The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Progressives think we attacked Japan first, fucking morons

The fucking morons are the ones like the OP who lied about President Obama apologizing for anything- and those like you who believe him.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Progressives think we attacked Japan first, fucking morons
Oh? Who has made that claim?
The one apologizing… LOL
Who is apologizing?
The progressive...

Apparently the voices in Rustic's head are apologizing- because he can't find any actual people.
Anyone who thinks Obama apologized or implied an apology is relentlessly stupid.

Anyone who thinks that Japan did not surrender is relentlessly stupid on that point.
How about those that now claim the Soviets forced Japan to surrender and we never needed the Atomic bombs? Want my link to source documents again that prove that the Japanese Government had no intent to surrender even after 2 Atomic bombs and even after the Emperor did surrender tried a Coup to stop him?
I am still waiting for the OP to show us where anyone apologized for the bombing of Hiroshima as the OP claimed.

No one that knows how you traitors operate is going to show you a thing.

Someone forgot to make Mikey take his meds today.

I don't need meds to realize that you shills are all liars and traitors.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people
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Can you even begin to imagine what This Democrat president would think about our present day Coward In Chief, on dropping the bomb? This was when a Democrat was truly a patriot, not like today's DemoRATS!

I am still waiting for the OP to show us where anyone apologized for the bombing of Hiroshima as the OP claimed.

No one that knows how you traitors operate is going to show you a thing.

Someone forgot to make Mikey take his meds today.

I don't need meds to realize that you shills are all liars and traitors.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

You need your meds to establish contact with reality.
Can you even begin to imagine what This Democrat president would think about our present day Coward In Chief, on dropping the bomb? This was when a Democrat was truly a patriot, not like today's DemoRATS!

I think Truman would be amazed and surprised that our current President is a man of color.

What he wouldn't be surprised about are the lies by Conservatives attacking Democrats- he was used to cowards like you.
Anyone who thinks Obama apologized or implied an apology is relentlessly stupid.

Anyone who thinks that Japan did not surrender is relentlessly stupid on that point.
How about those that now claim the Soviets forced Japan to surrender and we never needed the Atomic bombs? Want my link to source documents again that prove that the Japanese Government had no intent to surrender even after 2 Atomic bombs and even after the Emperor did surrender tried a Coup to stop him?

The only reason the Soviets declared war was because of the atomic bombs.

Yes- the dropping of the bombs ended the war and

The OP is a slimy lie.
The Japanese had no intention of surrendering until after the bombs were dropped on HIroshima and Nagasaki.
The bombs were tested on undamaged cities at the same time sending a message to Uncle Joe.

Why did Japan surrender?

In recent years, however, a new interpretation of events has emerged. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa - a highly respected historian at the University of California, Santa Barbara - has marshaled compelling evidence that it was the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender. His interpretation could force a new accounting of the moral meaning of the atomic attack. It also raises provocative questions about nuclear deterrence, a foundation stone of military strategy in the postwar period. And it suggests that we could be headed towards an utterly different understanding of how, and why, the Second World War came to its conclusion.

“Hasegawa has changed my mind,” says Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb.” “The Japanese decision to surrender was not driven by the two bombings.”

President Truman’s decision to go nuclear has long been a source of controversy. Many, of course, have argued that attacking civilians can never be justified. Then, in the 1960s, a “revisionist school” of historians suggested that Japan was in fact close to surrendering before Hiroshima - that the bombing was not necessary, and that Truman gave the go-ahead primarily to intimidate the Soviet Union with our new power.

Hasegawa - who was born in Japan and has taught in the United States since 1990, and who reads English, Japanese, and Russian - rejects both the traditional and revisionist positions. According to his close examination of the evidence, Japan was not poised to surrender before Hiroshima, as the revisionists argued, nor was it ready to give in immediately after the atomic bomb, as traditionalists have always seen it. Instead, it took the Soviet declaration of war on Japan, several days after Hiroshima, to bring the capitulation.
The Japanese had no intention of surrendering until after the bombs were dropped on HIroshima and Nagasaki.
The bombs were tested on undamaged cities at the same time sending a message to Uncle Joe.

Why did Japan surrender?

