The bible is wrong. Our education system is wrong. We likely even walked with Dinosaurs

Here’s one:

“Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly! His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron. He ranks first among the works of God…”

Job 40:15-19

It can’t be an elephant or hippo, because it specifically says “his tail sways like a cedar” (tree). Hippos and elephants have little tails.
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The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?
View attachment 237354

The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?
View attachment 237354
View attachment 237356

Except that dinosaur bones have RECENTLY been carbon dated and carbon has a shelf life of about 50k years

BALONEY. All true, non-avian dinosaurs were already going extinct when the Chicxulub Impactor hit at the K-Pg (K-T) boundary 66 million years ago. What idiot would use radio carbon dating to try to measure something supposedly AT or beyond it limit of usefulness then believe the results?

Youngest Dinosaur Bone Yet Reawakens Extinction Debate - 80beats
Except that dinosaur bones have RECENTLY been carbon dated and carbon has a shelf life of about 50k years

BALONEY. All true, non-avian dinosaurs were already going extinct when the Chicxulub Impactor hit at the K-Pg (K-T) boundary 66 million years ago. What idiot would use radio carbon dating to try to measure something supposedly AT or beyond it limit of usefulness then believe the results?

Youngest Dinosaur Bone Yet Reawakens Extinction Debate - 80beats
Sorry to burst your bubble....

Well, not really. Education is phenomenal
Sorry to burst your bubble....

You're not bursting any bubbles, Gramps. If you want to get your "education" from a You Tube video on the internet which includes the name and address of the one person peddling this hogwash which flies in the face of the entire paleontology discipline out of some morbid attraction to a conspiracy theory (I guess all the 9/11 ones are getting old?), why don't you write him? Did it ever occur to you that these tests (if even really being done) are all being skewed by the reuptake of C-14 already in the soil?

If there were any truth to this at all, it would be front page news, not some obscure You-Tube video.

Look, 39,000 years ago was in the Tarantian Age right smack in the middle of the Late Glacial Maximum. These were cold blooded creatures. Not only could they not survived at that time, but had they, they would have been killed by Hominids of that period for food and tools and their bones used as tools and weapons. No such bones have ever been found with Neanderthals, Cro Magnons or Homo S. of that period. Believe whatever you want.
Look, 39,000 years ago was in the Tarantian Age right smack in the middle of the Late Glacial Maximum. These were cold blooded creatures. Not only could they not survived at that time, but had they, they would have been killed by Hominids of that period for food and tools and their bones used as tools and weapons. No such bones have ever been found with Neanderthals, Cro Magnons or Homo S. of that period. Believe whatever you want.
One would have thought there'd be a few cave paintings as well, at the least.
I've provided several throughout the thread. The OP is ment to spark discussion not proclaim victory

Even as you shoot down all attempts at discussion and claim victory with nothing but batshit crazy internet hogwash. USMB, like a MAGNET to attract political and scientific goobers and crackpots with no life from all over to spread their mental infarctions and booze-soaked deliriums.

Coming Next Week: Gramps latest theory on how the CIA set up explosives in the WTC and Russian-built bombs tied to the underside of the jets to take out the towers in an attempt to set the black man against the white so they could set free Charlie Manson so he could go back working with his CIA operative Chuck Barris at The Gong Show. News at 11. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No. No. Dinosaurs seen still alive and walking the streets of New York City!!! :spinner::spinner:
Sorry to burst your bubble....

You're not bursting any bubbles, Gramps. If you want to get your "education" from a You Tube video on the internet which includes the name and address of the one person peddling this hogwash which flies in the face of the entire paleontology discipline out of some morbid attraction to a conspiracy theory (I guess all the 9/11 ones are getting old?), why don't you write him? Did it ever occur to you that these tests (if even really being done) are all being skewed by the reuptake of C-14 already in the soil?

If there were any truth to this at all, it would be front page news, not some obscure You-Tube video.

Look, 39,000 years ago was in the Tarantian Age right smack in the middle of the Late Glacial Maximum. These were cold blooded creatures. Not only could they not survived at that time, but had they, they would have been killed by Hominids of that period for food and tools and their bones used as tools and weapons. No such bones have ever been found with Neanderthals, Cro Magnons or Homo S. of that period. Believe whatever you want.
I didn't get it from YouTube. My interest came from college lectures.

And lol at your MSM comment. The same MSM that LIES ALL THE TIME about modern politics is suddenly going to be honest about our history???

Not sure If you are ignorant, stupid or serious.

I use YouTube and the internet for a reference here because THAT IS ALL WE HAVE.

Stick your head back in the sand fool
I've provided several throughout the thread. The OP is ment to spark discussion not proclaim victory

Even as you shoot down all attempts at discussion and claim victory with nothing but batshit crazy internet hogwash. USMB, like a MAGNET to attract political and scientific goobers and crackpots with no life from all over to spread their mental infarctions and booze-soaked deliriums.

Coming Next Week: Gramps latest theory on how the CIA set up explosives in the WTC and Russian-built bombs tied to the underside of the jets to take out the towers in an attempt to set the black man against the white so they could set free Charlie Manson so he could go back working with his CIA operative Chuck Barris at The Gong Show. News at 11. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No. No. Dinosaurs seen still alive and walking the streets of New York City!!! :spinner::spinner:
Oh and GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK. I have NEVER subscribed to the 9-11 bullshit.

I've provided several throughout the thread. The OP is ment to spark discussion not proclaim victory

Even as you shoot down all attempts at discussion and claim victory with nothing but batshit crazy internet hogwash. USMB, like a MAGNET to attract political and scientific goobers and crackpots with no life from all over to spread their mental infarctions and booze-soaked deliriums.

Coming Next Week: Gramps latest theory on how the CIA set up explosives in the WTC and Russian-built bombs tied to the underside of the jets to take out the towers in an attempt to set the black man against the white so they could set free Charlie Manson so he could go back working with his CIA operative Chuck Barris at The Gong Show. News at 11. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No. No. Dinosaurs seen still alive and walking the streets of New York City!!! :spinner::spinner:
Oh and GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK. I have NEVER subscribed to the 9-11 bullshit.


Spoken like the true scholar you are. Go back to smoking your crack, Jack.
I've provided several throughout the thread. The OP is ment to spark discussion not proclaim victory

Even as you shoot down all attempts at discussion and claim victory with nothing but batshit crazy internet hogwash. USMB, like a MAGNET to attract political and scientific goobers and crackpots with no life from all over to spread their mental infarctions and booze-soaked deliriums.

Coming Next Week: Gramps latest theory on how the CIA set up explosives in the WTC and Russian-built bombs tied to the underside of the jets to take out the towers in an attempt to set the black man against the white so they could set free Charlie Manson so he could go back working with his CIA operative Chuck Barris at The Gong Show. News at 11. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No. No. Dinosaurs seen still alive and walking the streets of New York City!!! :spinner::spinner:
Fuck yourself.

I DEFY you to find a SINGLE CONSPIRACY thread or post from me on this site about 9-11 or Sandy Hook or any other such nonsense.

Do it and post it, apologize for such a stupid assertion or be put on ignore. YOUR CHOICE FAGGOT

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