The Benham Brothers and the First Amendment


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Aren't we all glad they have the right to say what they want under the First Amendment?

If only life had been like that at the Alma Mater, Liberty University.

Here's the pertinent rules at "Liberty" University.

There is no First Amendment

Demonstrations, Petitions and Picketing Student participation in on-campus demonstrations, petitions or picketing is prohibited unless approved by Liberty University administration. The administration may also prohibit or restrict student participation in demonstrations, petitions or picketing at places other than on campus, where such participation would contradict or otherwise compromise the principles and policies of Liberty University. Distribution of Literature Distribution of literature is permitted on campus only when prior administrative approval has been secured from the Student Life Office or University Services. Distribution of literature in the residence halls requires written approval from the Residence Life Office.

No R-Rated Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters at Liberty University

No kissing or dancing!

No witches! (Except Sarah Palin, I guess)

No short shorts, girls!

Then there's the Nanny State issues...

Identification Cards
When new students/faculty/staff arrive at Liberty University, they are photographed and sent a LibertyOne Card. […]

The LibertyOne Card must be carried at all times and produced when requested by University personnel. This should be done in a timely and courteous manner. LibertyOne Card holders are subject to disciplinary action for the misuse of any identification card.

A typical college doesn’t track your whereabouts or punish you for not making your bed. Liberty is different:

Students desiring to leave earlier than the scheduled breaks must obtain written permission.

Out of the Residence Hall Overnight

Any time a resident student plans to be out of the residence hall overnight, it is imperative that he/she sign out on the overnight sign-out sheet.

Room Checks

Residence hall rooms are to be kept neat and clean at all times. The following will be checked on a regular basis:
Bed must be made
Carpet must be vacuumed
Trash must be emptied
Sink and mirror must be clean
Dresser tops and other stands dusted and in order
All personal belongings organized and in place
Students living off campus are not only expected to follow the same rigid guidelines, but they could also be subject to spot checks from Liberty personnel:
Liberty University expects its commuters to live above reproach in their private residences, as well as in the local community. In matters such as prompt payment of debt and relations with the community as a whole, the University exhorts that commuters, single and married, maintain exemplary conduct. […] (University personnel may periodically visit the private residence of off campus students to assist in resolving off campus problems and to ensure compliance to University regulations.

The Liberty Way is always in effect. You can’t get away from it – not even on summer break:

Liberty University regulations and policies are in effect at all times, including semester breaks and summer.

All students are expected to uphold the standards set by the University whether on or off campus. This includes weekends, all fall, spring, summer, and Christmas breaks. Any behavior considered a dismissal offense, as stated in The Liberty Way handbook, which occurs during these times, may jeopardize a person's status as a student.
Liberty also wants to be involved in your personal life and work life. They will prevent you from working for any entity that violates the policies and principles of the school and really think you should get your parents’ permission before you get married. And if you do get married, you can forget about living on campus:

Students under the age of 21 are encouraged to obtain permission from parents before getting married. Premarital counseling is available and may be arranged by contacting any Student Development office or the Spiritual Life Office. Married students are not permitted to live in the residence halls.

Student Employment

In maintaining a reputation in the marketplace consistent with the philosophy of Liberty University, employment will not be permitted where a student (as a major, active part of his/her job) is required to violate the policies and principles of the University. Any questions regarding employment at Liberty University or within the community may be directed to any Student Affairs Dean.

Finally, there's the mandatory drug tests!

To cooperate fully with Liberty University's drug testing program, including the clinically supervised furnishing of urine or blood samples at a time and place determined by the University for the purpose of laboratory analysis.

To participate in this drug-testing program, which permits the University to test any student, irrespective of the method by which, that student was selected. Student selection will be accomplished both on a random basis and on the basis of suspected use and/or drug possession as defined in the drug testing procedure manual.

That failure to cooperate with the University's drug testing program will result in disciplinary action against a student, including the possibility of administrative withdrawal from the University.

That failure to achieve a negative drug test (i.e., the absence of illegal drugs) will result in disciplinary action against a student, including the possibility of administrative withdrawal from the University. In assessing disciplinary action, the University shall have discretion to impose a wide range of sanctions other than administrative withdrawal, including but not limited to, drug counseling and periodic drug testing. […]

To waive all claims one might have against Liberty University or its employees as to any threatened or actual damage to reputation, privacy, mental/emotional condition resulting from the administration of the drug tests, the processing of the drug tests or the enforcement of the University's disciplinary or academic penalties.

To waive all legal claims of any nature, such as those claims one might have against Liberty University or its employees, arising out of drug testing.

To consent to the drug-testing program of Liberty University is a part of the overall contract between the student and Liberty University. Any attempt to alter, amend or avoid this agreement may result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of administrative withdrawal from the University.

To agree that any disciplinary action against a student could also involve academic penalties, including the possibility of loss of credit from work completed during the semester in which the disciplinary action is taken. […]

Wow. The Pootin would be proud!
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That's a private school with draconian rules not unlike muslim schools.
What's your point?

