Zone1 The Bible tells us that his world is evil and that it is ruled by Satan

I believe the proof of my own eyes. We live in a beautiful world, punctuated in places by ugliness and evil that we must struggle to correct -- Tikkun Olam.

But, the world itself contains more beauty that the human soul can even comprehend.
There are more things than the eyes that make a man Blind. Some can't see the forest because of the trees. Again........who to believe you or the Holy Spirit of Truth? I chose door number 2, ".....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." -- Jos. 24:15

You are an agent of free one can make you believe anything you refuse to believe. Why do I believe....because no one can present any application of science or history actual that is capable of proving the Holy Scriptures to be untrue. The supernatural can't quantified by the physical laws of nature because its Superior to Nature. I can no more demonstrate how a recorded miracle takes place than you can prove it did not take place. But the Holy Scriptures contain only 120 such supernatural events over 39 Books of the O.T. and 27 in the N.T.....written by at least 40 different authors over a span of 1500 years over several continents, all in agreement in providing a path of salvation for mankind. From Genesis to Revelation.........applied science (not theory but actual facts/laws of physics) nor history actual can refute the 90+% of the Bible that is quantifiable. No one has proven in an objective fashion (actual facts) that gives any reasonable doubt of the Prima Facie evidence of eyewitness accounts found in the Bible (2 Peter 1:16)
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Let us pray.
Intelligent people learn from their mistakes and when something has not worked for a million consecutive times , a changed result for the next time looks bleak -- to put it politely .
Bit like pressing the electric light switch but forgetting to first obtain a mains connection .

Cult Christians are so gullible that they cannot take the hint .They keep pressing the switch and telling you that tomorrow will be different .
Intelligent people learn from their mistakes and when something has not worked for a million consecutive times , a changed result for the next time looks bleak -- to put it politely .
Bit like pressing the electric light switch but forgetting to first obtain a mains connection .

Cult Christians are so gullible that they cannot take the hint .
How am I a member of a cult when for the last 20+ years I have peacefully walked my path in search of peace while not hurting a fly?
Intelligent people learn from their mistakes and when something has not worked for a million consecutive times , a changed result for the next time looks bleak -- to put it politely .
Bit like pressing the electric light switch but forgetting to first obtain a mains connection .

Cult Christians are so gullible that they cannot take the hint .They keep pressing the switch and telling you that tomorrow will be different .
No Christian depends upon Tomorrow............there is no promise of tomorrow, we live one day at a time. We exist only through the grace of God that allows us to exist. Who knows? The Sun could go super nova in an over. Control is an illusion. Its a fool that says in his heart there is no Creator God (Ps.74:18). The proof of God is demonstrated through the things that are created (Romans 1:20-21)(void of any type of quantified application of Science). If you can present the objective evidence that proves that the Universe, Life, and all that exists comes from NOTHING, as suggested by men like Hawking.........I will become an atheist. Gravity is something rather than nothing. Start with nothing you end up with nothing, simply apply the laws of physics prove that something can be created void of a superior cause, then show us the objective evidence/law that proves the energy ball that supposedly exploded to create everything...........came from nothing it created itself.

This theory is based upon DOGMA..........
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Another fault of God, oh well.
If it's any consolation I wouldn't believe in your perception of God either. Eventually the irony of God putting himself on trial is gonna hit you. You put him on trial daily.
No Christian depends upon Tomorrow............there is no promise of tomorrow, we live one day at a time. We exist only through the grace of God that allows us to exist. Who knows? The Sun could go super nova in an over. Control is an illusion. Its a fool that says in his heart there is no Creator God (Ps.74:18). The proof of God is demonstrated through the things that are created (Romans 1:20-21)(void of any type of quantified application of Science). If you can present the objective evidence that proves that the Universe, Life, and all that exists comes from NOTHING, as suggested by men like Hawking.........I will become an atheist. Gravity is something rather than nothing. Start with nothing you end up with nothing, simply apply the laws of physics prove that something can be created void of a superior cause, then show us the objective evidence/law that proves the energy ball that supposedly exploded to create everything...........came from nothing it created itself.

This theory is based upon DOGMA..........
I fully know your cult details for a variety of reasons but I just love upsetting SC because he takes himself so seriously .
We actually live only in the moment , not even just for today . But that is a philosophical fine distinction which only becomes useful in other contexts and outside the scope of this chat .

And, imo, there is no Creator distinct from "us" , despite your assurance to the contrary ; if you take one alternative view( mine) which is that we are inextricably part of the Godhead from the beginning which is beyond our imagination and to the end -- equally unknowable .
The Source ( better label than God) became part knowable when energy was transformed into the Materium ( here )for reasons only the Source comprehends but possibly due to a mixture of boredom and vanity in our terms .
The energy requirement from Universe is to regain balance before the split occurred . That is , to reassemble the uncountable fragments which are us when in the Materium .
Details to be posted by Source if and when ready .Joke .

