The Bible comes in handy when gays and lesbians are a target!!

Rewrite history all you want pal, won't be the first.....I am a dark skin points out at every venue I visit that I am a black person and clearly as a white person, your lost in your la la land of cotton candy and sugar water and my shoes won't fit you either...... And just for the record, enslavement of blacks crossed all barriers of that period...poor white trash often exploited slaves with their trumped up stores with money slaves were sometimes given as gifts for good harvesting or around holidays. Poor white trash was also used as guards in keeping slaves in line...I mean this list goes on and on...again, this country, this nation, is NOT, WILL NEVER BE A CHRISTIAN NATION, NOT EVER!!
No, you aren't a race, you're a person that is part of a race. Nothing else you said made any sense either.

  1. Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who were disguised as men). At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Keep in mind, he sent Lot there to bring all the innocents with him before he destroyed it....and I'm 1000% certain, most were straight men and women, just sayin!!

Isaiah 5;20....
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Leviticus 18:22....
"'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

Romans 1:27
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Timothy 1:10
for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine

Genesis 19:5
They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

Leviticus 20:13
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Act 5;29....
Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!'” From this, it is clear that as long as the law of the land does not contradict the law of God, we are bound to obey the law of the land. As soon as the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law…

Ezekiel 14:13...."Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its people and their animals,

Why Did God Punish Israel?
Isaiah 1:2-9 "Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; for the LORD speaks, "Sons I have reared and brought up, but they have revolted against me. An Ox knows its owner, and a donkey its masters mangerm, but Israel does not know, My people do not understand. Alas sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, sons who act corruptly! They have abandoned the LORD, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away from Him. Where will you be stricken again, as you continue in your rebellion? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head there is nothing sound in it. Only bruises, welts, and raw wounds, not pressed out or bandaged, nor softened with oil. Your land is desolate, your cities are burned with fire, your fields--strangers are devouring them in your presence; it is desolation, as overthrown by strangers.

The Eastside church of Christ in Ranger TX Why Did God Punish Israel

How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

BRAVO!!! :clap::clap::clap:

John 8:7 - So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?
All men were not created equal or treated equal. GOD created the nation of Israel and favored the nation of Israel. . GOD created Eve as the weaker sex. So much for women rights. Throughout the bible he favored one man over another.
I'm talking about the Constitution and you're debating the point with the Bible.
Rewrite history all you want pal, won't be the first.....I am a dark skin points out at every venue I visit that I am a black person and clearly as a white person, your lost in your la la land of cotton candy and sugar water and my shoes won't fit you either...... And just for the record, enslavement of blacks crossed all barriers of that period...poor white trash often exploited slaves with their trumped up stores with money slaves were sometimes given as gifts for good harvesting or around holidays. Poor white trash was also used as guards in keeping slaves in line...I mean this list goes on and on...again, this country, this nation, is NOT, WILL NEVER BE A CHRISTIAN NATION, NOT EVER!!
No, you aren't a race, you're a person that is part of a race. Nothing else you said made any sense either.
View attachment 43394
You're a fruitcake. The Bible says people who are a legion are possessed by demons.
Listening to C-Span this morning, was a hoot...everyone quoting the bible..everyone against same sex marriage, everyone hating the Justices.....all very entertaining to say the least......Amazing how proficient in bible verses, they all seem; when it comes to gays and lesbian, but the Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy Neighbor, Feed the Poor, and on and on and on, the American Stupid just can't seem to adhere to and grasp...thats why I think people in this country are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who should instead worry about their damned selves and let GOD be the judge. We shit all over poor people, treat minorities like animals, worship the dollar, could give a damn about babies unless their being aborted, I mean, The United States of America is the last frickin country on the damned planet who should invoke the bible when they don't like shit.

We're a nation of sinners and hypocrites and we don't have the right to judge anyone, until we accept all the bibles teachings, not just the shit that puts others in question.
thank you Bible for proving you were written by men not by God. in the fact superstitious ignorant sexist men.
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?
All men were not created equal or treated equal. GOD created the nation of Israel and favored the nation of Israel. . GOD created Eve as the weaker sex. So much for women rights. Throughout the bible he favored one man over another.
I'm talking about the Constitution and you're debating the point with the Bible.
you know what? It just dawned on me that when quoting the Bible what Christians are doing is totally ignoring what women think. because the Bible doesn't have one word of what women think.
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?

