the bad guys and the good guys in World War II, of all conflicts, you’re on the side of a valueless nihilism that allows the possibility of future world wars – after all, you can’t take a strong stand against evil if it doesn’t exist. Japan was wrong. America was right. Germany was wrong. America was right. End of story.

President Obama Gives One Of The Most Repulsive Speeches In American History In Hiroshima
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

1. Those numbers are speculative
2. Invasion was not the only alternative to using the atomic bomb
3. Evidence does not support the categorical claims that "the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering"
4. Yes, it was a terrible analogy

The exact numbers are speculative for sure, but it clearly would have been in the millions who would have died in an invasion. There was no evidence the Japanese were considering surrendering before the bomb and it's hard to imagine any scenario that would have cost fewer lives. And if we left without defeating the Japan government they would have continued the same policies and we probably would have had another war
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

This is myth. We know from released files that Truman & Co. knew from Japanese intercepts that the Japanese were not only ready to surrender but wanted to surrender, and that their only condition was that the emperor not be deposed. This is in black and white for all to read.
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

1. Those numbers are speculative
2. Invasion was not the only alternative to using the atomic bomb
3. Evidence does not support the categorical claims that "the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering"
4. Yes, it was a terrible analogy

The exact numbers are speculative for sure, but it clearly would have been in the millions who would have died in an invasion. There was no evidence the Japanese were considering surrendering before the bomb and it's hard to imagine any scenario that would have cost fewer lives. And if we left without defeating the Japan government they would have continued the same policies and we probably would have had another war

Ignored Japanese Peace Bids Plague U. S., West, with What Might Have Been (August 14, 1965)
He's not smart enough to be embarrassed .
Well maybe when he looks in the mirror.
Could you type what the headline says and the date of the paper for us, Einstein?

View attachment 76200

for god and country war - Google Search

September 2, 1945
And thanks for the google link.

"The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15"
A cease fire order is not a surrender

Yeah, every newspaper in the world announced Japan surrendered, Japan announced they surrender, Truman announced they surrendered, but they were all wrong according to you. :cuckoo:
Only because they were.
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

1. Those numbers are speculative
2. Invasion was not the only alternative to using the atomic bomb
3. Evidence does not support the categorical claims that "the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering"
4. Yes, it was a terrible analogy

The exact numbers are speculative for sure, but it clearly would have been in the millions who would have died in an invasion. There was no evidence the Japanese were considering surrendering before the bomb and it's hard to imagine any scenario that would have cost fewer lives. And if we left without defeating the Japan government they would have continued the same policies and we probably would have had another war

MILITARY VIEWS About Dropping the Atomic Bomb

"In official internal military interviews, diaries and other private as well as public materials, literally every top U.S. military leader involved subsequently stated that the use of the bomb was not dictated by military necessity."
... Though he didn't explain why we should apologize for fighting back when Japan attacked us

I've never heard anyone criticize the US for "fighting back." If two kids are fighting after the smaller kid threw the first punch, no one will criticize the bigger kid for fighting back. If the bigger kid, after taking a few shots at the beginning of the fight, ends up winning, that's just how it goes. However, if the smaller kid is almost unconscious and down on one knee and the bigger kid takes out a bazooka and blows his head off, some people may question that.

Terrible analogy. Millions and millions of people would have died if we invaded Japan, and the Japanese government had no intention of surrendering

This is myth. We know from released files that Truman & Co. knew from Japanese intercepts that the Japanese were not only ready to surrender but wanted to surrender, and that their only condition was that the emperor not be deposed. This is in black and white for all to read.

What they were proposing wasn't "surrender" it was basically they would stop fighting and we would go away

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