BTW . The" nothing "of Space is now known to be an energy repository .No empty space , no vacuum etc .
Satan and his dark, spiritual, forces, work against us to persuade us to sin and to reject God. God told us so. Let me show you.

1 John 5:19 esv
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

Ephesians 6:12 esv
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Satan has blinded many to the truth of God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 esv
In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

The world loves its own and hates those who are not of the world but who are, instead, of God.

John 15:19 esv
If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

1 John 2:15-17 esv
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

John 17:14 esv
I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Jesus despised the religious leaders of Jerusalem and told them they don't understand him because they are NOT "of God"

John 8:47 esv
Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.
Jesus calls for ALL of us to follow him, including YOU. :)

Matthew 7:7 esv
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Our infinitely loving and merciful father in Heaven sent Jesus to lead us out of darkness and death and into light and eternal life. Jesus is the good news of your salvation for eternity!

John 3:17 esv
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Is Satan as powerful as God then?
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
YHWH is weak. We know that. He/she/it tries to trick us with lies, pretending he/she/it is all powerful.
Hardly........even the angels were created with "free will" and the capacity to sin. God cast Satan and his angels/demons out of heaven. "For If God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until judgment." -- 2 Peter 2:4

"And war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon (satan), and the dragon and his angels fought, but did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.............." Revelation 12:7-8

Doesn't change the fact that your god refused to protect his "children" from a threat he created.

Your god decided to punish ALL humans in perpetuity for the sins of one of his creations and yet ignores the sin of an immortal being he created.

How any reasonably intelligent person can reconcile these types of contradiction in their religion is beyond me.
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Doesn't change the fact that your god refused to protect his "children" from a threat he created.

Your god decided to punish ALL humans in perpetuity for the sins of one of his creations and yet ignores the sin of an immortal being he created.

How any reasonably intelligent person can reconcile these types of contradiction in their religion is beyond me.

Talk about being ignorance concerning the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and still you attempt to instruct others in spite of your obvious ignorance of the Holy Bible? :dunno: Funny is it not........a non- believer attempts to tell everyone why they should not accept the obvious evidence of Creation.

God made no promises of protection as long as we live and exist in the natural plane of reality.......God has no respect of person. (Romans 2:11-16). The Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that exists WITHIN the believer, there never was a promise of a physical kingdom, only a kingdom without end. (Luke 17:21). Jesus informed everyone His kingdom/church was not of this world (John 18:36).

Anyone that declares that they speak to God and He answers them in any other fashion than what is recorded in the Holy Scriptures are liars or bat crap crazy. God speaks through His Son ..........the Christ today, and those words are recorded for all future generation (Hebrews 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:14-16). The knowledge found in the Holy Scriptures gives the Christian everything required that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) The scriptures provide the man of God instruction in Doctrine, proof, reproof and correction to make the man of God perfect in seeking Truth from Heaven (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Jesus promised only His hand picked be endowed with power from on high in order to establish doctrine for the infant N.T. church/kingdom of God. The world could not receive this supernatural gift from the HELPER (i.e., the Holy Spirit).........only the apostles to whom Jesus was addressing (John 14:15-18)

The reward of salvation promised to the world by God relates to the Spirit of man, not the flesh......the reward comes after this race called life is over, (1 Cor. 9:24). We are all running a race called life.....but even Paul feared that He might fail to maintain until the race was over. (God promised nothing extra....). Each person is challenged to work out his/her own salvation because it takes both works and faith, faith alone is dead. (James 2:17-26)

Its a fabrication to suggest that God will do anything special for any individual. Everyone.........the Christian and the non-believers share the same fate of this reality.....everyone deals in the same manner with this reality........we all love, suffer, experience joy, experience grief, and we all are born with an expiration (best if used by) date because all things natural were created to decay, even innocent children are born and die every day, it comes because there are natural laws of physics than can not be denied. Christians die every day.......and one day it will by MY TURN, and there is a time appointed for the Blues Man.

......even the entire universe as is demonstrated by the laws of physics, the universe is in a constant state of decay and is exhausting energy to the point that one day it will expire. We exist under the terms and regulations of the Laws of Physics that God implemented when the worlds were created.

The promises of God relate to the Spirit of man.......not the flesh. A Christian walks this life without fear, not because he/she thinks that are protected from the universal laws of this reality in a supernatural fashion......but the Christian knows through faith and hope that the reward of promise comes after the race of life is over. Jesus came to earth to feed the Spirit of man.......not the flesh. After the miracle of the fish and the loaves where Jesus provided food for over 5000 individuals.....the crowds followed Him.....and Jesus chastised them for not comprehending the reason that He came to earth..........

