The Bible comes in handy when gays and lesbians are a target!!

You are a very confused individual. The Bible says to commit no murder, the KJ is a bad translation in places. You can love your neighbor but recognize his faults, whether he's a drunk, homosexual, liar, thief, racist, etc.
Does your better translation include judging your neighbors for their faults? Judging them not worthy of the same rights you yourself enjoy?
I'm not a Christian, you retard. And gays had the same rights. Your idiotic question is akin to asking why two brothers can't marry if they are equal. Nor do you have a clue about judgment. Christians can and should judge actions otherwise they are no different than the world. God judges souls, different thing entirely Sport.
Total slop. The bible is very clear on judging others. Gays obviously didn't " have the same rights" or a decision clarifying those rights would not have been neccessary. You are just full of crap all the way around.
The slop is between your ears. The Bible is clear but you can't figure out why it even mentions sin. That's beyond ignorant.

Gays did have the same right, marriage isn't a person. Using your shitforbrains logic two brothers can marry. People are to be treated the same under the law but not all relationships are equal. The Supremes created law, they didn't decide it, like they did with obamacare.
You are a very confused individual. The Bible says to commit no murder, the KJ is a bad translation in places. You can love your neighbor but recognize his faults, whether he's a drunk, homosexual, liar, thief, racist, etc.
Comparing homosexuals with drunks, liars, and thieves, I see.
Yes the very people Jesus ministered to. " the least of his people". You would think such a great Christian would see that.
Go to Sunday school and have a 10 year old break it down for you. You lefties are off the charts stupid. Homosexuality is mentioned as sin along with the others. If you don't like it that's really tough shit for you.
Looks like that's about the age you stopped going. Your understanding is childish at best.
You haven't demonstrated any level of understanding. You don't like the fact that homosexuality is condemned. Not my problem.
You are a very confused individual. The Bible says to commit no murder, the KJ is a bad translation in places. You can love your neighbor but recognize his faults, whether he's a drunk, homosexual, liar, thief, racist, etc.
Does your better translation include judging your neighbors for their faults? Judging them not worthy of the same rights you yourself enjoy?
I'm not a Christian, you retard. And gays had the same rights. Your idiotic question is akin to asking why two brothers can't marry if they are equal. Nor do you have a clue about judgment. Christians can and should judge actions otherwise they are no different than the world. God judges souls, different thing entirely Sport.
Total slop. The bible is very clear on judging others. Gays obviously didn't " have the same rights" or a decision clarifying those rights would not have been neccessary. You are just full of crap all the way around.
The slop is between your ears. The Bible is clear but you can't figure out why it even mentions sin. That's beyond ignorant.

Gays did have the same right, marriage isn't a person. Using your shitforbrains logic two brothers can marry. People are to be treated the same under the law but not all relationships are equal. The Supremes created law, they didn't decide it, like they did with obamacare.

Keep denying reality and looking for Christy loopholes it makes you look smart.
You are a very confused individual. The Bible says to commit no murder, the KJ is a bad translation in places. You can love your neighbor but recognize his faults, whether he's a drunk, homosexual, liar, thief, racist, etc.
Comparing homosexuals with drunks, liars, and thieves, I see.
Yes the very people Jesus ministered to. " the least of his people". You would think such a great Christian would see that.
Go to Sunday school and have a 10 year old break it down for you. You lefties are off the charts stupid. Homosexuality is mentioned as sin along with the others. If you don't like it that's really tough shit for you.
Looks like that's about the age you stopped going. Your understanding is childish at best.
You haven't demonstrated any level of understanding. You don't like the fact that homosexuality is condemned. Not my problem.

You sure argue like a Christy. But you're not?
Too funny.
Dealing with rampant inflation and hunger were far more important than who was and wasn't gay.
The German people restored their economy first, and then concentrated on ridding their society of degenerates and those who were responsible for attempting to destroy their country. ..... :cool:

Onus is on you to prove that they were doing anything of the sort.
Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.

Worth mentioning that for all the "Christians" saying it's a sin yadda yadda, there are pleanty of other Christians who say it isn't. Jews and Muslims too.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam aren't 'against homosexuality or gay marriage."

SOME Jews, SOME Christians, and SOME Muslims are against homosexuality and gay marriage.
True Christians are against gay sickness.

Did it ever occur to your small mind Non christians see you fundamentalists in the same light
au non Christians are wrong, period.
Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.

Worth mentioning that for all the "Christians" saying it's a sin yadda yadda, there are pleanty of other Christians who say it isn't. Jews and Muslims too.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam aren't 'against homosexuality or gay marriage."

SOME Jews, SOME Christians, and SOME Muslims are against homosexuality and gay marriage.
True Christians are against gay sickness.

