The Biden Administration is Crashing Faster Than the Hindenburg

It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.
Carter WAS top tier, but Biden is a demented rapist & career criminal too anxious to grope & sniff & nap to actually function as president.

An utter fiasco, as anyone with a functioning brain could have easily anticipated.
Hopefully we can kick these filthy ass Democrats out of the House next year and can start the proceedings to impeach the sonofabitch.

If nothing else the shithead should be impeached for saying he would kill American Patriots with F-15s and nuclear weapons.

How anyone can support this imbecile is beyond my understanding.

What’s up next with his bumbling foul ups?
It's the binary mentality so many people have that we're all zeroes or ones.
As opposed to? Defendant and prosecutor it’s the country’s make up! Why would you feel the need to change it? Name the change! Give an example? Greatest country in the world. People die to come here. Binary? Hahaha
Groceries are back down, lumber and gas retreated in prices so I don't see any breakdown in society of a pollical regime.
Where the hell is that happening? Back down to what? 25% higher than before Bidumb instead of the initial 50% spike? That’s what you’re calling down?
Where the hell is that happening? Back down to what? 25% higher than before Bidumb instead of the initial 50% spike? That’s what you’re calling down?
How odd..I seem to be spending about the same....of food. Gas is up...but..even at $ ain't that bad.
It's kind of amusing to see all this scurrying about---my summer is going great!
It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.
and you were expecting something different from biden?
We had a good President but we allowed the election to be stolen
Now own your fuck up.
and you were expecting something different from biden?
We had a good President but we allowed the election to be stolen
Now own your fuck up.
I'm happy as a clam we're out of Afghanistan..and pleased that not one American has been killed. Biden is doing alright...and all the sturm und drang from the Right..just the price of doing business..these days.
Trump had years to get out of Afghanistan....years....he didn't because he knew that the Dems would do just what you're doing now. So he lost his nerve.
I'm happy as a clam we're out of Afghanistan..and pleased that not one American has been killed. Biden is doing alright...and all the sturm und drang from the Right..just the price of doing business..these days.
we were out of Iraq until we had to go back
another fucked up withdrawal.
Do it the right fucking way not the Obama biden way.
I'm happy as a clam we're out of Afghanistan..and pleased that not one American has been killed. Biden is doing alright...and all the sturm und drang from the Right..just the price of doing business..these days.
Trump had years to get out of Afghanistan....years....he didn't because he knew that the Dems would do just what you're doing now. So he lost his nerve.
This absolute cluster fuck makes you happy? Bidumb has just created another Iran. Good fucking job.

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