In recent years, however, a new interpretation of events has emerged. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa - a highly respected historian at the University of California, Santa Barbara - has marshaled compelling evidence that it was the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender. His interpretation could force a new accounting of the moral meaning of the atomic attack. It also raises provocative questions about nuclear deterrence, a foundation stone of military strategy in the postwar period. And it suggests that we could be headed towards an utterly different understanding of how, and why, the Second World War came to its conclusion.

“Hasegawa has changed my mind,” says Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb.” “The Japanese decision to surrender was not driven by the two bombings.”

President Truman’s decision to go nuclear has long been a source of controversy. Many, of course, have argued that attacking civilians can never be justified. Then, in the 1960s, a “revisionist school” of historians suggested that Japan was in fact close to surrendering before Hiroshima - that the bombing was not necessary, and that Truman gave the go-ahead primarily to intimidate the Soviet Union with our new power.

Hasegawa - who was born in Japan and has taught in the United States since 1990, and who reads English, Japanese, and Russian - rejects both the traditional and revisionist positions. According to his close examination of the evidence, Japan was not poised to surrender before Hiroshima, as the revisionists argued, nor was it ready to give in immediately after the atomic bomb, as traditionalists have always seen it. Instead, it took the Soviet declaration of war on Japan, several days after Hiroshima, to bring the capitulation.

Let me clarify- Japan had no intention to surrender unconditionally prior to the dropping of the atomic bombs. They had made overtures regarding conditional surrender- tentative- but there is little indication that the ruling military junta would have actually allowed that to happen.

As it was, once Hirohito pushed through his demand for surrender, members of the Army attempted a coupe to prevent the surrender.

And once again for emphasis- since it can't be pointed out often enough-

The OP - and this thread is based upon a lie- the discussion regarding on whether the dropping of the bombs ended the war can be disputed- but there is no dispute that the topic of this thread is a lie.
[...] there is no dispute that the topic of this thread is a lie.
Oh of course, pretty much goes without saying, just look at who is the OP, but much less interesting to discuss.

Yet Bernstein, Hasegawa, and many historians agree on one startling point. The public view that the atomic bomb was the decisive event that ended World War II is not supported by the facts.
[...] there is no dispute that the topic of this thread is a lie.
Oh of course, pretty much goes without saying, just look at who is the OP, but much less interesting to discuss.

Yet Bernstein, Hasegawa, and many historians agree on one startling point. The public view that the atomic bomb was the decisive event that ended World War II is not supported by the facts.

Yep- there are historians who hold that view.

And there others who disagree- pointing out even Hasegawa's quote doesn't appear to support his conclusion

However, Hasegawa contradicts his own argument when quoting Emperor Hirohito, the living god of Japan, shortly after the attack on Hiroshima: “So my wish is to make such arrangements as to end the war as soon as possible.” (185)
Anyone who thinks Obama apologized or implied an apology is relentlessly stupid.

Anyone who thinks that Japan did not surrender is relentlessly stupid on that point.
How about those that now claim the Soviets forced Japan to surrender and we never needed the Atomic bombs? Want my link to source documents again that prove that the Japanese Government had no intent to surrender even after 2 Atomic bombs and even after the Emperor did surrender tried a Coup to stop him?
Some in government and the military were thwarted by the Emperor and his supporters. Yes, the atomic bombs forced Japan to surrender. Anyone who deny that are relentlessly stupid.
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The small detail that Japan lacked further resources to prosecute the war counted quite a bit, which also underlines the lack of necessity for any invasion. Therefore, the fact that they surrendered after the bombs does not, by itself, mean the bombs caused the surrender. They were more or less the exclamation points on the inutility of continuing.
They were also a horrible, inhumane thing to do.
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I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima. Hillary will be the same or worse... Hey, for a guy who worries about global warming, obama sure burns up a lot of jet fuel. He could just as easily stoop and bow and apologize for all America has done in the past by skyping these foreign leaders.

Oh well.....we did wipe out 140,000 men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman threatened to use nukes in Korea but thank goodness the two times at the end of the war is all they were ever used. My family came to Oak Ridge in early 1944 and my Dad worked in the manufacture of the bombs. I went to work there in 1952 and worked there till late 1993. At one time the U S had 22,600 nuclear weapons. Now I understand they've reduced that to about 8500. Anyway the bombs which were dropped at the end of the 2nd WW were a pittance compared to the destructive power of the bombs we have today.

Concerning an apology....we'll apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki right after the Japs apologize for Pearl Harbor. Have you ever been aboard the Arizona memorial:

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