Did it ever occur to your small mind Non christians see you fundamentalists in the same light
No because non Christians are wrong.
Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.

Worth mentioning that for all the "Christians" saying it's a sin yadda yadda, there are pleanty of other Christians who say it isn't. Jews and Muslims too.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam aren't 'against homosexuality or gay marriage."

SOME Jews, SOME Christians, and SOME Muslims are against homosexuality and gay marriage.
True Christians are against gay sickness.

Did it ever occur to your small mind Non christians see you fundamentalists in the same light
au non Christians are wrong, period.
Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.

Worth mentioning that for all the "Christians" saying it's a sin yadda yadda, there are pleanty of other Christians who say it isn't. Jews and Muslims too.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam aren't 'against homosexuality or gay marriage."

SOME Jews, SOME Christians, and SOME Muslims are against homosexuality and gay marriage.
True Christians are against gay sickness.

Did it ever occur to your small mind Non christians see you fundamentalists in the same light
No because non Christians are wrong.

Any question why you "people" are thought of as close minded, low intelligence imbeciles by non christians and some non fundy christians . Thankfully your ilk is being marginalized and America doesn't have your bible as the rule of law
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Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.

We need to stop saying we are One Nation Under God, because we are not.

Good idea!

Take the word out of the Pledge of Allegiance and off of our money.

Nothing government-related is to be used to promote religion of any kind. That is in the First Amendment. The Establishment Clause part.

So take God out of where God never belonged in the first place.

Cue inane and wrongheaded replies from Jebusites in 3....2.....1......

Regards from Rosie
So take God out of where God never belonged in the first place

Oh, I do think it should be there - and we should live by His rule - but we're not and it's an affront to Him to have His name even associated with this Godless nation.
So take God out of where God never belonged in the first place

Oh, I do think it should be there - and we should live by His rule - but we're not and it's an affront to Him to have His name even associated with this Godless nation.

YOU should live by his rule if you so desire. Leave the rest of us out of it.

You can stay out of it on your own accord.

But I will continue to speak about it because it's RIGHT - it's in the best interests of this Country, and people need to hear it. If every Christian stood up and talked about this, stood firm and got actively involved in speaking about what is best for this Country, there might be a possibility for change.

Unfortunately, there are so many "watered down" doctrines out there, it keeps the Christian's "at bay" (and weakens them - if they are even Christian's at all) and again, causing great damage to this Country and most importantly, to the World as God wants us out there literally risking our lives to proclaim his name and spread the Gospel.
So take God out of where God never belonged in the first place

Oh, I do think it should be there - and we should live by His rule - but we're not and it's an affront to Him to have His name even associated with this Godless nation.

YOU should live by his rule if you so desire. Leave the rest of us out of it.

You can stay out of it on your own accord.

But I will continue to speak about it because it's RIGHT - it's in the best interests of this Country, and people need to hear it. If every Christian stood up and talked about this, stood firm and got actively involved in speaking about what is best for this Country, there might be a possibility for change.

Unfortunately, there are so many "watered down" doctrines out there, it keeps the Christian's "at bay" (and weakens them - if they are even Christian's at all) and again, causing great damage to this Country and most importantly, to the World as God wants us out there literally risking our lives to proclaim his name and spread the Gospel.

Its you fake ass so called Christians out here, that are literally ruining this country. You cloak yourselves in the bible, pretending to do God's will, while bombing abortion clinics, protesting dead soldiers coming home from war, grasping the confederate flag all in the name of country and God, knowing good and damn well what it stands for, you murder gays, ie Mathew Sheppard, you terrorize people who are different from you, you shit on the poor and minorities and you have the ghaul to say your doing all this shit in the name of GOD??? Read revalations some day.....and remember these words....I don't know you, when telling God all the shit you did in his name!!!
You are a very confused individual. The Bible says to commit no murder, the KJ is a bad translation in places. You can love your neighbor but recognize his faults, whether he's a drunk, homosexual, liar, thief, racist, etc.
Comparing homosexuals with drunks, liars, and thieves, I see.

Yes the very people Jesus ministered to. " the least of his people". You would think such a great Christian would see that.

This country, this nation....should bury its head is sheer shame proclaiming itself a Christian nation...America has never ever ever ever been a Christian nation. The very foundation of its existence was created by massacring the natives that lived here. I puke sometimes thinking how holier than thou people in this cesspool of sinners, praise themselves as favor of God....please!!
Its you fake ass so called Christians out here, that are literally ruining this country. You cloak yourselves in the bible, pretending to do God's will, while bombing abortion clinics, protesting dead soldiers coming home from war, grasping the confederate flag all in the name of country and God, knowing good and damn well what it stands for, you murder gays, ie Mathew Sheppard, you terrorize people who are different from you, you shit on the poor and minorities and you have the ghaul to say your doing all this shit in the name of GOD??? Read revalations some day.....and remember these words....I don't know you, when telling God all the shit you did in his name!!!

