The Bible vs Liberalism

8. As part of the definition of God is omniscienceā€¦.one must suppose that when God created a being with free will, He knew he was not creating a puppet from whom He should expect total obedience.

There is a subtext, a subtlety, in the Bible that suggests that God expects more from his creation than simply a robot-like following of orders. Yes, the orders are there, but even when they are not obeyed, there is no swift and unalterable punishment that follows the breaking of the rules.

Genesis 2:17, "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die. ... ā€œ

Some translations say ā€˜ā€¦on that dayā€¦ā€™ but it didnā€™t happen. Of course, mortality replaced immortality for the couple, but it appears that God understood the key element he had introduced into his creations: free will.

So, if mankind is blessed with free will, making decisions as to what one should do requires knowledgeā€¦.hence, letting the couple slide for eating from the tree of knowledge.

Good news for those of us who donā€™t always toe the line.
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. Andā€¦make no mistake: government is their god.

2. ā€œEven if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.ā€ America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now letā€™s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

ā€œSin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.ā€

ā€œThe statement ā€œyet you can be its masterā€ is one of the Torahā€™s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behaviorā€¦.actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselvesā€”is to first recognize that we ā€œcan be its master.ā€ Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ā€˜personal responsibility.ā€™

Liberals have a very different view,ā€¦put your faith in government.
ā€œ We try and discourage people from self help." ā€“ Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
ā€œThat many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.ā€ Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7ā€¦ be its master ā€¦is the recognition of Godā€™s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.

So why didn't God like vegetables? So God, who is all wise, committed dissention among families.

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You've linked to the OP, which is about the free will gifted to human beings, and you post

"So why didn't God like vegetables?"

I believe we now have conclusive evidence that you are, intellectually,.......a vegetable. out for the Jolly Green Giant, y'hear!

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.
He-he! "You are, intellectually,........a vegetable". Priceless and spot on.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.

Far worse is the Liberal occupation of the schools.

The get them from practically infancy.

The result is what we see on the board.
9. One of the characteristics assigned to the definition of God is that He can see into the future, and know what will happen. This is a part of the view that God is outside of ā€˜time.ā€™ This is in Dennis Pragerā€™s new book, ā€œThe Rational Bible.ā€

ā€œā€¦a Creator of the universeā€¦. nothing preexisted Genesis 1:1. ā€¦ only God can create from nothing.ā€

ā€¦everythingā€”with the exception of Godā€”has a beginning. Prior to Godā€™s creating, there was nothing. That includes time. Thanks to Einstein, we know that time, too, had a beginning. God, therefore, also created time, which means God exists not only outside of nature but outside of time. God precedes time and will outlive time.


6.6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth God regretting something He had done seems to be incompatible with omniscience. If God knows everything, how could He ā€œregretā€ anythingā€”let alone any- thing He Himself had done? Doesnā€™t omniscience mean God knows what will hap- pen? The traditional Jewish solution to this apparent contradiction was to assert ā€œeverything is foreseen, yet permission [free will] is givenā€ (ha-kol tzafuey vā€™hareshut nituna). ā€œ

This means God gives us free will, that is freedom of choice, and the result is an infinite number of possibilities. While His hope is that each individual chooses the correct path, the story of Noah and the destruction means that humans were endowed with the ability to go against Godā€™s will.

We witness it in headlines on a daily basis.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.

Far worse is the Liberal occupation of the schools.

The get them from practically infancy.

The result is what we see on the board.

Better than lame Home Schools
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. Andā€¦make no mistake: government is their god.

2. ā€œEven if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.ā€ America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now letā€™s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

ā€œSin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.ā€

ā€œThe statement ā€œyet you can be its masterā€ is one of the Torahā€™s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behaviorā€¦.actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselvesā€”is to first recognize that we ā€œcan be its master.ā€ Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ā€˜personal responsibility.ā€™