Your red herring is irrelevant nonsense.

You can't violate one law by using another to make it "legal". Or to put it in terms you might comprehend a father can't "marry his daughter" in order to make sexually molesting her legal.

And no one said that "marriage is a person". You just made that gibberish up. The state sanctioned right to marry the consenting adult of your choice is what has been recognized by the SC as falling under the 14th Amendment.

Try reading the actual court decision before you go any further. Who knows, you might actually learn something for a change.
  1. Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who were disguised as men). At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Keep in mind, he sent Lot there to bring all the innocents with him before he destroyed it....and I'm 1000% certain, most were straight men and women, just sayin!!
No way you can know how many were straight or gay but that the people of the city were sinful.The name of the city "Sodom" speaks loud and clear. God put gays and fornicators in the same class of sinners with 1 Cor;6-9..On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren. 9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
Difference is only that the subject we are discussing is homosexuality..
You have every right to believe that but you have no right to impose it and enforce it on others who don't share the beliefs of your cult. (All religions are cults, look it up.)

What is an affront to We the People is when you use your God as a blunt object to beat others into submission to what you believe.

That is a violation of the rights of others to believe as they see fit, or not, as the case may be.

Yes, I will uphold your right to believe and even to speak out about what you believe.

But step over the line and infringe on the rights of others and I will fight to the death for their rights when you try to impose your beliefs on We the People.

Freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom FROM religion. Otherwise there can be no freedom of religion.

Think about it.

I'm not imposing anything on anyone. I have no power or authority to do so.

God is love. He can not be used, and, I am not even attempting to use him to beat anyone. I am only try share His word and tell others that Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Light. Many will turn their backs on Him.

I have a right and it is my responsibility to stand up for my God, and my Country. I feel that is what I am doing.

No, you didn't!

You applauded that homophobic bigoted rant by Lilolady.

That means you are not standing up for We the People.

Instead you are trying to impose your beliefs on others.

That is a violation of the rights of others and directly opposed to what this country stands for.
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?

All men were not created equal or treated equal. GOD created the nation of Israel and favored the nation of Israel. . GOD created Eve as the weaker sex. So much for women rights. Throughout the bible he favored one man over another.

Thank you for admitting that this is not a Christian nation because We the People stand for EVERYONE being equal under the law.

We are most certainly NOT one nation under YOUR God.
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?
All men were not created equal or treated equal. GOD created the nation of Israel and favored the nation of Israel. . GOD created Eve as the weaker sex. So much for women rights. Throughout the bible he favored one man over another.
I'm talking about the Constitution and you're debating the point with the Bible.
you know what? It just dawned on me that when quoting the Bible what Christians are doing is totally ignoring what women think. because the Bible doesn't have one word of what women think.

Read your bible.. Women in the bible had a loud voice. There are 93 women who speak in the Bible, 49 of whom are named. These women speak a total of 14,056 words collectively -- roughly 1.1 percent of the total words in the holy book.
Franklin Graham.....
Long before our government came into existence, marriage was created by the One who created man and woman—Almighty God—and His decisions are not subject to review or revision by any man made court. God is clear about the definition of marriage in His Holy Word: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

I pray God will spare America from His judgment, though, by our actions as a nation, we give Him less and less reason to do so.
Franklin Graham God Defines Marriage Not the Supreme Court Story BGEA

Define wife and husband? I would love to see the day when "man and man and woman and woman multiply and fill the earth"
Who I am. I am a Christian. I am not religious and not any part of organized religion. I am spiritual. Have a personal relationship with my GOD. One with GOD and nature. They say "religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been. there" I accept the entire bible as the word of god. Organized Christianity only accept parts of the bible as GOD's word.
Who I am. I am a Christian. I am not religious and not any part of organized religion. I am spiritual. Have a personal relationship with my GOD. One with GOD and nature. They say "religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been. there" I accept the entire bible as the word of god. Organized Christianity only accept parts of the bible as GOD's word.

Strange how you embrace the worst aspects of the bible like the bigotry and homophobia.

Why don't you quote the passages about King David's love for Johnathon or Ruth's love for Naomi?
Who I am. I am a Christian. I am not religious and not any part of organized religion. I am spiritual. Have a personal relationship with my GOD. One with GOD and nature. They say "religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been. there" I accept the entire bible as the word of god. Organized Christianity only accept parts of the bible as GOD's word.

