The Biden Admin Said It Left 100 Americans in Afghanistan. They Now Admit It’s Far More


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In off-the-record call with congressional staff, Biden admin says nearly 400 still stranded.
Joe is good at screwing Americans.

In off-the-record call with congressional staff, Biden admin says nearly 400 still stranded.
Joe is good at screwing Americans.

But, but, but, Orange Man Bad! Something about TRUMP! He didn't mean it when he said 100! IT'S ALL TRUMP!'S FAULT!!!!!!

psst, you weren't supposed to notice that.
According to Biden, we have 'turned the page' on those 450 Americans left behind with no plan to 'circle back'.

Biden doesn't give a damn about the allies or Americans he abandoned.

He doesn't care about the humanitarian crisis he has created or the unaccompanied children he is trafficking.

I'm not sure he knows where he is half the time as he continues to tell the same debunked Amtrak lie...
If that were Trump he's be the first coming of the anti-Christ and leftism would cry rivers.
If Trump were still POTUS all of our people, the friendlies and all the military equipment that was ours would have been out of the Stan way before the dead line. If that hadn't happened the lefty loons would be screaming like stuck pigs about what a "failure" Trump is.

They sure are a whiny bunch of asses.
In off-the-record call with congressional staff, Biden admin says nearly 400 still stranded.
Joe is good at screwing Americans.

I am pretty sure he isn't counting the ones he already got murdered.

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