The Benham Brothers are graduates of Liberty. Now they're screaming about their "rights".
Again, Liberty is a private institution just like muslim schools who might blow you up for complaining about their draconian rules. Employers don't have that kind of leeway, in theory. Employers are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of religion.
The libtards are practicing censorship by other than legal means. The aggressively boycott anyone opposing them on aide array of social issues, not just fag marriage. The threaten vulnerable employers with boycott if the employer does not fire or drop any contracts with the targeted person. This how they got Eich fired at Mozzilla.

Mozilla's Gay-Marriage Litmus Test Violates Liberal Values - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

A half-dozen years ago, Brendan Eich donated $1,000 to the campaign for Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that set out to ban same-sex marriage. It passed with 52 percent of the vote, but was later overturned by the courts.

I hated and opposed that ballot initiative. That same year, in fact, I spent more time arguing in favor of gay marriage than any other issue. In private, I tried to persuade various family members and acquaintances that they ought to cast ballots against Proposition 8. At Culture11, a now-defunct web magazine where I worked, my boss Joe Carter and I went countless rounds during spirited intra-office debates about whether there was, in fact, a strong conservative case for gay marriage, a position that I maintained and that he rejected. And I published a lot of pro-gay marriage commentary for public consumption. ...

These interactions came to mind on Thursday, when Eich, the pro-Proposition 8 donor, stepped down as CEO of Mozilla, a company he co-founded, because various stakeholders at the company objected to his political donation from six years ago.

At that time, a majority of Californians and an even bigger majority of Americans, including Barack Obama, the commander-in-chief who "evolved" to end the ban on gays and lesbians in the military, believed that gay marriage ought to be illegal. (In fact, that same year, around 40 percent of Americans thought gay sex should be illegal.) Now? "The backlash against Mozilla, which produces the Firefox Web browser, included calls for his resignation from developer groups and Mozilla's employees," the San Jose Mercury News reported, "as well as a widely discussed block on Firefox browsers by the dating site OKCupid, which asked users to switch their choice of Web browsers to show their support for gay marriage."

Eich was not saved by a blog post he wrote making these commitments to Mozilla employees:

•Active commitment to equality in everything we do, from employment to events to community-building.
•Working with LGBT communities and allies, to listen and learn what does and doesn’t make Mozilla supportive and welcoming.
•My ongoing commitment to our Community Participation Guidelines, our inclusive health benefits, our anti-discrimination policies, and the spirit that underlies all of these.
•My personal commitment to work on new initiatives to reach out to those who feel excluded or who have been marginalized in ways that makes their contributing to Mozilla and to open source difficult. More on this last item below.

In other words, no one had any reason to worry that Eich, a longtime executive at the company, would do anything that would negatively affect gay Mozilla employees. In fact, Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker, his longtime business partner who now defends the need for his resignation, said this about discovering that he gave money to the Proposition 8 campaign: "That was shocking to me, because I never saw any kind of behavior or attitude from him that was not in line with Mozilla’s values of inclusiveness." It's almost as if that donation illuminated exactly nothing about how he'd perform his professional duties.

But no matter.

Calls for his ouster were premised on the notion that all support for Proposition 8 was hateful, and that a CEO should be judged not just by his or her conduct in the professional realm, but also by political causes he or she supports as a private citizen.

If that attitude spreads, it will damage our society.

These fag militants are PC Nazis and are a threat to our freedom.
Here is how these Nazis treated Red State: Firefox users: We sent you a little message today. | RedState

Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given a message when accessing most of our Front Page content at RedState. They were told that this site could not be displayed, because of a conflict with the values of the Mozilla corporation, and they were suggested to visit another site.

We put that message up, because we wanted to remind people that the totalitarian impulse of the Mozilla corporation is real, and if you haven’t been Made to Care yet, you will be soon.

Send a message that you won’t take it lying down. Get another browser. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and why. Safari, Chromium, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, you name it. None of these browsers is developed by a corporation that is persecuting individuals for what they do with their own time and money. Firefox is, because that’s what Mozilla has done to Brendan Eich.
Here is how these Nazis treated Red State: Firefox users: We sent you a little message today. | RedState

Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given a message when accessing most of our Front Page content at RedState. They were told that this site could not be displayed, because of a conflict with the values of the Mozilla corporation, and they were suggested to visit another site.

We put that message up, because we wanted to remind people that the totalitarian impulse of the Mozilla corporation is real, and if you haven’t been Made to Care yet, you will be soon.

Send a message that you won’t take it lying down. Get another browser. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and why. Safari, Chromium, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, you name it. None of these browsers is developed by a corporation that is persecuting individuals for what they do with their own time and money. Firefox is, because that’s what Mozilla has done to Brendan Eich.

