The Battle: Truth vs. Ideology

Maybe FDR's recognition of the USSR was in answer to Republican appeals? Senator Borah made an impassioned speech in 1931 that we recognize the USSR.

Pressure for recognition of the USSR was intense. At the other end of the political spectrum was retired progressive diplomat and President of the Pan American Union John Barrett. Barrett promoted recognition for years as did others from both parties before FDR conceded.
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Yeah we promised Stalin a second front in 42 and 43, but we let him continue his battle as long as it didn't look like he would fold as Russia did in the first WW. We were the coat holders and Stalin must have had some reaction to our un-kept 2nd front promises.
So what should America have done about the USSR's internal conflicts? We had enough of our own during the entire conflict including cleaning up the Hoover-Republican depression than to invade the USSR to make Stalin behave as conservatives have figured out some 70 years later.

Wait, left out this part of the post.....

"FDR endorsed and supported a regime that slaughtered millions and advanced the idea of the same slaughter throughout the world to bring about global communism."

Guess you didn't see it, huh?
Yeah we promised Stalin a second front in 42 and 43, but we let him continue his battle as long as it didn't look like he would fold as Russia did in the first WW. We were the coat holders and Stalin must have had some reaction to our un-kept 2nd front promises.
So what should America have done about the USSR's internal conflicts? We had enough of our own during the entire conflict including cleaning up the Hoover-Republican depression than to invade the USSR to make Stalin behave as conservatives have figured out some 70 years later.

Wait, left out this part of the post.....

"FDR endorsed and supported a regime that slaughtered millions and advanced the idea of the same slaughter throughout the world to bring about global communism."

Guess you didn't see it, huh?

Well he supported that regime as long as it was killing Germans. Not only that but FDR gave Stalin a chance to clean up his act so that it could be accepted by other nations. Stalin didn't, so we entered a cold war period.
But more than that he gave posters a chance some years later to show how they would have won the war and the peace without all those petty problems.
So what should FDR have done regarding Stalin's slaughtering millions?
Yeah we promised Stalin a second front in 42 and 43, but we let him continue his battle as long as it didn't look like he would fold as Russia did in the first WW. We were the coat holders and Stalin must have had some reaction to our un-kept 2nd front promises.
So what should America have done about the USSR's internal conflicts? We had enough of our own during the entire conflict including cleaning up the Hoover-Republican depression than to invade the USSR to make Stalin behave as conservatives have figured out some 70 years later.

Wait, left out this part of the post.....

"FDR endorsed and supported a regime that slaughtered millions and advanced the idea of the same slaughter throughout the world to bring about global communism."

Guess you didn't see it, huh?

Not only that but FDR gave Stalin a chance to clean up his act so that it could be accepted by other nations. Stalin didn't, so we entered a cold war period.
But more than that he gave posters a chance some years later to show how they would have won the war and the peace without all those petty problems.
So what should FDR have done regarding Stalin's slaughtering millions?

"Well he supported that regime as long as it was killing Germans."

That's a bald faced lie, reggie.....unless you want to claim ignorance of history.

FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR.

BTW.....kill Germans?

Stalin provided Hitler with plans and resources.
And this:
"...the Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact or Nazi–Soviet Pact, was a non-aggression pact signed in Moscow in the late hours of 23 August 1939."
Molotov?Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You admit that....don't you?

Roosevelt- Stalin: a slobbering love affair.
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Why did Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half refuse to recognize the Soviet government?

Same reason it took 20 years for the USA to fully recognize the Vietnamese government after the war. Or why we still won't fully recognize Cuba.

Fight and lose, you stay pissed off a long time. Then the grownup finally comes along and says "This is freakin' dumb, staying pissed off about ancient history." I just wish Obama would be the grownup concerning Cuba.
Who the hell is "History Butt"?

Does this opponent exist in the real world or is this another straw man debate?[/SIZE]

Anti-Fascist from Krypton

You mean Pro-Rooseveltian from Glubbdubdrib.

Hence your magical thinking.

Try reality.

More evidence of how dense you are. And unaware of history. You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels. The magical powers of Glubdubdrib is that they are able to go back in history and visit personages from the past. Hence, you are accusing your opponent of having special magical powers to know true and accurate history. This is what the powers of Krypton does to Superman, Superwoman and anyone who wears the big Super S and cape. It makes them denser than a meteorite.
Anti-Fascist from Krypton

You mean Pro-Rooseveltian from Glubbdubdrib.