"Truly, truly, I say to you, you are not seeking after Me because you witnessed the signs (miracles of feeding the masses), but because you ate your fill of the loaves and fish. DO NOT WORK FOR THE FOOD THAT PERISHES (that which fuels the flesh) but for the food that endures to eternal life (of the Spirit), which the Son of Man (Jesus) will give to you." -- Matthew
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Talk about being ignorance concerning the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and still you attempt to instruct others in spite of your obvious ignorance of the Holy Bible? :dunno: Funny is it not........a non- believer attempts to tell everyone why they should not accept the obvious evidence of Creation.

God made no promises of protection as long as we live and exist in the natural plane of reality.......God has no respect of person. (Romans 2:11-16). The Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that exists WITHIN the believer, there never was a promise of a physical kingdom, only a kingdom without end. (Luke 17:21). Jesus informed everyone His kingdom/church was not of this world (John 18:36).

Anyone that declares that they speak to God and He answers them in any other fashion than what is recorded in the Holy Scriptures are liars or bat crap crazy. God speaks through His Son ..........the Christ today, and those words are recorded for all future generation (Hebrews 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:14-16). The knowledge found in the Holy Scriptures gives the Christian everything required that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) The scriptures provide the man of God instruction in Doctrine, proof, reproof and correction to make the man of God perfect in seeking Truth from Heaven (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Jesus promised only His hand picked be endowed with power from on high in order to establish doctrine for the infant N.T. church/kingdom of God. The world could not receive this supernatural gift from the HELPER (i.e., the Holy Spirit).........only the apostles to whom Jesus was addressing (John 14:15-18)

The reward of salvation promised to the world by God relates to the Spirit of man, not the flesh......the reward comes after this race called life is over, (1 Cor. 9:24). We are all running a race called life.....but even Paul feared that He might fail to maintain until the race was over. (God promised nothing extra....). Each person is challenged to work out his/her own salvation because it takes both works and faith, faith alone is dead. (James 2:17-26)

Its a fabrication to suggest that God will do anything special for any individual. Everyone.........the Christian and the non-believers share the same fate of this reality.....everyone deals in the same manner with this reality........we all love, suffer, experience joy, experience grief, and we all are born with an expiration (best if used by) date because all things natural were created to decay, even innocent children are born and die every day, it comes because there are natural laws of physics than can not be denied. Christians die every day.......and one day it will by MY TURN, and there is a time appointed for the Blues Man.

......even the entire universe as is demonstrated by the laws of physics, the universe is in a constant state of decay and is exhausting energy to the point that one day it will expire. We exist under the terms and regulations of the Laws of Physics that God implemented when the worlds were created.

The promises of God relate to the Spirit of man.......not the flesh. A Christian walks this life without fear, not because he/she thinks that are protected from the universal laws of this reality in a supernatural fashion......but the Christian knows through faith and hope that the reward of promise comes after the race of life is over. Jesus came to earth to feed the Spirit of man.......not the flesh. After the miracle of the fish and the loaves where Jesus provided food for over 5000 individuals.....the crowds followed Him.....and Jesus chastised them for not comprehending the reason that He came to earth..........

"Truly, truly, I say to you, you are not seeking after Me because you witnessed the signs (miracles of feeding the masses), but because you ate your fill of the loaves and fish. DO NOT WORK FOR THE FOOD THAT PERISHES (that which fuels the flesh) but for the food that endures to eternal life (of the Spirit), which the Son of Man (Jesus) will give to you." -- Matthew
Man was cast out of paradise for a single transgression.
Your god created Satan and refuses to protect his mortal creations from an immortal predator.

It ain;t rocket science. In fact all religions are based on the same principles. Fear and greed.
Man was cast out of paradise for a single transgression.
Your god created Satan and refuses to protect his mortal creations from an immortal predator.

It ain;t rocket science. In fact all religions are based on the same principles. Fear and greed.

You need protection from no one but YOURSELF.

Christianity is based upon LOVE and TRUTH...not fear. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son........" -- John 3:16-17 Free will is the gift that makes Man like God in being able to know good from evil. Men are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). God is a spirit (John 4:24). Its man's spirit that reflects the image of God because man's spirit is eternal.