Liberals have a very different view,ā€¦put your faith in government.
ā€œ We try and discourage people from self help." ā€“ Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
ā€œThat many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.ā€ Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7ā€¦ be its master ā€¦is the recognition of Godā€™s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
I had a post a few years back;
They have no concious to be sick over, it's because people of progressive liberal views or radicalized views often times live by the creed of whatever feels good for them and benefits them without regard for others, as in no consideration for others welfare by their acts that are to appease them and selfishly all about their pleasure or feelings(human ego).
So they vote for what helps them, disregarding the whole and tell people what they want to hear (to be popular) rather then what they need to hear (which is usually unpopular).
I guess the present breakdown they are having is proof that it needs to be their way or no-one gets their way=selfish. It's ok for others to have to "accept the results", but not them. So they hold their breath and throw tantrums, like a selfish child who always needs their way, because they have yet to learn rhat the world does not revolve around them and their selfish means.
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. Andā€¦make no mistake: government is their god.

2. ā€œEven if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.ā€ America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now letā€™s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

ā€œSin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.ā€

ā€œThe statement ā€œyet you can be its masterā€ is one of the Torahā€™s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behaviorā€¦.actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselvesā€”is to first recognize that we ā€œcan be its master.ā€ Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ā€˜personal responsibility.ā€™

Liberals have a very different view,ā€¦put your faith in government.
ā€œ We try and discourage people from self help." ā€“ Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
ā€œThat many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.ā€ Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7ā€¦ be its master ā€¦is the recognition of Godā€™s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
I had a post a few years back;
They have no concious to be sick over, it's because people of progressive liberal views or radicalized views often times live by the creed of whatever feels good for them and benefits them without regard for others, as in no consideration for others welfare by their acts that are to appease them and selfishly all about their pleasure or feelings(human ego).
So they vote for what helps them, disregarding the whole and tell people what they want to hear (to be popular) rather then what they need to hear (which is usually unpopular).
I guess the present breakdown they are having is proof that it needs to be their way or no-one gets their way=selfish. It's ok for others to have to "accept the results", but not them. So they hold their breath and throw tantrums, like a selfish child who always needs their way, because they have yet to learn rhat the world does not revolve around them and their selfish means.
Irony Alert!!!

To say liberals "often times live by the creed of whatever feels good for them and benefits them without regard for others" is patently absurd. The Right is always accusing the Left of being overly generous to the poor with their taxes so it would seem more accurate to say it is conservatives that often times live by the creed "I got mine, get your own" showing little regard for others.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
Actually I've been VERY lucky my whole life, so thanks. I don't know if the two have to go together but you're right I'm not a conservative.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
Meh, they just believe in one fewer god than you do.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
Meh, they just believe in one fewer god than you do.
Are you a commie who denies being a commie, who is planning on voting for one of the commie candidates in 2020?
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
Meh, they just believe in one fewer god than you do.
Are you a commie who denies being a commie, who is planning on voting for one of the commie candidates in 2020?
Depends on your definition of "commie". Seems to be anything you happen to disagree with. I certainly won't be voting for Trump or his ilk.
It really is incredible HOW many liberals these days are heathen, non-believing atheists. I think part of this has to do with our biased mainstream media that is constantly putting down Christianity and Christians. And of course, the brainwashed liberals believe this. Very sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
Meh, they just believe in one fewer god than you do.
Are you a commie who denies being a commie, who is planning on voting for one of the commie candidates in 2020?
The answer to both questions is most likely yes. It really IS astounding how MANY Lefties ARE atheists in this day and age. Astounding AND sad.
My heathen, non-believing atheism came from my own thoughts, knowledge, and logic. It never had anything to do with our biased mainstream media. It's more accurate to say it developed in spite of our biased mainstream media.
Good to know you're a non-believing heathen. Good luck with that. And I'm guessing you're PROBABLY not a conservative.
If you keep track, you will notice that atheists are lefties, and lefties are atheists. Many lefties will deny being atheists, but if you look a little harder you will see a false profit commie. I have come to see atheists, commies, and lefties as synonyms.
Meh, they just believe in one fewer god than you do.
Are you a commie who denies being a commie, who is planning on voting for one of the commie candidates in 2020?
The answer to both questions is most likely yes. It really IS astounding how MANY Lefties ARE atheists in this day and age. Astounding AND sad.
Well, I don't believe in state ownership over the means of production and I'm a property owner, so I'm not a communist. I'm not an atheist either. I doubt any of the official religions have it right though.

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