Strange how you embrace the worst aspects of the bible like the bigotry and homophobia.

Why don't you quote the passages about King David's love for Johnathon or Ruth's love for Naomi?
Where is homophobia in the Bible? And where's your evidence David's love was sexual. You morons don't know the difference between love and sex. They would have been stoned to death by Law, odd that they would embrace the lifestyle.
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?

Your red herring is irrelevant nonsense.

You can't violate one law by using another to make it "legal". Or to put it in terms you might comprehend a father can't "marry his daughter" in order to make sexually molesting her legal.

And no one said that "marriage is a person". You just made that gibberish up. The state sanctioned right to marry the consenting adult of your choice is what has been recognized by the SC as falling under the 14th Amendment.

Try reading the actual court decision before you go any further. Who knows, you might actually learn something for a change.
You're irrelevant and proved it many times now. You seem to feel being a gas bag puts you on the high ground somehow.

I said two brothers, not father and daughter. Try to read instead of going instant asshole on us. Gay marriage wasn't legal either so I posed the question that you can't answer. Dismissing it proves my point, you have no answer.

The court protected rights of men marrying women regardless of their race, asshole. Marriage is a function of the state and some states were treating people differently due to their race.

YOU try reading.... for a change!
Who I am. I am a Christian. I am not religious and not any part of organized religion. I am spiritual. Have a personal relationship with my GOD. One with GOD and nature. They say "religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been. there" I accept the entire bible as the word of god. Organized Christianity only accept parts of the bible as GOD's word.

Strange how you embrace the worst aspects of the bible like the bigotry and homophobia.

Why don't you quote the passages about King David's love for Johnathon or Ruth's love for Naomi?
Where is homophobia in the Bible? And where's your evidence David's love was sexual. You morons don't know the difference between love and sex. They would have been stoned to death by Law, odd that they would embrace the lifestyle.

Where is homophobia in the Bible?

Go and read post #100 above for examples of the evidence of homophobia in the bible as provided by Lilolady.

And where's your evidence David's love was sexual.

Read it for yourself!

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

As the King who was going to stone David?
How dare anyone compare gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. It is a slap in the face of any African-American.

Your ignorance of law explains why you believe the dogma of your cult.

The exact same legal principle applies in both instances. Everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Oh, and none of the Constitutional rights were "God given" because you can't quote them in your bible, can you?

Your God opposes freedom of religion because he is a jealous God, right? He opposes free speech too and all of those other rights. He even endorses slavery. Oh, and let's not even get into how many innocent children's blood is on his hands.

Your God has zero credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes the "sin" of homosexuality.
Well, the four constitutional minded Supremes say you're full of shit. The other five created a law that didn't exist. All men were treated equally, regardless of race. A marriage isn't a person, that's what you idiots don't get. A relationship can't have a right.

I asked the other assholes this and can't get an answer, why not let two brothers marry? How would marriage incest laws be relevant given its' purpose? How about first same sex cousins? What's your reason to deny them, if any?

Your red herring is irrelevant nonsense.

You can't violate one law by using another to make it "legal". Or to put it in terms you might comprehend a father can't "marry his daughter" in order to make sexually molesting her legal.

And no one said that "marriage is a person". You just made that gibberish up. The state sanctioned right to marry the consenting adult of your choice is what has been recognized by the SC as falling under the 14th Amendment.

Try reading the actual court decision before you go any further. Who knows, you might actually learn something for a change.
You're irrelevant and proved it many times now. You seem to feel being a gas bag puts you on the high ground somehow.

I said two brothers, not father and daughter. Try to read instead of going instant asshole on us. Gay marriage wasn't legal either so I posed the question that you can't answer. Dismissing it proves my point, you have no answer.

The court protected rights of men marrying women regardless of their race, asshole. Marriage is a function of the state and some states were treating people differently due to their race.

YOU try reading.... for a change!

Thank you for once again disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation on this topic.

Your red herring was dismissed and so are you.

Now to return to some substantive discussion on the OP.
Go and read post #100 above for examples of the evidence of homophobia in the bible as provided by Lilolady
That isn't a fear of homosexuals, it's a warning. Fail.

And where's your evidence David's love was sexual.

Read it for yourself!

Would Jesus Discriminate - David loved Jonathan more than women

As the King who was going to stone David?
Post the evidence, Slick. You made the absurd claim, back it up.

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