The Biden Administration is Crashing Faster Than the Hindenburg

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The damage to this country is being done by the unvaccinated and Republican governors and state legislatures who put Americans at risk. You even want to put children in danger. Why? Because you are afraid of making Biden look good. Inflation is occurring for several reasons including the fact that the American economy is recovering faster than expected. Gas prices started rising when Trump was president thanks to the fact that he got OPEC+ to agree to production cuts. The so-called botched withdrawal started under Trump. Trump and Biden are jointly responsible.

Trump was the disaster not Biden. Trump is the worst President in history.
I’m not the one you need to convince. It’s the white suburban voters who defected to Biden last year in order to get rid of Trump who will go right back to the Republicans after seeing Biden has become Carter Part II: Electric Boogaloo
The border issues have become worse under Biden by any measurement, but because Joe Biden is president the media and Democrats don't weaponize the issue and have avoided it. By the standards they set under Trump, Biden is pretty much Hitler with concentration camps, which was commonly claimed when Trump was in office. Of course, saying this is stupid for either, but I didn't make the standard. This double standard just re-enforces the distrust people have with the media. It is well-earned mistrust, and can be supported every day with constant examples.

I would love for you to prove that knee-jerk summation.

We've learned that COVID spikes under pretty much all circumstances. It's spiked under lockdowns, mask mandates, and open society. There isn't some difference between them. It's spiking in the south now largely because people are staying more indoors during the summer months, and that's where it spreads the most.. indoors. Most scientists are predicting that once winter comes around, New York and the northern states will spike.

We need to start with the correct premise. There is no zero COVID. COVID is here, and it will spike. It's like the flu.

Meanwhile, just remember that the top 4 states in the COVID death rates are all heavily Democrat northeast states, heavy on shutdowns and masking pressure. You're a fool to believe these activist media folk who are trying to blame Florida for all that is evil in the world. Isn't it pretty obvious that they're just performing petty political attacks, using different standards because someone who they don't like is running the state? I mean.. it's obvious.

No, this president yanked us out like a fool, against all the advice he got from his military. He is responsible for it.. the terror, the massive loss of life, and the ceding of our grade A military weaponry to the Taliban by causing us to retreat from it. The call to suddenly retreat and leave the Afghan forces to get slaughtered without our support was made by Joe Biden. The way he did it was immoral and downright criminal. We set up the system to defend Afghanistan by arming and training them to fight on the ground in a way to be effective in concert with our air attacks. We suddenly pulled our air support, and without it the Afghans were F'd, and Joe Biden had to know it and yet still did it. This is the worst military botch I've seen in my life.

The coronavirus is hitting states with low vaccination rates the hardest. That encompasses most of the south. The Republican governor of Mississippi is quite correct to state that the surge is due to the unvaccinated. At the very least, a vaccinated person has much milder effects than someone unvaccinated. In terms of cases, Florida and Texas are 2 and 3. These are run by Republican governors. Texas and Florida are 3 and 4 in deaths with Texas being less than 600 deaths away from New York.

Donald Trump announced plans to withdraw and negotiated a deal with the Taliban. The RNC congratulated him for negotiating a peace treaty and his plans to withdraw. That treaty was not worth the paper it was written on. If Trump was still president the same thing would have happened. Adam Kinzinger was right when he blamed both Trump and Biden. If Trump was still President you probably would be blaming Pelosi for it.
Clinging to your precious January 6th Capitol Security failure I see.
You mean the Jan 6th attack on our capitol.
I’m not the one you need to convince. It’s the white suburban voters who defected to Biden last year in order to get rid of Trump who will go right back to the Republicans after seeing Biden has become Carter Part II: Electric Boogaloo

Suburban voters are not going to vote for a party that attacks their right to vote or one that refuses to take basic steps to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The governor of Arkansas admits he made a mistake in signing a bill to ban school mask mandates. How many children will die from this? If Biden had decided not to withdraw you would be calling him a warmonger.
Quit pretending you give a shit what actually happens to Afghan women. You’re so full of bullshit faux outrage lol
I never claimed to.

Just pointing out that you stupid liberal shitbags that push feminism and LBGTQ crap onto third world people just end up pissing them off and pushing them back further than they were in the first place.
It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.
US’s own intel put Taliban’s rise at weeks, not days. They surprised everyone.

This was Trump’s plan originally. He significantly reduced US forces in the country.

The rest of your bullshit is made up crap. The MAIN reason for COVID rates are retarded Americans who refuse to get vaccinated.

Here’s a question I know you can’t answer. What SHOULD Biden of done about the pandemic to keep infection rates down? Be specific. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
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I never claimed to.

Just pointing out that you stupid liberal shitbags that push feminism and LBGTQ crap onto third world people just end up pissing them off and pushing them back further than they were in the first place.
What are you even talking about? The Taliban’s rise in the country was inevitable regardless of WHEN the pullout happened. It wouldn’t matter if we waited 20 more years. The end result was the same.

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