As you stated, IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE, its you who decides to feed the flesh or the spirit, the one you feed the most is the one that dominates. "For the one who sows flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life." -- Gal. 6:8

The decision is yours, "If you love Me, Keep My commandments......." John 14:21 God does not produce evil through His commandments/laws.........He simply identifies sin through the law, its man that decides to engage in evil or righteousness. (Genesis 6:6-7) Everyone.....saint and sinner lives in the real world that is regulated by the laws of physics (Natural Laws)....children die every day, people are murdered every day, people die in accidents every day, people die in wars every day, no one..........the Christian or the servants of evil can be protected from the free will decisions of others or from natural happenstances. There is no promise of such from God. EVERYONE DIES UNDER THE TERMS OF THE N.T. COVENANT.......the reward is for the spirit of man after the race called life is over (1 Cor. 9:24)

Again.........simply present the book, chapter and verse where God promised man to protect man from their own free will decisions. You are the master of your own fate........its you that directs your fate through the decisions/judgments you make on a daily basis, God promised you nothing extra. God has provided to you everything that pertains to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

God would have all men come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation, "God desires all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." -- 1 Tim. 2:4
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You need protection from no one but YOURSELF.

Christianity is based upon LOVE and TRUTH...not fear. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son........" -- John 3:16-17 Free will is the gift that makes Man like God in being able to know good from evil. Men are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). God is a spirit (John 4:24). Its man's spirit that reflects the image of God because man's spirit is eternal.

As you stated, IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE, its you who decides to feed the flesh or the spirit, the one you feed the most is the one that dominates. "For the one who sows flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life." -- Gal. 6:8

The decision is yours, "If you love Me, Keep My commandments......." John 14:21 God does not produce evil through His commandments/laws.........He simply identifies sin through the law, its man that decides to engage in evil or righteousness. (Genesis 6:6-7) Everyone.....saint and sinner lives in the real world that is regulated by the laws of physics (Natural Laws)....children die every day, people are murdered every day, people die in accidents every day, people die in wars every day, no one..........the Christian or the servants of evil can be protected from the free will decisions of others or from natural happenstances. There is no promise of such from God. EVERYONE DIES UNDER THE TERMS OF THE N.T. COVENANT.......the reward is for the spirit of man after the race called life is over (1 Cor. 9:24)

Again.........simply present the book, chapter and verse where God promised man to protect man from their own free will decisions. You are the master of your own fate........its you that directs your fate through the decisions/judgments you make on a daily basis, God promised you nothing extra. God has provided to you everything that pertains to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

God would have all men come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation, "God desires all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." -- 1 Tim. 2:4

Even Christianity is based on fear and greed.

Greed for eternal rewards and fear of damnation
Even Christianity is based on fear and greed.

Greed for eternal rewards and fear of damnation

It appears that the only one living in fear is YOU. You have no hope..........enjoy what little time you have in the flesh, that's all you will ever have. It looks like you either quit the race to early or never entered race. One must race to receive the prize (1 Cor. 9:24) You cannot find the false doctrine that you are propagating within the actual content of the Holy Scriptures.

Christianity is based upon the revelations that are located only in one place........the Holy Scriptures. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God". -- Rom. 10:17 No one is born with an innate must "Study to show thyself approved of God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

As far as being damned............the entire world is damned through willful sin, not one is worthy of salvation, "As it is written, there is not one that is righteous, no, not one......................." -- Rom. 3:10

Mankind has been in a state of damnation since Adam/Eve introduced sin into the world, "Whereas by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world; and death by sin......." -- Rom. 5:12
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It appears that the only one living in fear is YOU. You have no hope..........enjoy what little time you have in the flesh, that's all you will ever have. YouTube
Christianity is based upon the revelations that are located only in one place........the Holy Scriptures. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God". -- Rom. 10:17 No one is born with an innate must "Study to show thyself approved of God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

As far as being damned............the entire world is damned through willful sin, not one is worthy of salvation, "As it is written, there is not one that is righteous, no, not one......................." -- Rom. 3:10

Mankind has been in a state of damnation since Adam/Eve introduced sin into the world, "Whereas by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world; and death by sin......." -- Rom. 5:12
Why would I have any fear? I don't subscribe to religious dogma.

Nor do I worship gods that are cruel and capricious

You live in fear of death so you cling to the false promise of everlasting life in paradise.
Why would I have any fear? I don't subscribe to religious dogma.

Nor do I worship gods that are cruel and capricious

You live in fear of death so you cling to the false promise of everlasting life in paradise.
You are the only one that continually brings up the subject. Its much like the RACE BAITERS.......always the first to approach the subject, they do as much to make a living from the gullible, men like Jesse Jackson, Brother Al Sharpton, the majority of the left wing politicians, etc. Your words prove that fear exists within you.
You are the only one that continually brings up the subject. Its much like the RACE BAITERS.......always the first to approach the subject, they do as much to make a living from the gullible, men like Jesse Jackson, Brother Al Sharpton, etc. Your words prove that fear exists within you.
I'm not afraid that human beings are mortal. It happens to be an irrefutable fact.

Religion is nothing but a balm for the things people fear the most. It's the reason humans invented religion in the first place.

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