It seems to me that blocking an entire group of users from viewing your content isn't exactly the best business plan :eusa_think:

Well Chrome users can view their site. And Chrome is more popular than all the other major browsers combined. They are also unabashed supporters of gay rights, such as google's "legalize love" campaign.
Here is how these Nazis treated Red State: Firefox users: We sent you a little message today. | RedState

Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given a message when accessing most of our Front Page content at RedState. They were told that this site could not be displayed, because of a conflict with the values of the Mozilla corporation, and they were suggested to visit another site.

We put that message up, because we wanted to remind people that the totalitarian impulse of the Mozilla corporation is real, and if you haven’t been Made to Care yet, you will be soon.

Send a message that you won’t take it lying down. Get another browser. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and why. Safari, Chromium, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, you name it. None of these browsers is developed by a corporation that is persecuting individuals for what they do with their own time and money. Firefox is, because that’s what Mozilla has done to Brendan Eich.

It seems to me that blocking an entire group of users from viewing your content isn't exactly the best business plan :eusa_think:

Well Chrome users can view their site. And Chrome is more popular than all the other major browsers combined. They are also unabashed supporters of gay rights, such as google's "legalize love" campaign.

I have heard a lot of good things about Chrome. It is much faster than Mozilla or IE, but I feel nervous about its security since so many faux download sites that give your Trojans and viruses often use Chrome in their download bundle. Why would they use Chrome? Bait for their bullshit download?

I dunno, but I do know that I don't give a flying fuck if they support gay rights.

That might well change if the PC Nazi fags keep their Nazi bullshit going. I would rather use smoke signals than support anything those bastards support.
That's a private school with draconian rules not unlike muslim schools.
What's your point?

The Benham Brothers are graduates of Liberty. Now they're screaming about their "rights".

Have their rights been taken away? Infringed upon? Denied?

The ignorant among us say they want the market to decide but when it does, they whine about the First Amendment.

For those who think there's some sort of First Amendment issue here, read my sig for the answer.
Here is how these Nazis treated Red State: Firefox users: We sent you a little message today. | RedState

Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given a message when accessing most of our Front Page content at RedState. They were told that this site could not be displayed, because of a conflict with the values of the Mozilla corporation, and they were suggested to visit another site.

We put that message up, because we wanted to remind people that the totalitarian impulse of the Mozilla corporation is real, and if you haven’t been Made to Care yet, you will be soon.

Send a message that you won’t take it lying down. Get another browser. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and why. Safari, Chromium, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, you name it. None of these browsers is developed by a corporation that is persecuting individuals for what they do with their own time and money. Firefox is, because that’s what Mozilla has done to Brendan Eich.

It seems to me that blocking an entire group of users from viewing your content isn't exactly the best business plan :eusa_think:

Well Chrome users can view their site. And Chrome is more popular than all the other major browsers combined. They are also unabashed supporters of gay rights, such as google's "legalize love" campaign.

I have heard a lot of good things about Chrome. It is much faster than Mozilla or IE, but I feel nervous about its security since so many faux download sites that give your Trojans and viruses often use Chrome in their download bundle. Why would they use Chrome? Bait for their bullshit download?

I dunno, but I do know that I don't give a flying fuck if they support gay rights.

That might well change if the PC Nazi fags keep their Nazi bullshit going. I would rather use smoke signals than support anything those bastards support.

What a drama queen.

And frootier than a nutcake.

That's a private school with draconian rules not unlike muslim schools.
What's your point?

The Benham Brothers are graduates of Liberty. Now they're screaming about their "rights".
Again, Liberty is a private institution just like muslim schools who might blow you up for complaining about their draconian rules. Employers don't have that kind of leeway, in theory. Employers are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of religion.

HGTV? They didn't discriminate. They just didn't pick up a pilot.
The Benham Brothers are graduates of Liberty. Now they're screaming about their "rights".
Again, Liberty is a private institution just like muslim schools who might blow you up for complaining about their draconian rules. Employers don't have that kind of leeway, in theory. Employers are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of religion.

HGTV? They didn't discriminate. They just didn't pick up a pilot.

Yeah, and the segregationist restaurants just refused service

This is plainly a case of provoked discrimination, you Nazi fuck
It was a bad move on HGTV's part. I don't really see what Liberty's policies on cleaning your room has to do with it.
Again, Liberty is a private institution just like muslim schools who might blow you up for complaining about their draconian rules. Employers don't have that kind of leeway, in theory. Employers are not supposed to discriminate on the basis of religion.

HGTV? They didn't discriminate. They just didn't pick up a pilot.

Yeah, and the segregationist restaurants just refused service

This is plainly a case of provoked discrimination, you Nazi fuck

Oh. The Benham Brothers were customers of HGTV?

HGTV? They didn't discriminate. They just didn't pick up a pilot.

Yeah, and the segregationist restaurants just refused service

This is plainly a case of provoked discrimination, you Nazi fuck

Oh. The Benham Brothers were customers of HGTV?


Yes, they were going to receive their broadcasting services by contract.

And why does it have to be about being a customer anyway?

You PC Nazis are such hypocrits, among everything thing else.

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