There are non-Christians out there posing as Christians and they are doing damage, most importantly, damage to God's message and will that all should come to Him. They are not representative of TRUE Christians. (Westboro Baptist Church - NON CHRISTIAN! They are not even Baptist - they are a CULT)

And you are right, they will answer to God.

But that doesn't mean there aren't Godly good Christian people out there. What many of the good, Godly Christian people are guilty of is not being "out there" enough, showing God's love and standing up for his principles.

They ignore what the New Testament said Christian's should do.... proclaim the Good News, even if it costs you your life. There are many that DO do this, for example, missionaries... but overall, we are letting God down....
This country, this nation....should bury its head is sheer shame proclaiming itself a Christian nation...America has never ever ever ever been a Christian nation. The very foundation of its existence was created by massacring the natives that lived here. I puke sometimes thinking how holier than thou people in this cesspool of sinners, praise themselves as favor of God....please!!
Some were massacred but most died by disease. The natives had no immunity and the Europeans that came over were the product of ancestors that made it through plagues. This was a Christian nation, not theocratic laws but culturally Christian. Bibles were given to troops, presidents sworn in on the Bible, prayers held before congressional meetings and on and on.

You are not the final arbitrator of what constitutes Christian or not.
This country, this nation....should bury its head is sheer shame proclaiming itself a Christian nation...America has never ever ever ever been a Christian nation. The very foundation of its existence was created by massacring the natives that lived here. I puke sometimes thinking how holier than thou people in this cesspool of sinners, praise themselves as favor of God....please!!
Some were massacred but most died by disease. The natives had no immunity and the Europeans that came over were the product of ancestors that made it through plagues. This was a Christian nation, not theocratic laws but culturally Christian. Bibles were given to troops, presidents sworn in on the Bible, prayers held before congressional meetings and on and on.

You are not the final arbitrator of what constitutes Christian or not.

And you sir, are the final arbitrator of what constitutes historical facts. Those so called diseases that took out the natives were brought here by the rednecks, you people and miss me on this bs about the bible usage....The Klan uses the bible too. As a matter of fact, slave owners used the bible to justify their enslavement of blacks as did southern white preachers of the 21st century to justify segregation.

Like I said, this country is no more Christian, than the GOP are no more intelligent.
This country, this nation....should bury its head is sheer shame proclaiming itself a Christian nation...America has never ever ever ever been a Christian nation. The very foundation of its existence was created by massacring the natives that lived here. I puke sometimes thinking how holier than thou people in this cesspool of sinners, praise themselves as favor of God....please!!
Some were massacred but most died by disease. The natives had no immunity and the Europeans that came over were the product of ancestors that made it through plagues. This was a Christian nation, not theocratic laws but culturally Christian. Bibles were given to troops, presidents sworn in on the Bible, prayers held before congressional meetings and on and on.

You are not the final arbitrator of what constitutes Christian or not.

And you sir, are the final arbitrator of what constitutes historical facts. Those so called diseases that took out the natives were brought here by the rednecks, you people and miss me on this bs about the bible usage....The Klan uses the bible too. As a matter of fact, slave owners used the bible to justify their enslavement of blacks as did southern white preachers of the 21st century to justify segregation.

Like I said, this country is no more Christian, than the GOP are no more intelligent.
How do you justify your hate? So called diseases? WTF? The Bible like anything else can be used or misused and only about 3% of the population owned slaves. You paint with broad brushes.

Isaiah 5;20....
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Leviticus 18:22....
"'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

Romans 1:27
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Timothy 1:10
for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine

Genesis 19:5
They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Leviticus 20:13
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Act 5;29....
Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!'” From this, it is clear that as long as the law of the land does not contradict the law of God, we are bound to obey the law of the land. As soon as the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law…

Ezekiel 14:13...."Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its people and their animals,

Why Did God Punish Israel?
Isaiah 1:2-9 "Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; for the LORD speaks, "Sons I have reared and brought up, but they have revolted against me. An Ox knows its owner, and a donkey its masters mangerm, but Israel does not know, My people do not understand. Alas sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, sons who act corruptly! They have abandoned the LORD, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away from Him. Where will you be stricken again, as you continue in your rebellion? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head there is nothing sound in it. Only bruises, welts, and raw wounds, not pressed out or bandaged, nor softened with oil. Your land is desolate, your cities are burned with fire, your fields--strangers are devouring them in your presence; it is desolation, as overthrown by strangers.

The Eastside church of Christ in Ranger TX Why Did God Punish Israel

How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

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