The Battle Of Athens

Can you name a time when someone took up arms against the US Government and won?

From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Civil War to Waco... guess what. Government always wins.


The Federal Government has NOT EVER become so tyrannical as to justify its violent overthrow, not once in its entire history. If it did, people from EVERY state, not just half, would take up arms and cause the economy to crash within weeks. That would be the end.

Civil War was North vs South. It was not "neighbor vs neighbor." I can assure you that in a situation of "neighbor vs neighbor" Civil War, the federal government would collapse. Also, let's be glad the federal government WON the Civil War.

As for Waco? Why would anyone care about a bunch of child molesters. The Federal Government was simply doing its job (with the exception of seizing firearms).

Whiskey Rebellion: A bunch of men didn't want to pay taxes, meanwhile the Constitution allows this tax and they were represented by Congress.

The reason these rebellions don't work because THEY ARE NOT JUSTIFIED.

However, there is a rebellion that did succeed against the State Political Machine of Tennessee, it's called... The Battle of Athens, WHY? Because it was justified.

Oh, some made up film?

Yeah, okay. Whatever, dude.

Fact is, there is NEVER going to be a scenario where most of your neighbors will consider taking up arms against the government to be a good idea. You will ALWAYS be that crank with a gun.
Only an idiot like you would try to say documented history is made up.
Oh, some made up film?

Yeah, okay. Whatever, dude.

Fact is, there is NEVER going to be a scenario where most of your neighbors will consider taking up arms against the government to be a good idea. You will ALWAYS be that crank with a gun.
Only an idiot like you would try to say documented history is made up.

I covered this in the other thread...

The 1992 made-for-television movie An American Story (produced by the Hallmark Hall of Fame) was based upon the McMinn County War but set in a Texas town in 1945. It was nominated for two 1993 prime time Emmy Awards and one American Society of Cinematographers award.[12] The battle is also mentioned in the book Unintended Consequences.

And how well did that revolution work?

The new government encountered challenges including at least eleven resignations of county administrators.[citation needed] On January 4, 1947, four of the five leaders of the GI Non-Partisan League declared in an open letter: "We abolished one machine only to replace it with another and more powerful one in the making."[11] The League failed to establish itself permanently and traditional political parties soon returned to power
So much for "Second Amendment Remedies"–1968)

The movement was characterized by major campaigns of civil resistance. Between 1955 and 1968, acts of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience produced crisis situations between activists and government authorities. Federal, state, and local governments, businesses, and communities often had to respond immediately to these situations that highlighted the inequities faced by African Americans. Forms of protest and/or civil disobedience included boycotts such as the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–1956) in Alabama; "sit-ins" such as the influential Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina; marches, such as the Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; and a wide range of other nonviolent activities.
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The government will always have bigger guns, better guns and will be better with them.

And when they take out gun nutters, most of their neighbors will be cheering.

Don't bet on that!

I'd bet money on that every time.

Oh, you guys whine and snivel every time liberals get into office, but at the end of the day, you can't get off your fat ass to do anything about it.

Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.
Don't bet on that!

I'd bet money on that every time.

Oh, you guys whine and snivel every time liberals get into office, but at the end of the day, you can't get off your fat ass to do anything about it.

Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.

Not at all.

I remember when Clinton was in and you gun fetishists all formed your own militias and whined about Ruby Ridge and Waco (like killing Nazis and Child molestors was a bad thing). and then a couple of you tried some stupid shit (McVeigh and Eric Rudolf) and it was amazing how the rest of you scattered like cockroaches.
I'd bet money on that every time.

Oh, you guys whine and snivel every time liberals get into office, but at the end of the day, you can't get off your fat ass to do anything about it.

Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.

Not at all.

I remember when Clinton was in and you gun fetishists all formed your own militias and whined about Ruby Ridge and Waco (like killing Nazis and Child molestors was a bad thing). and then a couple of you tried some stupid shit (McVeigh and Eric Rudolf) and it was amazing how the rest of you scattered like cockroaches.
Janet Reno said "I received reports that they were having sex with children" (Waco). That was her excuse for killing 72 people (including the children).

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