The Biden Administration is Crashing Faster Than the Hindenburg

That's an unprovem accusation

Hint, stay off left loon sites, they're dumbing you down

We know that acting AG Rosen refused to go along with a letter to claim falsely that the election was corrupt. His testimony is not a left wing site. The loon sites are the pro-Trump sites.
What are you even talking about? The Taliban’s rise in the country was inevitable regardless of WHEN the pullout happened. It wouldn’t matter if we waited 20 more years. The end result was the same.
The problem is the twentieth memorial will be with the taliban in charge of Afghanistan. Thanks Biden.
Happy to see it, but if they 25th him then comes the insufferable twat.
I'll take money she would be better at that job. I think she's conservative at heart, despite, the way she came up. Young enough to still see truth, like a kid.
Sometimes "I told you so" is so delicious that one doesn't care that it's impolite.

But don't worry if you didn't say that to someone today.

You'll have many, many more chances.
It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.

I certainly agree that we keep lowering the bar.

Maybe we should stop doing that before it's too late.
But, but, mean tweets....tolerance and inclusiveness FEELZ so much better now.
It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.

Technically, the Hindenburg caught fire, It did not "crash".

Nevertheless, your assessment of Joe BIn laDEN's administration is dead on!
I certainly agree that we keep lowering the bar.

Maybe we should stop doing that before it's too late.
Speaking of falling, Afghans hanging onto USAF aircraft taking off from Kabul are seen falling to their deaths.

Biden is the biggest fuck up this country has ever seen.

What a humiliating week for the US.
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That is how they are defending Kabul by landing on the Taliban fighters, killing them! I am sorry, but those people are proof of evolution in action!
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Biden is fucking up the whole world. time to impeach mfr. i swear all you leberals are just as at fault as he is. i would love to ship you all back bnazi germany and see how well you survie. take your furer biden and all his hincgmen with you.

OMG, your teachers must be really proud of you!

Can't you hire a third grader to write your posts for you?

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