The Bible comes in handy when gays and lesbians are a target!!

How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?

Your red herring is irrelevant nonsense.

You can't violate one law by using another to make it "legal". Or to put it in terms you might comprehend a father can't "marry his daughter" in order to make sexually molesting her legal.

And no one said that "marriage is a person". You just made that gibberish up. The state sanctioned right to marry the consenting adult of your choice is what has been recognized by the SC as falling under the 14th Amendment.

Try reading the actual court decision before you go any further. Who knows, you might actually learn something for a change.
You're irrelevant and proved it many times now. You seem to feel being a gas bag puts you on the high ground somehow.

I said two brothers, not father and daughter. Try to read instead of going instant asshole on us. Gay marriage wasn't legal either so I posed the question that you can't answer. Dismissing it proves my point, you have no answer.

The court protected rights of men marrying women regardless of their race, asshole. Marriage is a function of the state and some states were treating people differently due to their race.

YOU try reading.... for a change!

Thank you for once again disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Your red herring was dismissed and so are you.

Now to return to some substantive discussion on the OP.
You dismissed it because you had no choice. The question reveals how stupid your argument was. Your dismissal doesn't make it go away though, you can't form an argument against two brothers marrying.

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