The best part of the Trump presidency thus far?

The best part of the Trump presidency thus far?

1. Hillary is not in the WH

2. The continued snowflake tantrum

3. The economy


5. Hillary is not in the WH
Crossing the Swamp

Outside of his two SCOTUS picks my favorite part is watching this worshipers cover for him and explain what he "really meant" when he says dumb shit or openly lies to the country.
The best part of the Trump presidency thus far?

I think Putin answered that question pretty darn well just a few days ago.

Vladimir Putin: The fact that President Trump always seeks to deliver on his promises, primarily those he gives to his voters, the American people, is one of his greater assets. By the way, I believe this to be a positive trait of the current president, since more often than not leaders are quick to forget what they promised when heading into the election. This is not the case with Trump. He can be criticised for what he does, as so many do, but it is also clear that he tries to deliver on his campaign promises.

News conference following BRICS summit

I agree. That's an important one since not to many politicians are concerned about campaign promises.

I also like the fact that UE is the lowest its been in decades. People are working and there are jobs out there.

Best vote I ever cast.
Another favorite part of his presidency is his worshipers unnatural need to depict Trump as some sort of warrior or knight or etc.

They cannot seem to accept the fact he is a fat old guy that refused to serve his country when called upon to do so.

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The best part of Dotard’s presidency so far is that he has given racists and bigots a platform to showcase their hate to the world, and because of the Republican party’s complete capitulation to Dotard and these types, the world gets to see just how dangerous the GOP is to American values.
Watching the same posters who said the left viewed Obama as their messiah, now fawn over Donald and treat him as a god-like person......PRICELESS
Watching the same posters who called Obama a dictator now openly cheering Donald’s dictator-wannabe behavior....PRICELESS
Watching the same posters who called Obama weak on national security and an enemy to law enforcement now making excuses for Donald siding with Russia over US intelligence agencies......PRICELESS
Economy is number one of course but what's your number two?

For me it is the absolute joke the left have become. The endless hysterics over nonsensical shit is priceless.
The left? The blue wave is coming, so laugh all you want. Why do educated woman hate the Republican Party so much?

Do Republicans hate education because enlightened voters don't like them?
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Watching the same posters who whined about debt under Obama now cheering a 1 trillion dollar addition to the national debt in the form of tax cuts for the rich and corporations, and a 12 billion dollar bribe to farmers...PRICELESS
Economy is number one of course but what's your number two?

For me it is the absolute joke the left have become. The endless hysterics over nonsensical shit is priceless.
What exactly is different about the economy since Obama left office? Trump is still benefiting from the Obama stimulus and GDP growth and low unemployment, of which the Right complained about with Obama. Wages are still flat for the last 40 years as they were with Obama due to the Bush decades long tax cut plans we've had, and the Reagan Tax cuts. Prices on goods and services, along with gas prices are higher, so no one has benefited from any tax cuts. The Tariffs are hurting the farmers, for which the tax payer is bailing them out. What is so different about the economy, from what we already had with Obama?

And what is the "nonsensical shit" are you talking about?
The thing I enjoy the most about president Trump is his tweeting. Not any one tweet message or anything, just that Trump early on knew he could circumnavigate the traditional - and sacrosanct to many - media and its filtering/editing instincts and instead communicate directly with the public. What you say is what they hear, and they’re free to agree or not. Quite simple. And quite infuriating to the media clowns fighting to contain their irrelevancy cloud from spreading.
The best part of the Trump presidency thus far?

I think Putin answered that question pretty darn well just a few days ago.

Vladimir Putin: The fact that President Trump always seeks to deliver on his promises, primarily those he gives to his voters, the American people, is one of his greater assets. By the way, I believe this to be a positive trait of the current president, since more often than not leaders are quick to forget what they promised when heading into the election. This is not the case with Trump. He can be criticised for what he does, as so many do, but it is also clear that he tries to deliver on his campaign promises.

News conference following BRICS summit

Unbelievable. Even a commie shithead Russian dictator admits what the American left refuses to acknowledge.

These are truly strange times we live in.
I agree with you: liberals are sh*theads, commies and traitors. However Putin is neither commie nor dictator or sh*thead but a very smart man and a patriot.
How do you equate a murdering dictator thug to a "patriot"?
Him and Trump have been guarding the interests of their countries and their people.
Putin and Trump are guarding their interests. Why do you think Trump was elected? Those two have a half a trillion dollar oil deal going on in the Kara sea, just waiting to get pumped out of the bottom of the sea. They're just waiting for those sanctions to be lifted; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list
That's why both of them have been demonized by Deep State's Media basically the same way. If Trump and Putin start working together it will be "Game Over!' for Deep State pretty darn soon and Deep State knows it well and keeps spreading Hollywood stories about both. Not even a gram of truth.
Before those two can start working together, they'll have to get by multiple investigations into illegal conspiracies into tampering with elections, money laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud, tax evasion, illegal campaign financing through porn stars, illegal charities, and emoluments clause violations. Good luck with that.

Geert Wilders: Trump & Putin put interests of their nations first, European leaders to do the same

Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

P.S. If you don't believe what your Media says about Trump then you shouldn't believe what it says about Putin. Fake news, that's what Trump has been trying to tell you for 2 years.
You may want to discuss those multiple investigations into Trump and his cronies with law enforcement before you start attacking the media.
The best part of Trump?

God I love typing it....

He beat Hitlery....


The 18 month long temper tantrum has been both funny and annoying by the bed wetters, but I'm confident it's turning off more people than making democrook regressive policy look better.

Did I mention Trump beat hitlary?

Cheating is not beating. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, illegal campaign violations, using Cambridge Analytica to use false data through FB, Illegal Crosscheck The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast, and 868 poll closings in mostly minority areas; There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act, is not winning. It's cheating.
Cheating is not beating. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, illegal campaign violations, using Cambridge Analytica to use false data through FB, Illegal Crosscheck The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast, and 868 poll closings in mostly minority areas; There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act, is not winning. It's cheating.

Thanks! I accept your surrender.

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