The Biden Administration is Crashing Faster Than the Hindenburg

Add another 6 trillion to the national debt in 6 months also. W, 6 trillion in 8 years, O-8 trillion in 8 years, Trump 6 trillion in 4 years, biden-6 trillion in 6 months.

Since when did Republicans care about the deficit? Not when they were giving big tax breaks to the rich. Republicans want to even protect rich tax cheats.
It's only been seven months and we're seeing inflation rates at historic highs, gas prices at highs, real wages are falling, COVID is spiking all over again, illegals streaming across the border, and now the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan all while the president who was supposed to "build back better" is kept hidden from the press. This is what happens when you lower the bar. Biden is making Carter look top tier.

I'd just briefly mentioned in passing in another thread that the greater divide is among demmies now. Clearly it's getting harder for the principled within that demograph to support this administration.
They here here. Maybe the grocer in whatever redneck hell you call home feels like he's got you jber a barrel?

What? You drinking or snorting?

Gas is up a buck, groceries are up about 5%,...if they have what you're looking for.

You lied, got a smackdown
What ever helps you sleep at night. Right now, you're looking at a midterm bloodbath and you know it. Hell, you've got the governor of California at 50/50 odds he can survive his recall election next month in one of the most Democratic states in the country and his replacement could be Larry Elder for God's sake. You just had the governor of New York step down who was your party's darling just one year ago. Biden is imploding and he will take the whole party down with him.

Biden is not imploding. Republicans are imploding. Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are doing everything they can to help the coronavirus spread. Republicans are trying to do to our voting rights what the Taliban are doing to Afghanistan. This country is under attack from Republicans as they act like the American branch of the Taliban.
Biden is not imploding. Republicans are imploding. Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are doing everything they can to help the coronavirus spread. Republicans are trying to do to our voting rights what the Taliban are doing to Afghanistan. This country is under attack from Republicans as they act like the American branch of the Taliban.
Lame deflections from Bidens clusterfuck won’t work.
Not gonna work. Your Messiah owns this Cluster.

I suppose that is why the RNC scrubbed their website of a page that called Biden a warmonger and congratulated Trump for negotiating a peace agreement. I knew that was not worth the paper it was written on. Trump did it only to save his hide in the election. Trump and Biden are both responsible for this.
I suppose that is why the RNC scrubbed their website of a page that called Biden a warmonger and congratulated Trump for negotiating a peace agreement. I knew that was not worth the paper it was written on. Trump did it only to save his hide in the election. Trump and Biden are both responsible for this.
Not sure WTF the RNC website did to influence Biden on this………but you go Girl.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

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