Hence your magical thinking.

Try reality.

More evidence of how dense you are. And unaware of history. You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels. The magical powers of Glubdubdrib is that they are able to go back in history and visit personages from the past. Hence, you are accusing your opponent of having special magical powers to know true and accurate history. This is what the powers of Krypton does to Superman, Superwoman and anyone who wears the big Super S and cape. It makes them denser than a meteorite.

"You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels." sorry.....I'm not able to put a lid on my education.
H-Net Reviews

Wouldn't LOANS AND LEGITIMACY by Siegel be kind of like required reading for study of the topic of US recognition of the USSR by FDR?
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I see you panting and drooling in your efforts to recoup some of Roosevelt's luster, after the drubbing he, and you, took in this thread.

Seems you would like to post some of his positives to balance the terrible foreign policy errors for which he is responsible.

I can help....but none of this makes up for the millions slaughtered and the magnification of communist influence in the world, for much of which he is, in essence, an unindicted co-conspirator.

You might pick up a copy of “The Hundred Days of FDR”, by Schlesinger....

"Who can now imagine a day when America offered no Social Security, no unemployment compensation, no food stamps, no Federal guarantee of bank deposits, no Federal supervision of the stock market, no Federal protection for collective bargaining, no Federal standards for wages and hours, no Federal support for farm prices or rural electrification, no Federal refinancing for farm and home mortgages, no Federal commitment to high employment or to equal opportunity - in short, no Federal responsibility for Americans who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in economic or social distress?"


Now....why did he wed himself and this nation to the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, and communism?
And, he did.
You mean Pro-Rooseveltian from Glubbdubdrib.

Hence your magical thinking.

Try reality.

More evidence of how dense you are. And unaware of history. You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels. The magical powers of Glubdubdrib is that they are able to go back in history and visit personages from the past. Hence, you are accusing your opponent of having special magical powers to know true and accurate history. This is what the powers of Krypton does to Superman, Superwoman and anyone who wears the big Super S and cape. It makes them denser than a meteorite.

"You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels." sorry.....I'm not able to put a lid on my education.

By all means don't even try to put a lid on your education, some of use it to show our kids what happens when history is distorted.
And speaking of education did you read that post that accused the 238 historians that rated FDR as America's best president, as being communists?
More evidence of how dense you are. And unaware of history. You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels. The magical powers of Glubdubdrib is that they are able to go back in history and visit personages from the past. Hence, you are accusing your opponent of having special magical powers to know true and accurate history. This is what the powers of Krypton does to Superman, Superwoman and anyone who wears the big Super S and cape. It makes them denser than a meteorite.

"You are in a history forum and trying to insult your opponent by telling them they are from the magical island of Glubdubdrib from Gulliver's Travels." sorry.....I'm not able to put a lid on my education.

By all means don't even try to put a lid on your education, some of use it to show our kids what happens when history is distorted.
And speaking of education did you read that post that accused the 238 historians that rated FDR as America's best president, as being communists?

PC's delusions are understandable to those who are balanced in reason and education and emotion. She displays the fanaticism of the pre WWII Catholic church and the fascist and militaristic forces of anti-democracy that swept the earth.

Of course she hates FDR whose actions that helped to save and create a world in a small little Asian girl could come to the United States and live an amazing life.
H-Net Reviews

Wouldn't LOANS AND LEGITIMACY by Siegel be kind of like required reading for study of the topic of US recognition of the USSR by FDR?

The University Press of Kentucky - Title Detail

Universities from California to Kentucky and everywhere in between recommend and often require LOANS AND LEGITIMACY by Siegel, an acknowledged, accepted and respected
historian as reading material when knowledge of the US and USSR recognition under FDR is "the", or any part of the topic and subject of study.
If dissatisfied with University professors of history, you have the option of going with that PC thing that uses political pundits and commentators along with fascist fronts and ghost writers.
Read the reviews in the links provided. The Kentucky one is short and to the point. The history net one is longer and far more detailed.
LOANS AND LEGITIMACY by Siegel demolishes PC's conspiracy theory with factual data in a non-partisan fashion. It shows how PC's conspiracy theory is a lie by omission of facts, as do the linked reviews.
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